Someone explain why we shouldn't eat legumes



  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Just nevermind.

    Sounds like you dont want actual opinions.

    No, she clearly wanted facts or reasons with some basis of merit if any exist. At that point she hadnt gotten any. Uninformed pinions arent worth a hill of beans.

    My opinion is uninformed? Funny.
  • travlinjess
    travlinjess Posts: 243 Member
    Google search 'Phytic Acid.'

    After a shocking dentist trip that revealed I needed 7 fillings (very unusual for me), I started evaluating my diet, as that was the only thing that had changed since my last dentist visit.

    That's when I began reading up on Phytic Acid. My diet consumed of lots of legumes and nuts. In addition, I wasn't getting enough Calcium and Vitamin C…which I think MAY have been a factor in the increase in cavities.

    At the end of the day, moderation and balance is key, not just for weight-loss, but overall health. Being skinny with no teeth isn't the look I'm going for ;) I still eat these things, but in lesser quantities, and I now track my Vitamin intake.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    Just nevermind.

    wow...a "nevermind" post after only 4 responses.


    ...for reasons i shouldnt eat the things i enjoy.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member

    so seeds are good and beans are bad? sounds too confusing to me
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I see no reason to eliminate anything...I eat grains (no allergies here)...same for dairy...and legumes are a staple in my household. I'm 40 Lbs down and I rock my fitness and have completely reversed all of my bad blood work...all the while not eliminating anything from my diet.

    There really is no legitimate reason to eliminate any of those things if you don't have an allergy or some other medical condition. I give Paleo some credit for getting people into more nutrient dense whole foods...but it is also pretty stupid in many other respects.
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    Legumes and grains are high in phytates which make them not only hard to digest but they also bind to other nutrients like magnesium, iron, and calcium rendering them useless to your body.

    "Phytic acid is the principal storage form of phosphorus in many plant tissues, especially the bran portion of grains and other seeds. It contains the mineral phosphorus tightly bound in a snowflake-like molecule. In humans and animals with one stomach, the phosphorus is not readily bioavailable. In addition to blocking phosphorus availability, the “arms” of the phytic acid molecule readily bind with other minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, making them unavailable as well. In this form, the compound is referred to as phytate.

    Phytic acid not only grabs on to or chelates important minerals, but also inhibits enzymes that we need to digest our food, including pepsin,1 needed for the breakdown of proteins in the stomach, and amylase,2 needed for the breakdown of starch into sugar. Trypsin, needed for protein digestion in the small intestine, is also inhibited by phytates.3" -Weston A. Price Foundation

    If you find you are not sensitive to grains and legumes then by all means eat them however, you should ensure that you soak, sour or sprout them prior to consumption to help neutralize the phytic acid content and make them more digestible. Many people have turned to the paleo/primal or traditional foods lifestyles because they are trying to heal gut and body inflammation which is triggered by grains, legumes, soy, and pasteurized dairy. Its not a lifestyle for everyone, I have become mostly pain free from following a traditional food lifestyle and using food as medicine rather than popping pills. Healing starts from within. It may not be the choice others in this thread have chosen but we all have our own path to walk and no one should be mocked or put down for the choices they make to better their bodies :)
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Ok, so I can see the reasoning behind eliminating grains and dairy, but I don't understand why eating lentils and beans would lead to negative health consequences. Someone who has gone paleo, please explain. I am curious.

    perhaps you are asking the wrong question...

    ...maybe you should asking, "why would anybody in their right mind follow such an arbitrary and silly regimen as paleo eating?"
  • D8vidFitness
    There are lots of myths out there, but legumes have great nutrients in them, and for the price, it's a must have in our diets! Paleo diet isn't for everyone, they tell you what you should and shouldn't eat, but they forget to mention their very own "re-feed" day, where they'll usually "cheat" or pig-out high amounts of complex carbs to sustain them till the next week where they can have a cheat day again.

    If legumes isn't your thing, try eating brown rice

    Good luck!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    The theory is that paleo man didn't eat beans or grains. People want to return to a "healthier" way of eating. I am sure in my heart that real paleo humans ate whatever was available. Humans are omnivores who will eat almost anything. That said, there are very good reasons for some people to avoid certain foods. I am lactose intolerant and can't have milk or butter without a nasty tummy ache. DH is diabetic and needs to avoid foods that are high on the glycemic index, such as white rice. We have always had a meat heavy diet, and have been overweight because we ate too much. We still have a meat heavy diet because we both feel better that way, but since we're counting calories and eating less, we're losing weight. We do eat veggies and grains. DH eats beans and I avoid them because they upset my tummy. Everyone is different. You have to listen to your own body.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Ok, so I can see the reasoning behind eliminating grains and dairy, but I don't understand why eating lentils and beans would lead to negative health consequences. Someone who has gone paleo, please explain. I am curious.

    It doesn't matter whether one eats Paleo or not, they will not be able to explain with anything other than "a book or blog told me so".

    Statistically, the two healthiest diets (more people following them long term have good health) are vegetarian and Mediterranean. Both of those typically feature a lot of legumes. That one statistic alone argues they are not “unhealthy”.

    And there simply is no scientific evidence to prove otherwise.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Ok, so I can see the reasoning behind eliminating grains and dairy, but I don't understand why eating lentils and beans would lead to negative health consequences. Someone who has gone paleo, please explain. I am curious.

    It doesn't matter whether one eats Paleo or not, they will not be able to explain with anything other than "a book or blog told me so".

    Statistically, the two healthiest diets (more people following them long term have good health) are vegetarian and Mediterranean. Both of those typically feature a lot of legumes. That one statistic alone argues they are not “unhealthy”.

    And there simply is no scientific evidence to prove otherwise.

    Wrong, wrong, and wrong.

    A vegetarian is the healthiest diet? Why am I even responding to this....
  • EatingWellToo
    EatingWellToo Posts: 21 Member
    Our "ancestors" also had not achieved our level of brain evolution .... I believe there is a correlation between brain size/function and the commencement of human agriculture? Perhaps they also lived a hard-scrabble life of running after food instead of sitting in front of the tube over-consuming empty calories, or sitting in traffic breathing car exhaust. I would eat away on the legumes - a cup a day if you can do it! I'm a healthy small-boned 56, 5' 6", 130 pounds and I love my legume. They have helped me reduce blood sugar (A1C) and LDL cholesterol. While most diet regimes contain some good info, they are all fads; it's best not to be religious about any of them.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Ok, so I can see the reasoning behind eliminating grains and dairy, but I don't understand why eating lentils and beans would lead to negative health consequences. Someone who has gone paleo, please explain. I am curious.

    It doesn't matter whether one eats Paleo or not, they will not be able to explain with anything other than "a book or blog told me so".

    Statistically, the two healthiest diets (more people following them long term have good health) are vegetarian and Mediterranean. Both of those typically feature a lot of legumes. That one statistic alone argues they are not “unhealthy”.

    And there simply is no scientific evidence to prove otherwise.

    Wrong, wrong, and wrong.

    A vegetarian is the healthiest diet? Why am I even responding to this....

    I don't know why you do things, but statistically, yes it is. That is not wrong and is easily verified.

    Now, statistics are just that, and do not mean this is the healthiest diet for everyone. But it does mean that it's not an "unhealthy diet" in general.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,266 Member
    If you wanted Paleo only answers then you should join one of their hundreds of groups. Then you wouldn't have to hear answers that do not agree with your lifestyle. Because there is no real reason to stay away from legumes besides the fact that some random person decided they wanted to market a diet.
  • jrcrmr
    jrcrmr Posts: 31 Member
    Ok, so I can see the reasoning behind eliminating grains and dairy, but I don't understand why eating lentils and beans would lead to negative health consequences. Someone who has gone paleo, please explain. I am curious.

    It doesn't matter whether one eats Paleo or not, they will not be able to explain with anything other than "a book or blog told me so".

    Statistically, the two healthiest diets (more people following them long term have good health) are vegetarian and Mediterranean. Both of those typically feature a lot of legumes. That one statistic alone argues they are not “unhealthy”.

    And there simply is no scientific evidence to prove otherwise.

    Wrong, wrong, and wrong.

    A vegetarian is the healthiest diet? Why am I even responding to this....

    I don't know why you do things, but statistically, yes it is. That is not wrong and is easily verified.

    Now, statistics are just that, and do not mean this is the healthiest diet for everyone. But it does mean that it's not an "unhealthy diet" in general.

    "statistics can prove anything, forty percent of people know that"
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    Paleo diet isn't for everyone, they tell you what you should and shouldn't eat, but they forget to mention their very own "re-feed" day, where they'll usually "cheat" or pig-out high amounts of complex carbs to sustain them till the next week where they can have a cheat day again.
    um..................... what?
  • monbot
    monbot Posts: 97 Member
    Ok, so I can see the reasoning behind eliminating grains and dairy, but I don't understand why eating lentils and beans would lead to negative health consequences. Someone who has gone paleo, please explain. I am curious.

    It doesn't matter whether one eats Paleo or not, they will not be able to explain with anything other than "a book or blog told me so".

    Statistically, the two healthiest diets (more people following them long term have good health) are vegetarian and Mediterranean. Both of those typically feature a lot of legumes. That one statistic alone argues they are not “unhealthy”.

    And there simply is no scientific evidence to prove otherwise.

    Wrong, wrong, and wrong.

    A vegetarian is the healthiest diet? Why am I even responding to this....

    I don't know why you do things, but statistically, yes it is. That is not wrong and is easily verified.

    Now, statistics are just that, and do not mean this is the healthiest diet for everyone. But it does mean that it's not an "unhealthy diet" in general.

    "statistics can prove anything, forty percent of people know that"

    I'm not vegetarian at all, but I read something about this a while ago;

    ETA: I'm only really mentioning the worlds oldest dog. Didn't realise the article went on so much. Oh PETA, you did it again.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Ok, so I can see the reasoning behind eliminating grains and dairy, but I don't understand why eating lentils and beans would lead to negative health consequences. Someone who has gone paleo, please explain. I am curious.

    It doesn't matter whether one eats Paleo or not, they will not be able to explain with anything other than "a book or blog told me so".

    Statistically, the two healthiest diets (more people following them long term have good health) are vegetarian and Mediterranean. Both of those typically feature a lot of legumes. That one statistic alone argues they are not “unhealthy”.

    And there simply is no scientific evidence to prove otherwise.

    Wrong, wrong, and wrong.

    A vegetarian is the healthiest diet? Why am I even responding to this....

    I don't know why you do things, but statistically, yes it is. That is not wrong and is easily verified.

    Now, statistics are just that, and do not mean this is the healthiest diet for everyone. But it does mean that it's not an "unhealthy diet" in general.

    "statistics can prove anything, forty percent of people know that"

    I'm not vegetarian at all, but I read something about this a while ago;

    ETA: I'm only really mentioning the worlds oldest dog. Didn't realise the article went on so much. Oh PETA, you did it again.
    Yes, PETA can be safely ignored until they show any repeatable science that we can use that is not emotionally or politically charged.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Legumes and grains are high in phytates which make them not only hard to digest but they also bind to other nutrients like magnesium, iron, and calcium rendering them useless to your body.

    "Phytic acid is the principal storage form of phosphorus in many plant tissues, especially the bran portion of grains and other seeds. It contains the mineral phosphorus tightly bound in a snowflake-like molecule. In humans and animals with one stomach, the phosphorus is not readily bioavailable. In addition to blocking phosphorus availability, the “arms” of the phytic acid molecule readily bind with other minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, making them unavailable as well. In this form, the compound is referred to as phytate.

    Phytic acid not only grabs on to or chelates important minerals, but also inhibits enzymes that we need to digest our food, including pepsin,1 needed for the breakdown of proteins in the stomach, and amylase,2 needed for the breakdown of starch into sugar. Trypsin, needed for protein digestion in the small intestine, is also inhibited by phytates.3" -Weston A. Price Foundation

    If you find you are not sensitive to grains and legumes then by all means eat them however, you should ensure that you soak, sour or sprout them prior to consumption to help neutralize the phytic acid content and make them more digestible. Many people have turned to the paleo/primal or traditional foods lifestyles because they are trying to heal gut and body inflammation which is triggered by grains, legumes, soy, and pasteurized dairy. Its not a lifestyle for everyone, I have become mostly pain free from following a traditional food lifestyle and using food as medicine rather than popping pills. Healing starts from within. It may not be the choice others in this thread have chosen but we all have our own path to walk and no one should be mocked or put down for the choices they make to better their bodies :)

    Does turning peanuts into delicious, creamy butter count as neutralizing phytates?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Ok, so I can see the reasoning behind eliminating grains and dairy, but I don't understand why eating lentils and beans would lead to negative health consequences.

    Short answer: it doesn't.

    Ditto for dairy and grains. Especially grains, as we evolved eating those directly.