How do you intend to get through the feasting season?



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    If you don't like this sort of thread why read it. The title made it quite clear what it was about. Couldn't you have just ignored it rather than bother to tell me how such threads bore you. Will you not bother to read and reply to any New Year resolution threads or will you feel obliged to tell someone else who is relatively new to this site how bored you are by their threads too.

    Most people on this site are wonderfully supportive and I really appreciate them but there are a few who seem to feel it's ok to put other members down.

    To whom was this critique directed?

    (I want to add their name(s) to my "mean people" list so I know which members to ignore in the forums.)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    For reals, this is like the 47th thread today about this. I'll be feasting with MB.

    I am sure we'll be seeing these threads until January.

    And then we get the Resolutionists...

    ...and we'll long for the days of threads about holiday feasts.

    You mean you don't look forward to the hundred 1200 calorie threads, 10000 should I eat low carb threads, and various other piles of nonsense?
    I'm back, and this time, I'm serious!

    To get a jumpstart on my weight loss this time, I'm going to do a cleanse...

    ...and then eat as little as possible.

    Would a water fast be better? I've heard you can lose a lot of weight with a 40 day water fast...and it cleanses toxins from your body too.


    don't forget about the onslaught of raspberry ketones and cider vinegar threads that will most certainly be taking up a lot of band width...