lost 32 pounds 8 weeks confused



  • indianarunner76
    indianarunner76 Posts: 108 Member
    My breakfast is oatmeal with walnuts and 20gram protein shake. Lunch is brown rice with steak strips or grilled chicken strips. Smack apple & protein shake. Dinner normally spinach or other vegatables with grilled chicken. Water with every meal. I do take a calicum supplement

    I wouldn't worry about that rate of loss but do start to think about how you're going to eat when you're off the diet. This above looks very healthy but very repetitive and restrictive. The problem is sometimes we've been deprived of variety for so long, and are not prepared with 'rest of your life maintenance' type menus, and we regain because we eat totally unrestricted when not dieting. Try to find a good range of foods and menus you can still work with later.
  • indianarunner76
    indianarunner76 Posts: 108 Member
    You are exactly right. After about ten weeks the same foods are getting boring. I actually at Spaghetti with meat on Sunday which is my favorite meal that I haven't had well in 10 weeks. I was able to enjoy with pigging out and I didn't add any salt, so that is a positive.

    I'm started to add a little more variety over the past couple of weeks. I really love pasta, so twice a week at moderation. I usually have a much better run the next day when I do. I will definitely take your advice and expand my menu :)
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Maybe include a small side of whole wheat pasta as a side dish to some of those lunches and dinners, too? No reason to eat food you're sick of and only have food you love twice a week, if you can keep your portions small! There are protein-enriched pastas, too. I think I buy Barilla Plus. I have a kid who doesn't like the whole wheat kind but doesn't mind this.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    actually, a lot of people, myself included, see a larger than normal weight loss in the first month... just stuff / fluids stored in the body... anywhere from 10-20 pounds in the first month (depending on your starting weight ofcourse)... so really, the bulk of that weight was more than likely lost towards the beginning im guessing, and the loss will continue to slow as you get closer to your goal. for example, my first couple months looked like this...

    week 1- 8 pounds
    week 2- 5 pounds
    week 3- 3 pounds
    week 4- 3 pounds
    week 5- 3 pounds
    week 6- 2 pounds
    week 7- 2 pounds
    week 8- 2 pounds

  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    I do understand and researched the difference in lean muscle loss and fat loss. That is what I'm afraid I'm losing muscle. During cardio I feel great. Haven't been able to run in ten years so I look forward to it. Usually run thirty min and the bike the remaining thirty.

    you are not losing much of any lean body mass in the first 8 weeks of eating 1600 calories per day, with 50+ pounds to lose, don't worry about that... you are losing water and poop.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    I daresay if that was all I was eating I'd probably be losing weight a lot faster too but this is a marathon, not a sprint. Don't start something you can't keep up with for life. You said you're doing some strength training but you only mentioned cardio?? I would cut back to only 30min cardio and do some lifting the other 30... definately add some variety to your menu for sure. You don't have to cut carbs out of your diet forever... try to get them in earlier in the day so your body has time to burn it off.

    Great job though... high losses give you a great sense of accomplishment and the drive to keep going... just don't get discouraged when those numbers start getting smaller. Do you take measurements? I'm always more concerned that my body is getting visibly smaller than what the scale says... that's all that matters. Good luck!
  • indianarunner76
    indianarunner76 Posts: 108 Member
    Last two weeks I have lost 2.2 and 2.4 pounds so have slowed down.
  • indianarunner76
    indianarunner76 Posts: 108 Member
    I daresay if that was all I was eating I'd probably be losing weight a lot faster too but this is a marathon, not a sprint. Don't start something you can't keep up with for life. You said you're doing some strength training but you only mentioned cardio?? I would cut back to only 30min cardio and do some lifting the other 30... definately add some variety to your menu for sure. You don't have to cut carbs out of your diet forever... try to get them in earlier in the day so your body has time to burn it off.

    Great job though... high losses give you a great sense of accomplishment and the drive to keep going... just don't get discouraged when those numbers start getting smaller. Do you take measurements? I'm always more concerned that my body is getting visibly smaller than what the scale says... that's all that matters. Good luck!

    Thank you. I have cut down on cardio this week and adding more time in Strength training. I have lost 7.5 inches off my waist. I'm actually more excited fitting into old clothes then all the weight I have lost.

    Weight loss has slowed to 2.0 and 2.4 last two weeks, and I'm fine with that. I only have 11 pounds to go to I hit my goal, so I'm sure it will slow down fairly soon. I'm starting to add different foods past couple of weeks and actually had pasta today.

    Appreicate your comments.
  • indianarunner76
    indianarunner76 Posts: 108 Member
    actually, a lot of people, myself included, see a larger than normal weight loss in the first month... just stuff / fluids stored in the body... anywhere from 10-20 pounds in the first month (depending on your starting weight ofcourse)... so really, the bulk of that weight was more than likely lost towards the beginning im guessing, and the loss will continue to slow as you get closer to your goal. for example, my first couple months looked like this...

    week 1- 8 pounds
    week 2- 5 pounds
    week 3- 3 pounds
    week 4- 3 pounds
    week 5- 3 pounds
    week 6- 2 pounds
    week 7- 2 pounds
    week 8- 2 pounds


    Wow your profile picture is an amazing transformation, congrats. I'm happy that there are other people that have lost continuous a decent amount per week. I have read hours and hours of posts here and the conclusion I draw is that no two people lose weight exactly the same and no two people lives are the same. And as long as you are doing something crazy, you have to find what works for you, in my opinion. :)
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    You can have tea--green tea. I make mine and chill it. But as for your weight, bump up your calories about 100 and see where you want to stay. You may have to adjust, but you will know where to go with the play.
  • indianarunner76
    indianarunner76 Posts: 108 Member
    You can have tea--green tea. I make mine and chill it. But as for your weight, bump up your calories about 100 and see where you want to stay. You may have to adjust, but you will know where to go with the play.

    Green tea is on my list :) to add.

    I figure there will some adjustments here and there in home stretch and during maintenance.