Any History Majors?

oroblar Posts: 68 Member
This is probably about as likely as finding Bigfoot, just wondering if there are any History nerds like myself out there?


  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    I was a history major, with a minor in art history.

    And am definitely not Bigfoot. :smile:
  • oroblar
    oroblar Posts: 68 Member
    Did you ever do anything with it career wise? I finished my Master's in it and am trying to crack into the online teaching world. Tough gig to get your foot in the door!
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,643 Member
  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    Sadly, no. Wanted to go to grad school and get my Masters in Art History, but was burnt out from school so took some time off after undergrad, and never went back.....

    I work in Human Resources/Benefits Administration now, completely not related.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member


    But yeah, History/English double major, certificate in Writing. English and writing? Teaching, writing gigs, etc. No issues.

    History... uh. I love history. I realized the PhD world was not what I wanted.

    So, good luck!
  • Yup. Rignt here. History Honours. Englilsh minor. Focused on Early Modern (particularly medical history in the Early Modern period) but did some honours seminars in the Holocaust, Darwinism, Art History, and Loyalism. Also did quite a bit of Medeival History during the first couple years of my degree :)
  • aelphabawest
    aelphabawest Posts: 173 Member
    My undergrad is in history, and I'm willing to bet Mr. Rude _john_ doesn't know how to write, analyze, or research at the same level as a history major.

    I work in immigration policy analysis and I actually use my history degree on a regular basis.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    It's nice to see people in the French fry boat with me ;-)

    English major here with speech communication minor, but due to electives I accrued as many History credits as I did in speech comm.

    I did several courses on Colonial Latin America and loved that time period!

    I work in an accounting function. Bleh!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    My undergrad is in history, and I'm willing to bet Mr. Rude _john_ doesn't know how to write, analyze, or research at the same level as a history major.

    I work in immigration policy analysis and I actually use my history degree on a regular basis.

    Well, he's my friend--so, NO NEED TO ATTACK. I was joking, he was joking, etc. etc.

    Are we going to share our concentrations? For history, I focused primarily on Holocaust and early American-history, with several tutorials in the history of politics and religion. My true passion lies in European, 1500-1848 (gimme dem revolutions) that I've just been reading and researching about since I was a child.

    I TA'd for one of the premier Holocaust historians in the country who founded U of M's Voice/Vision Holocaust Archive (it's free, if you're interested; a vast collection of audio and transcripted accounts from survivors). Unfortunately, he passed away this summer, and I'm still not quite over it.

    Despite all this, I wrote my honors thesis on the History of the Young Adult Novel, combining it with my English degree. JACK OF ALL TRADES.

    ETA: I worked as a teacher for both special needs and honors middle school students for several years before becoming an editor/writer at a metro-Detroit newspaper (which I currently do).
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,643 Member
    My undergrad is in history, and I'm willing to bet Mr. Rude _john_ doesn't know how to write, analyze, or research at the same level as a history major.

    I work in immigration policy analysis and I actually use my history degree on a regular basis.

    I was just being a (derrick). I had lawyers in mind when I posted that...

    I'm OK at doing research....just OK though...
  • oroblar
    oroblar Posts: 68 Member
    My work focuses on American History with a specialty in American Military History. The American Civil War is my major focus and I wrote my thesis on Stonewall Jackson and his religiosity. It is amazing how many different areas there are in History that one can focus on. People hear I am a history major and ask what I know about Ghenghis Kahn, Alexander the Great, etc, and if it doesn't fall in my realm my answer is .... Not Much. I always get a kick out their response of "But you have a Master's in History, why don't you know". I currently am an associate historian at Belle History and have done a few projects involving writing histories for companies. Currently my full time job is an account manager... Ugh. Hopefully my non-stop barrage of CV's to Universities will pay off.
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    I'm not a History Major, but I am getting my undergraduate degree in Anthropology, Minor in Indigenous Studies. I always had an interest in history, but moreso history of ancient cultures - hence what initially brought me into anthropology.

    So I guess I am Bigfoot. You found me...practicing my "would you like fries with that."

    :laugh: Just kidding. I'm aware my degree is "useless" but I already have just under a year of federal government experience under my belt that I may not have gotten were it not for my studies and motivation to go somewhere with it, so here's to hoping that helps career wise once I graduate. Honestly, if you have enough perseverance you can find a job in or related to your field. It just takes time and effort.
  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    My concentration was European History, specifically the Renaissance and Reformation. I enjoyed my history classes but loved my art history classes even more.

    My senior thesis was on art and how it was used to communicate and educate religion and faith from the Middle Ages through the Refomation.

    My favorite paper I wrote was for one of my art classes, debating the topic of nude vs naked when it comes to art.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I was a history major, with a minor in art history.

    And am definitely not Bigfoot. :smile:

    Oh cool, so a degree in Unemployment?
  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    I was a history major, with a minor in art history.

    And am definitely not Bigfoot. :smile:

    Oh cool, so a degree in Unemployment?

    Actually no. I head up the Benefits Adminsitration and Payroll Dept for a larger financial institution in our metropolitan area. Just because I'm not using my degree and the specific knowledge I learned while at school, does not mean that I am unemployed or not successful in what I do.
  • Mac_X
    Mac_X Posts: 110 Member
    I have my Bachelors in History.....and yes, we are few and far between and almost none of us work in anything related to history....
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    History PhD here...
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I have my degree in History with an emphasis in Ancient Greece.

    I, however, was not lucky enough to find a job in my field and work for a software company. I do find though that the skills I learned through acquiring my degree (research, data collection, writing etc) have all come in handy.
  • lafilleavectoi
    lafilleavectoi Posts: 125 Member
    Finally some recognition! I majored in History, with a minor in Women and Gender Studies. Currently working in Law, though.
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    I was a history major, with a minor in art history.

    And am definitely not Bigfoot. :smile:

    Oh cool, so a degree in Unemployment?

    Actually no. I head up the Benefits Adminsitration and Payroll Dept for a larger financial institution in our metropolitan area. Just because I'm not using my degree and the specific knowledge I learned while at school, does not mean that I am unemployed or not successful in what I do.
