I hate eating in the morning?

Hey...I was just wondering....Is is bad to not eat till around 2-3 every day?
I always hit the calories that I need...I just don't start eating till around 2 or 3pm...
Is this unhealthy? I've been maintaining fine doing this but I don't want to screw up my system any more than it already is...


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    no, its fine
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    It's fine. You are not screwing up anything.
  • Gonzafitness
    It perfectly fine to do. I do It every day with IF!
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    I do it every day with IF too. Yes, it's completely fine and not unhealthy.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    personal preference is the key, meal frequency really has no bearing as long as you are adhering to your caloric intake and hitting your macros...... Best of Luck
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I probably wouldn't last till 2pm, but it's fine. I do it, but usually I start at 12pm.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    I probably wouldn't last till 2pm, but it's fine. I do it, but usually I start at 12pm.

    Yeah, but OP looks really young - she probably sleeps later than you do. :wink:

    OP, I eat several hours after I wake up. Just get enough food - timing doesn't matter.
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    It's ok to wait. I'm wondering though, how your system is "screwed up" with reference to what you mean by "more than it already is"?
  • sr72090
    Eat when you feel like it. Shouldn't feel like a chore :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Hey...I was just wondering....Is is bad to not eat till around 2-3 every day?
    Not at all
    I always hit the calories that I need...I just don't start eating till around 2 or 3pm...
    That's fine
    Is this unhealthy? I've been maintaining fine doing this but I don't want to screw up my system any more than it already is...
    It's agnostic. You will not screw up your system.

    Eat when it makes sense based on appetite, adherence, lifestyle and energy levels.
  • CharChary
    CharChary Posts: 220 Member
    Nah, some days I just have tea or coffee in the morning because I'm not feeling hungry. It actually helps me out a bit because I have more calories to work with later on in the day so I don't feel famished by like 9 pm! I haven't had any problems functioning and if you haven't, don't worry about it. Some people just wake up STARVING and others just don't. We happen to be those that don't.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    Everyone on here will tell you it is fine. No, it isnt. Studies have proven that eating breakfast revs meatbolism turns the furnace on. Read the studies, breakfast eaters are thinner and have 33 percent less waist circumfrence. So, you will hear ""time does not matter, IIFYM. Do some research google breakfast eaters vs non breakfast eaters. That being said, if you dont want to, dont.
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    Depends what you want to do till 2 or 3 pm. If you're just sitting about, you can probably get by with just water. If you plan on being active, you'll need fuel to burn, so eat.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Everyone on here will tell you it is fine. No, it isnt. Studies have proven that eating breakfast revs meatbolism turns the furnace on. Read the studies, breakfast eaters are thinner and have 33 percent less waist circumfrence. So, you will hear ""time does not matter, IIFYM. Do some research google breakfast eaters vs non breakfast eaters. That being said, if you dont want to, dont.
    Metabolism doesn't switch off (unless you die in your sleep) so you can't switch it on, it's on 24/7.

    Please post these studies you refer to - you may well find some interesting correlations (not causations). The biggest one is most likely that people consuming more calories get fatter! Which brings people to calorie counting websites like MFP....
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Everyone on here will tell you it is fine. No, it isnt. Studies have proven that eating breakfast revs meatbolism turns the furnace on. Read the studies, breakfast eaters are thinner and have 33 percent less waist circumfrence. So, you will hear ""time does not matter, IIFYM. Do some research google breakfast eaters vs non breakfast eaters. That being said, if you dont want to, dont.

    Holy bro batman.

    and lol at meatbolism turning the furnace on.

    What studies...ones that show a causation effect...not a correlation...coz, logging and that shiz.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Hey...I was just wondering....Is is bad to not eat till around 2-3 every day?

    No, it's not bad. Breakfast is a thoroughly modern invention, anyway.

    Just make sure your overall intake provides the fuel and nutrients you need.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Read the studies, breakfast eaters are thinner and have 33 percent less waist circumfrence.

    That is clearly horse ****. 33% less on a 36 inch waist is a 24 inch waist, most men couldn't get down to that number after 4 years in a concentration camp.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I don't eat till about 3 or 4pm every day (except my fasting days) anyway. Your body may actually thank you for doing it. You are actually doing 16:8 when you think about it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Everyone on here will tell you it is fine. No, it isnt. Studies have proven that eating breakfast revs meatbolism turns the furnace on. Read the studies, breakfast eaters are thinner and have 33 percent less waist circumfrence. So, you will hear ""time does not matter, IIFYM. Do some research google breakfast eaters vs non breakfast eaters. That being said, if you dont want to, dont.
    Where are the peer reviewed studies that prove breakfast "jump starts" metabolism? Not an article, a blog, anecdotes or opinion polls, but actual peer reviewed clinical evidence.
    Hate to tell you that LOTS of people that eat breakfast are also very overweight and obese. You are correlating "thinner" people who eat breakfast vs overweight/obese people who don't. Guarantee you that correlations can be found if the two were reversed.
    Research DOESN'T mean "google it" and pick the best evidence to back your opinion. It means looking OBJECTIVELY at actual peer reviewed studies.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition