I hate eating in the morning?



  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    If your first meal is 2pm...its still breakfast ;)
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    IMO you should never eat if you don't feel hungry. IF is a good way to eat for a lot of people, and works well for me. I do 16:8 most days, and get all my calories in when I feel hungry, not when the clock or uninformed people tell me it is time to eat.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Everyone on here will tell you it is fine. No, it isnt. Studies have proven that eating breakfast revs meatbolism turns the furnace on. Read the studies, breakfast eaters are thinner and have 33 percent less waist circumfrence. So, you will hear ""time does not matter, IIFYM. Do some research google breakfast eaters vs non breakfast eaters. That being said, if you dont want to, dont.
    I'd like to check read one of those studies. Link?
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Yes, you are fine if you are eating enough, but not too much. When I was heavy I ate very little for breakfast, but made up for it with lunch and dinner. Now I eat a breakfast around 300 calories and the rest is a huge lunch and no dinner. Simply a preference, timing does not alter my daily intake. Calories are a rolling average, not a 24 hour ceiling or floor. Your body does not recognize time. It only reflects the choices made over a long term. I hope this makes sense.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    I hate eating in the morning too ... makes me feel sick ... I'm rarely hungry in the morning anyway ... It's actually nice, since I have to wait an hour after I take my thyroid meds before eating ...
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Everyone on here will tell you it is fine. No, it isnt. Studies have proven that eating breakfast revs meatbolism turns the furnace on. Read the studies, breakfast eaters are thinner and have 33 percent less waist circumfrence. So, you will hear ""time does not matter, IIFYM. Do some research google breakfast eaters vs non breakfast eaters. That being said, if you dont want to, dont.

    Holy bro batman.

    and lol at meatbolism turning the furnace on.

    What studies...ones that show a causation effect...not a correlation...coz, logging and that shiz.

    My 104 lb ... 2000+ (on exercise days) @ss begs to differ with the whole "you must eat breakfast thing" ... I also disagrees with the "don't eat before bed thing", as I actually eat in bed before going to sleep ...
  • healthykae
    healthykae Posts: 190 Member
    Force yourself. Make it a habit! You'll be so happy you did.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Force yourself. Make it a habit! You'll be so happy you did.

    Force yourself to eat when you're not hungry .. Yup, that's GREAT advice .. SMH ...
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I've never been a breakfast eater, and I rarely eat within the first couple hours of waking up. The most I can usually manage is a shake on the way to work. When I finally get around to eating my first meal of the day, it usually ends up being around noon or later. Doesn't seem to have affected my weight loss at all. :smile:
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I'll say it later.........
  • Keep_The_Laughter
    Keep_The_Laughter Posts: 183 Member
    Force yourself. Make it a habit! You'll be so happy you did.

    Trolling or for realsies? :noway:
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Force yourself. Make it a habit! You'll be so happy you did.

    Trolling or for realsies? :noway:

    LoLz ... The person that posted the original quote, just stated a thread about need help with her plateau ...

  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    The main problem people find with skipping breakfast is that they tend to overeat later because they find they are ravenous. Those people should be eating breakfast, or at least earlier in the day!

    If you just can't face food until later, that's not an issue as long as you aren't overeating to compensate. Which you don't sound like you are.
  • DeniseBarone
    DeniseBarone Posts: 80 Member
    I hate to say this, but it is a bad idea to wait till 2 or 3 to begin eating. You really need to have eaten most of your daily intake of calories by 2 to 3 p.m., as a matter of fact. If you consider it, it makes perfect sense. You're active all day long, and you've got the chance to burn calories all day long. You slow down in the evening, and that's when you should taper off the eating. Of course, once you're home, it's hard to resist temptation, so don't buy yummy things and store them at home.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I hate to say this, but it is a bad idea to wait till 2 or 3 to begin eating. You really need to have eaten most of your daily intake of calories by 2 to 3 p.m., as a matter of fact. If you consider it, it makes perfect sense. You're active all day long, and you've got the chance to burn calories all day long. You slow down in the evening, and that's when you should taper off the eating. Of course, once you're home, it's hard to resist temptation, so don't buy yummy things and store them at home.

    It actually does not make sense based on looking at net fat oxidation for the whole day and based on what actually happens.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Everyone on here will tell you it is fine. No, it isnt. Studies have proven that eating breakfast revs meatbolism turns the furnace on. Read the studies, breakfast eaters are thinner and have 33 percent less waist circumfrence. So, you will hear ""time does not matter, IIFYM. Do some research google breakfast eaters vs non breakfast eaters. That being said, if you dont want to, dont.

    peer reviewed journal articles that prove that the chemical reactions in our cells have an accelerator pedal and a furnace.... don't exist and won't ever exist

    seriously.... revs the metabolism? It's not an engine. You can't rev it. There's no furnace that you can turn on. metabolism = chemical reactions in the body. There are some hormonal responses that slow the metabolism in response to inadequate amounts of calories, but they won't kick in after a few hours. After a few weeks of insufficient calories maybe...

    Re studies showing breakfast eaters are thinner - that study was done on people who were not tracking calories. Skipping breakfast can lead to overeating later in the day because in some people it leads to more intense hunger, which leads to overeating, but if you're tracking calories and staying within your goal, eating breakfast or not eating breakfast makes no difference. Some people may find that eating breakfast makes it easier to stay on target for the rest of the day (i.e. they're the people who would overeat if they skipped breakfast and didn't track) but eating breakfast doesn't speed up the metabolism. Skipping it may heighten hunger signals in some people and lead to overeating, that is all.
  • Mr_Starr
    Mr_Starr Posts: 139 Member
    report from USDA


    "The report indicated that not eating breakfast has been associated with excess body weight, especially among children and adolescents. Consuming breakfast also has been associated with weight loss and weight loss maintenance, as well as improved nutrient intake. "

    lol--- but again, how long did it take to figure out that trans fats were bad for you? And in listening to talk radio, that is highly debatable and you cannot trust anything coming from the government or universitities.
  • Gonzafitness
    Calories in, Calories out. Time does not matter. I have scientific proof given from my....scale... ;)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    report from USDA


    "The report indicated that not eating breakfast has been associated with excess body weight, especially among children and adolescents. Consuming breakfast also has been associated with weight loss and weight loss maintenance, as well as improved nutrient intake. "

    lol--- but again, how long did it take to figure out that trans fats were bad for you? And in listening to talk radio, that is highly debatable and you cannot trust anything coming from the government or universitities.

    Again..correlation. People may tend to eat more ad lib if they do not eat breakfast - which is not relevant when tracking calories. It is also highly individual.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    report from USDA


    "The report indicated that not eating breakfast has been associated with excess body weight, especially among children and adolescents. Consuming breakfast also has been associated with weight loss and weight loss maintenance, as well as improved nutrient intake. "

    lol--- but again, how long did it take to figure out that trans fats were bad for you? And in listening to talk radio, that is highly debatable and you cannot trust anything coming from the government or universitities.

    again... was that study done on people who were tracking calories, or people who were just eating whatever, whenever?

    Skipping breakfast in some people leads to excessive hunger later in the day, which leads to overeating. Eating breakfast doesn't make your metabolism faster. If you are counting calories and staying within a calorie goal, then it does not matter whether you eat breakfast or not, in terms of whether you lose fat and how fast you lose fat. Some people will find that eating breakfast makes it easier for them to stick to their calorie goal, as it prevents heightened hunger signals later in the day. hunger = harder to stick to a calorie goal (but not impossible) - so it comes back to personal choice. If skipping breakfast makes you more hungry and it harder to stick to your calorie goal, then eat breakfast. If it doesn't and you don't want to eat breakfast, then don't.

    Also, for a lot of people who skip breakfast, they get hungry around 10am. If you have a planned meal that fits your overall eating plan (calories, macros) at this time (or whenever they start to feel hungry) then that'll also usually stop heightened hunger signals later in the day. The people in studies that were fatter were probably hungry a couple of hours before their scheduled lunch break (especially the children and adolescents as they're at school and can't eat until the scheduled lunch break) so would either be snacking on vending machine food in their coffee break (or recess) or by the time it gets to lunch they're starving and overeat. There's a HUGE difference between someone who is planning their meals and sticking to a calorie goal and planning to eat when they start to feel hungry in the day rather than forcing themselves to eat first thing in the morning when they're not hungry, and someone who's just eating whatever, whenever and skips breakfast because they get up too late and had to rush out the door without eating anything.