YourTea (Tiny Tea) Results?



  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I hear they call it tiny tea because of its unfortunate side effect on men.
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    I have read so many mixed reviews on Teatox's they seem to be all the rage right now. I can honestly say though from reading the news I thought it was all hype (like many of you), but I was proven wrong.

    My favorite of all the "teatox's" is Swami Mami Teas. I lost 29 pounds using both their morning and evening teas, along with eating clean, doing yoga and hiking. The weight dropped off in 12 weeks. I bought the 10 week teatox kit. I now drink the Get Lean tea in the morning, and really do love it.

    They don't use any Senna leaf in their Detox blend, which can cause liver damage and intestinal issues. Their tea is obviously high quality, you can tell right away. They send muslin tea bags to use and reuse everyday which is cool, and more eco friendly than tea bags since you can reuse the same bag for at least 2 weeks.

    My friend turned me on to this company and I have to say I love it. Can't say much about Tiny tea, as I haven't tried it.

    I lost 28 lbs without spending one red cent on their stuff. You don't need it, unless my 28 vs your 29 lbs lost is worth the $99.00 the 10 Day Teatox kit is going for (and I can lose 1 more pound without their products as well).

    29 lbs is a significant achievement and it was the effort and dedication you've put into the eating, yoga and hiking that made it happen, not some overpriced teabags. Give yourself credit for your results, not some magic potion.
  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    I tried Tiny Tea back in September because I'd heart it could help with bloating and IBS symptoms. I did it for two weeks and nope. Nothing changed.
  • piggyparker1983
    piggyparker1983 Posts: 2 Member
    I have just bought some - I am willing to give it a try.

    Not bought in to any gimmicks just curious.

    I cant see how drinking normal tea or coffee would help with health benefits as people have stated above. I have developed cellulite since I started drinking coffee! (still drink it but it is something I have noticed).

    I spoke to someone at Your Tea and they only recommended cutting out alcohol and coffee (which were items I asked them about) and that was my choice if I wanted to get the full benefits of the tea.

    Did you read above where one woman said a side effect she experienced was bleeding? Increased menstrual bleeding NOT during her period?

    Why is diet and exercise so scary to people that they choose Vaginal Bleeding Teas instead?

    *Vaginal Bleeding Teas, new band name*

    I doubt that was the tea. I have found my hormones and periods can react to all sorts of things. And my periods arent even real as I am on the pill so that doesn't worry me.

    Mine isnt for diet or exercise either its more for a detox and to see if I can get help with the bloatedness. I have no intention of using it forever I am going to give the 14 days a trial and see what happens. If its rubbish I wont buy again. Its simple!
  • noelle_hall
    I tried the tiny tea and it doesn't taste really good, but my bloating went away completely and I lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks without changing my diet or exercising. However my diet does NOT include soda or ice cream, BUT I did eat a chocolate bar and had a beach day and went to taco bell with my friends so I am definitely a fan of the tea. It never hurts to try something new.

    PS: there isn't any kind of laxative effect which is a plus.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    I tried the tiny tea and it doesn't taste really good, but my bloating went away completely and I lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks without changing my diet or exercising. However my diet does NOT include soda or ice cream, BUT I did eat a chocolate bar and had a beach day and went to taco bell with my friends so I am definitely a fan of the tea. It never hurts to try something new.

    PS: there isn't any kind of laxative effect which is a plus.
    So your soda and diet calories aren't the same as chocolate bar and taco bell calories?

    okay. That makes perfect sense. Do, by all means, go on. I want to know how they differ... please, enlighten me.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    I tried the tiny tea and it doesn't taste really good, but my bloating went away completely and I lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks without changing my diet or exercising. However my diet does NOT include soda or ice cream, BUT I did eat a chocolate bar and had a beach day and went to taco bell with my friends so I am definitely a fan of the tea. It never hurts to try something new.

    PS: there isn't any kind of laxative effect which is a plus.
    So your soda and diet calories aren't the same as chocolate bar and taco bell calories?

    okay. That makes perfect sense. Do, by all means, go on. I want to know how they differ... please, enlighten me. science allowed.
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    Peppermint/other mints are very cheap mild appetite suppressants. Shoot, mint is a weed. You could put a little in a pot and grow it in your house and suck on leaves right off the plant (however if you have cats put it out of reach as it's related to catnip and they WILL DESTROY IT).

    And if you have a dog like my dog Petie, he pees on my patch of mint.
  • jaimekbee1219
    jaimekbee1219 Posts: 96 Member
    I've heard the no cold water thing before - when my aunt was doing a homeopathic cancer treatment in 2008 she was told not to drink cold water with meals as it slows digestion.
  • eloisegrenier
    Hi, I personally tried the Tiny Tea, 14 day teatox, and I only did it for about a week, because taking the tea 3 times a day, at least for me, was very difficult because of school and the timing before-after the meals. I still have 7 days to go, so approx. 21 packs of tea that I will start taking twice a day starting today. I must say that I didn't see a big difference in MY body whil taking the tea. Maybe it was that my body was already functionning great, or maybe it doesn't have an effect. To be honest I didn't change what I was eating, even though I was careful (generally speaking), about what I was eating, to be healthy and whatnot, not because of the list of things not to eat, which is mostly a RECCOMENDATION LIST to see MAXIMAL RESULTS people. Anyhow, I still liked the tea as its own, with or without the results tied to it.
  • nstruzz
    I know that it's a super old post and the original poster probably made their decision a while ago, but I figured I'd throw my two cents in here, as well. I have done two rounds of the 28-day Tiny Tea teatoxes (I stopped at 21 days both times and just drank it as needed for as long as the supply lasted me after that). I definitely didn't see all of the value that they promised, but I definitely didn't follow all of the guidelines, so that would probably explain it. I work out regularly and eat pretty healthy most of the time, but I definitely enjoy an alcoholic beverage or two and allow myself to indulge sensibly on the "bad for me" foods-- this didn't stop when I drank the tea (hence, the lack of "amazing" results).

    I will say that the tea helped IMMENSELY with bloating-- I am a petite person and am in the "normal" weight range (whatever that is), but I've always had a little belly. When drinking the tea, my stomach was the flattest it had ever been. Even when I woke up after a day of crappy eating and felt super bloated, a couple cups of tea would clear that right up. Speaking of clearing up, it really did do wonders for my skin.

    So if you're looking for a magic bullet, this isn't it. If you're looking for something to supplement your already healthy lifestyle and have the money to spend, I'd say it's worth trying out. I experienced zero negative side effects (no runs to the bathroom, no menstrual changes, no growth of extra body parts).

    Hope that helped!
  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    Losing water weight from drinking magical tea?!