cabbage soup diet?



  • kikijennifer
    Don't starve your body of the nutrients it needs. If you want to "jump start" a diet, try going vegan/vegetarian for a few days. Only eat natural fruits and veggies...this will help clean your system a bit and it will make you feel infinitely better! :) (And you're doing it in a more healthy way!)
    . Thank you that's what I bought fresh spinach veggies etc
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Oh after a few days of cabbage. I'm goin to do high protein low carbs and stick with that. I know cabbage isn't forever. Just a start that's all.

    If you want to go on another diet, why not immediately? Besides I think it is high fat - low carb, not high protein.

    I also don't see anyone being really hateful, they're just realistic.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Don't starve your body of the nutrients it needs. If you want to "jump start" a diet, try going vegan/vegetarian for a few days. Only eat natural fruits and veggies...this will help clean your system a bit and it will make you feel infinitely better! :) (And you're doing it in a more healthy way!)
    . Thank you that's what I bought fresh spinach veggies etc

    If you're on pinterest, there's a bunch of pages that list "negative calorie" veggies, and which veggies/fruits are best for you. I'd recommend checking it out. ( That's my page, and I have a ton of that stuff pinned. I love pinterest because I can always find healthy recipes and new fitness routines.
  • kikijennifer
    Don't starve your body of the nutrients it needs. If you want to "jump start" a diet, try going vegan/vegetarian for a few days. Only eat natural fruits and veggies...this will help clean your system a bit and it will make you feel infinitely better! :) (And you're doing it in a more healthy way!)
    . Thank you that's what I'm goin to do. And lil protein. No carbs
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    OP: Being on MFP and posting in the forum is asking people to comment on your post. ALL people. What helps you may not help someone else. Some people need to hear the unvarnished truth and some want everything sugar coated. It doesn't make them inherently mean, hateful, or wrong. It also doesn't make the positive, sugar coated posts, right.

    Moral of this post: Take what you want from it and forget the rest. Ultimately, losing weight is ALL on you anyway. Good luck!
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    Temporary fix. You need to change the way you eat for the long term.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    OP, are you aware you responded to the same poster twice?

    Anyway, find something sustainable that months down the road you won't burn out on and relapse to bad habits. Just remember overeating is what causes weight gain not these trivial words "good food" and "bad food". The body needs nutrient dense foods and that can come from many things. Ultimately, fuel your body but don't deprive yourself of something you enjoy for the sake of weight loss.
  • SusieCuteYay
    SusieCuteYay Posts: 59 Member
    Im really glad that your adding spinach,. as that is loaded with vitamins... If i was to make cabbage soup, i would broil the vegies then boil them for added flavor,,, :)
  • JilloftheDead
    JilloftheDead Posts: 296 Member
    You don't need to jump start, you just need to start. Drastic diets just set you up to fail. Start changing smaller things in your current diet and lifestyle, portion size, quality of food, stairs instead of elevator and walking instead of driving etc. I guarantee you'll be much more successful, happier and less deprived.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I guess someone does not want real results. Get some food and eat it in moderation.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    I've made cabbage soup the other day.

    Was a good starter to my homemade burger and dessert of ice cream... Don't see how anyone would think living of cabbage soup would be a good idea! and 1 egg for protein?? 1 egg on its own has very little protein...
  • NathanFronk
    NathanFronk Posts: 137 Member
    I truly believe you've found the answer to ineffective and/or yo-yo diets. There is absolutely no chance for failure here; eating only cabbage soup and gummy vitamins for a weekend will produce everlasting results.

    Some people think losing weight is hard work. Idiots.

    If only they knew about cabbage.
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    I agree that this soup diet is not the way to go, but I don't understand why people have to be so hateful in voicing their opinions about it.

    From my own experience and believe me I have plenty... these types of diets only lead to relapses and more weight gain and depression and feeling like a failure etc.
    . Thank you for being nice. All I wanted was to get involved and learn from others. But too many hateful people on here. Screw it I'll just do my akins and jog. I don't need a hateful website.

    Don't let peoples' attitudes bother you; they're just proud to know something you don't know and they think being abrupt and sarcastic helps them look smart. While their delivery sucks, their extreme message is right on, though. My mother and her boyfriend used to do the cabbage soup diet, but the weight loss only lasted a day or so after they stopped doing it. Do yourself a favor and use this site to get the information you need to really lose the weight permanently - if you're so inclined - by reading old/continuing threads under the Community tab.

    If you like cabbage, and I have to admit that I LOVE cabbage, make the soup and graze on it all you want while you train your brain and stomach to want less food. But also be sure to get your proper calories and macros and exercise as you intend to live forever. Learn to eat properly through research and trial and error, and use the soup for your munchie-fests that you just can't get past right away.

    Best wishes and don't give up!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I just joined so there may be already a thread about this. Lol. But I just started and seeing if anyone else use this to jumpstart diet?? I boil cabbage.onions and a vegatable bouillion cube. And only reason I'm not goin insane with hunger is cause I'm taking phentermine appetite suppresant helping. Gona keep on this all weekend! And a boiled egg for protein. And gummy vitamin supplement.

    for the sake of you health, sanity and all things good stop doing this now and read the links here instead....
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    Cabbage soup is nahm,
    Especially with lamb,
    A couple more vegetables,
    Will make it acceptable,
    There's just one mishap,
    Let me tell you ASAP....

    If you only eat cabbage soup you won't have lasting results!
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    God-damn it, people, stop thinking of weight and fat loss as "I'll do this short term eating change and it'll be all good!"

    It won't. To lose weight, eat less. To keep weight off, don't go over the calories required to maintain your goal weight.

    It's not that hard - it's barely even third-grade math.
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    It works simply because you wind up eating less... There are far more pleasurable ways to eat less then cabbage soup though.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Diets don't work. Can you not just include the cabbage soup in your calories for the day? It is good for weight loss, but people must be starving if that is all they eat. By the end of it you'd be so hungry and have heaps of cravings you'd probably eat everything. That's why diets don't work.
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    Oh after a few days of cabbage. I'm goin to do high protein low carbs and stick with that. I know cabbage isn't forever. Just a start that's all.

    Again, you are wasting your time! Look at the palm of your hand; put a piece of protein providing meat that big on a plate, fill the rest of the plate with vegitables. You should eat that 3 times a day; then just start by going for a walk; then a jog, then something else. Just move!
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    well.. started my weightloss journey with GM diet but i stopped after day 5..But I lost 2.5kgs anyways that week and it jumpstarted my healthy weightloss journey and made me realize there are no shortcuts,...