One Night Stand - Liberating or shameful?



  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Potentially dangerous.

    Also, to quote a movie: "You see how picky I am about my shoes and they only go on my feet."
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    Not my cup of tea in the least bit. Call me old fashioned but you better be the bee's knees for anything remotely physical to happen, and if that's the case I'd assume we'd be together.That being said though, to each her own:)
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    I cant have sex without mental connection. Just wont work. Now if we can have a mental connection on the first date, sure we can have sex, and afterward, we can properly break up, if it were to remain a one-nighter.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Just no, we all have a Build in moral compass, we all have it..yet clearly some peoples have been demagnetised.

    We are meant to find a partner and be loyal and love them and show them respect pretty simple how can you do that in one nite... Don't do it, be happy within yourself learn to love yourself and then your find a nice guy whom will share his world with yours

    Only have time for one love in this short life so make it special all grow old and be lonely bed hoping

    But hey just one guys thoughts what do I no just some guy

    Sex means different things to different people. That doesn't make them wrong nor immoral.

    Indeed and above is what I believe.. I don't open a packet of chips and let everyone put there hands in there I don't put toothpaste on my tooth brush then brush a few hundred others first with it ... It's simple I think your not going to be happy bed hoping

    You don't share chips? That's not nice!:tongue:
  • plaingirly
    I'm an old fashioned girl so it wouldn't be something I would engage in.

    I am not sure it is all that safe either - strangers and diseases etc.

    Um, you do know that there's this neat invention called condoms, right? And this other neat thing called "STD testing" that many adults do?

    A friend of mine got pregnant on a one night stand and that was with a condom so they aren't 100% safe.

    Like I said it isn't something that I would engage in. I don't judge people that do as it isn't any of my business.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm an old fashioned girl so it wouldn't be something I would engage in.

    I am not sure it is all that safe either - strangers and diseases etc.

    Um, you do know that there's this neat invention called condoms, right? And this other neat thing called "STD testing" that many adults do?

    No need to be snarky just because she disagrees. Condoms are not 100% effective and unless people are walking around with their STD testing results in their pocket, you have to take their word for it.
  • FatHuMan1
    FatHuMan1 Posts: 1,028 Member

    Nothing really BAD will ever happen to anyone by holding out for someone you truly love, yet whole hosts of horrible, life-changing (and possibly life-ruining) things can happen from passing yourself around like a joint. Just something to think about.

    Same could be said for getting in a car and going to the movies. Just take precautions and nothing bad need happen.

    However, to each their own.
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    No. Casual sex is just...ick. This is how STDs get spread like wildfire. I was raised and still believe that sex is meant to be with someone you deeply love and care about.

    Here's the way I see it:

    Nothing really BAD will ever happen to anyone by holding out for someone you truly love, yet whole hosts of horrible, life-changing (and possibly life-ruining) things can happen from passing yourself around like a joint. Just something to think about.

    I can think of one thing. Fewer and ****tier orgasms. Orgasms, fun, and variety > the small risk of STI's and pregnancy from using a condom. In my own personal opinion.

    Also, I think close-minded judgmental people are...just ick. You can have your own opinions and do what you want with your own body without being disgustingly judgmental.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm an old fashioned girl so it wouldn't be something I would engage in.

    I am not sure it is all that safe either - strangers and diseases etc.

    Um, you do know that there's this neat invention called condoms, right? And this other neat thing called "STD testing" that many adults do?

    A friend of mine got pregnant on a one night stand and that was with a condom so they aren't 100% safe.

    Like I said it isn't something that I would engage in. I don't judge people that do as it isn't any of my business.

    Of course, condoms are not 100%, but you kind of made it sound like one night stands automatically mean that someone's gonna get a disease or pregnant.
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    I'm an old fashioned girl so it wouldn't be something I would engage in.

    I am not sure it is all that safe either - strangers and diseases etc.

    Um, you do know that there's this neat invention called condoms, right? And this other neat thing called "STD testing" that many adults do?

    A friend of mine got pregnant on a one night stand and that was with a condom so they aren't 100% safe.

    Like I said it isn't something that I would engage in. I don't judge people that do as it isn't any of my business.

    You're right. That's why people should use back-up protection (such as the pill, IUD, or ring) or use plan-B if there's a condom malfunction. Sex education, y'all!
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    One night stands are what you make them. Personally, I've never liked the socially engineered attachment of shame to having sex. If it is your view that sex should be reserved for married or committed partners, I'm not saying it is completely wrong. It is just not a view to which I subscribe.

    Two consenting adults doing what they want to do? I say, where is the shame in that?

    As to "liberating", personally I'm not sure. Is there something liberating about two consenting adults enjoying sexual intercourse> Okay. I suppose if you attach that feeling to it, then there is something liberating about it. Again, it is what you make of it.

    The biggest thing I feel is not projecting your preconceived attachments onto the other person. In other words, if you think sex = love, or love = sex, or sex = [insert idea here], be careful. Your partner(s) in sex may not feel the same about it as you do...
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    I'm an old fashioned girl so it wouldn't be something I would engage in.

    I am not sure it is all that safe either - strangers and diseases etc.

    Um, you do know that there's this neat invention called condoms, right? And this other neat thing called "STD testing" that many adults do?

    A friend of mine got pregnant on a one night stand and that was with a condom so they aren't 100% safe.

    Like I said it isn't something that I would engage in. I don't judge people that do as it isn't any of my business.

    You're right. That's why people should use back-up protection (such as the pill, IUD, or ring) or use plan-B if there's a condom malfunction. Sex education, y'all!

    Plan-B efficiency is surprisingly low, according to my doctor.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    I have no issues with them. Two consenting adults having some fun? Go for it. Be safe about it.

    But my boyfriend is against it.


  • plaingirly
    I'm an old fashioned girl so it wouldn't be something I would engage in.

    I am not sure it is all that safe either - strangers and diseases etc.

    Um, you do know that there's this neat invention called condoms, right? And this other neat thing called "STD testing" that many adults do?

    A friend of mine got pregnant on a one night stand and that was with a condom so they aren't 100% safe.

    Like I said it isn't something that I would engage in. I don't judge people that do as it isn't any of my business.

    Of course, condoms are not 100%, but you kind of made it sound like one night stands automatically mean that someone's gonna get a disease or pregnant.

    I didn't really mean it like that - more that there are potential consequences to consider and that it isn't exactly risk free.
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    I'm an old fashioned girl so it wouldn't be something I would engage in.

    I am not sure it is all that safe either - strangers and diseases etc.

    Um, you do know that there's this neat invention called condoms, right? And this other neat thing called "STD testing" that many adults do?

    A friend of mine got pregnant on a one night stand and that was with a condom so they aren't 100% safe.

    Like I said it isn't something that I would engage in. I don't judge people that do as it isn't any of my business.

    You're right. That's why people should use back-up protection (such as the pill, IUD, or ring) or use plan-B if there's a condom malfunction. Sex education, y'all!

    Plan-B efficiency is surprisingly low, according to my doctor.

    Plan B is up to 89 percent effective when taken within 72 hours. I think you should get a new doctor. A lot of anti-choice wackjobs try to scare people out of using emergency contraception. And honestly, the $40-$50 you might spend on it is a hell of a lot cheaper than the cost of an abortion or baby. Almost nothing is 100% effective, but if you don't want to be pregnant, there aren't any better options short of abortion.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm an old fashioned girl so it wouldn't be something I would engage in.

    I am not sure it is all that safe either - strangers and diseases etc.

    Um, you do know that there's this neat invention called condoms, right? And this other neat thing called "STD testing" that many adults do?

    A friend of mine got pregnant on a one night stand and that was with a condom so they aren't 100% safe.

    Like I said it isn't something that I would engage in. I don't judge people that do as it isn't any of my business.

    You're right. That's why people should use back-up protection (such as the pill, IUD, or ring) or use plan-B if there's a condom malfunction. Sex education, y'all!

    Plan-B efficiency is surprisingly low, according to my doctor.

    Plan B is up to 89 percent effective when taken within 72 hours. I think you should get a new doctor. A lot of anti-choice wackjobs try to scare people out of using emergency contraception. And honestly, the $40-$50 you might spend on it is a hell of a lot cheaper than the cost of an abortion or baby. Almost nothing is 100% effective, but if you don't want to be pregnant, there aren't any better options short of abortion.

    THIS! I would question a doctor's agenda if they spouted such a claim....
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    As to the question of safety and sex, I think it is hilarious that we become so very serious and induce this awe inspiring fear of the looming specter of STD's, but think nothing of jumping in our cars on an almost daily basis (for most adults). Motor vehicle accidents kill and seriously injure more people in a year than all of the STD's combined...

    Car accidents in 20 years: 3 (not always the driver)
    Permanent injuries from MVA: 1

    STD's in Lifetime: None
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    what's shameful about it? just be safe and responsible.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    No. Casual sex is just...ick. This is how STDs get spread like wildfire. I was raised and still believe that sex is meant to be with someone you deeply love and care about.

    Here's the way I see it:

    Nothing really BAD will ever happen to anyone by holding out for someone you truly love, yet whole hosts of horrible, life-changing (and possibly life-ruining) things can happen from passing yourself around like a joint. Just something to think about.

    lol. the same could be said about walking outside, driving a car, riding in an airplane, going in the ocean, living life in general.

    you are most illogical, inconsistent, and very close minded. as someone else said, i find that very ...ick.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    I'm an old fashioned girl so it wouldn't be something I would engage in.

    I am not sure it is all that safe either - strangers and diseases etc.

    Um, you do know that there's this neat invention called condoms, right? And this other neat thing called "STD testing" that many adults do?

    A friend of mine got pregnant on a one night stand and that was with a condom so they aren't 100% safe.

    Like I said it isn't something that I would engage in. I don't judge people that do as it isn't any of my business.

    You're right. That's why people should use back-up protection (such as the pill, IUD, or ring) or use plan-B if there's a condom malfunction. Sex education, y'all!

    Plan-B efficiency is surprisingly low, according to my doctor.

    Plan B is up to 89 percent effective when taken within 72 hours. I think you should get a new doctor. A lot of anti-choice wackjobs try to scare people out of using emergency contraception. And honestly, the $40-$50 you might spend on it is a hell of a lot cheaper than the cost of an abortion or baby. Almost nothing is 100% effective, but if you don't want to be pregnant, there aren't any better options short of abortion.

    THIS! I would question a doctor's agenda if they spouted such a claim....

    He didn't try to scare me out of using it, simply warned me about the fact that he has seen quite a few ladies get pregnant although they have used the pill. Its efficiency is lowered by a multitude of factors, and a lot of ladies use it incorrectly. I believe there is a limit of times you can use it in a year too..

    If other means of contraception fail, by all means, TAKE THE PILL.
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