What was your "moment"?



  • Cherie0622
    Cherie0622 Posts: 87 Member
    My school was holding a Biggest Loser competition. I knew I should lose some weight, so I went to check it out. I got on the scale thinking I was probably at 220 lbs. As the needle moved past 220, 225, 230, 235 and finally rested on 239, a tear rolled down my cheek. That's when it hit me. Take care of this now, or the needle will continue to climb.
  • 7sky
    7sky Posts: 2 Member
    My moment was at a friend's wedding on the 16th of this month. I knew that I had been gaining weight, but I never really acknowledged it until I had to take pictures. I didn't recognize the woman staring back at me. I was still cute, but cute for a big girl. Not a good feeling at all :-(
  • fitmomhappymom
    fitmomhappymom Posts: 171 Member
    I didn't have a MOMENT per say, it was just a constant voice in my head nagging me that if I needed to cut the crap and face up to the fact that I was out of shape. Granted my largest size was a 6 and I have PCOS, I knew the way I ate, and the fact that I didn't work out meant I was going to continue to gain weight.
    Its still more of a struggle than I'd like to admit 2 years later, I gain back a few pounds and then lose them again. But my habits have changed A LOT. It used to be I would go months without working out, now I work out at least 3 times a week. My eating still sucks most of the time, but I hardly eat fast food and I havent drank a soda in years. I still have a lot of work to do, but I'm proud of how far I've come.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Somewhere around the end of June 2012, I was helping my in-laws at a yard sale. I helped my husband move a sofa, resulting in a strained back. When I went to the doctor, he said, "This will continue to happen as long as you are carrying around the extra weight. You are borderline morbidly obese." At the time I weighed just over 200 lbs.

    I found the mfp app and started logging my food on July 1.

    I could barely walk around my block, but it was a start. My niece had an old bicycle that I started riding (couldn't make a mile without thinking I would die!) Within a few weeks I decided cycling was for me and bought a new bike. I gradually added more distance and recently completed a 50 mile ride!

    Around March 2013 I had hit a plateau and decided I needed to change things up, so I started Couch to 5k, running 3 days a week and cycling in between. (Couldn't run 1 minute without thinking I would die!) It did the trick, I reached my ultimate goal weight a couple of weeks ago and ran my first 10k on Saturday!

    I will be 50 next week and am more fit than I have EVER been!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    In December 2012, I had two moments. My "big" pants were getting tight, and I stepped on the scale at the doctor's office only to find that I was 11 pounds heavier than the heaviest I swore I'd ever let myself get.
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    Wow, where to start. I guess the large part of my weight gain all started in 2009. I got married in Nov 2009 and was laid off in Dec 2009. People say your first year of marriage is the hardest and we had unemployment to throw into that mix! Top that off with making the decision of getting pregnant becuase surely in 9 months time one would be able to find a job... Well Dec 2010 rolls around and still no job.

    This does a lot to a man, especially one who was raised with the idea that a man should be a leader (not as in tell your wife what to do, but more of an example setter) and a provider. I felt like I was failing at both of these and all I really did was sit at home look for a job hide away into some video game and eat. Depression set in pretty hard and in the midst of everything going on my mind went to some pretty dark places. Suicide was something I thought I would never ever think about, but when you feel like a complete failure in everything and you think that death would be the best escape for the people you love it begins to some how seem to make sense. The only thing I kept thinking about though is my child that was on the way and how very much I wanted to be a father, I hung in there depressed and gaining weight.

    I admit once my beautiful baby girl got here I was in love, and although I was still jobless being able to be a stay-at-home dad was pretty cool and I started to find happiness again. It was about 3 months after my daughter's birth that my old boss (the one who had to lay me off) called me and said they had a new position opening up and asked if I was still unemployed. I jumped at the opportunity and took the position. Things started to look up and about a year after being employed my wife and I decided to make the jump and bought our first house, got another dog (we got our first dog while in our old house) and things were moving forward and life was pretty good.

    One thing though, I was 6'3" and 250 lbs and in pretty bad health. My doctor told me I was hypertensive, my cholestorol was high and I needed to be put on medication. He gave me some samples and told me to come back in a few months. High blood pressure!!! I was at the time 26 years old, how the hell do I have high blood pressure??? I have a wife and a child who needs their husband/father to stay around for a while. I had a daughter who needed her dad to be able to get outside and play ball and tag and dress up in pink tutus and dance ballet with her across the living room, paint nails and wear makeup, eat pretend foods and be king of the castle. I needed to stick around so I could ease her first heart break and walk her down the aisle. 160s/120s was unacceptable and being on medication was not an option for me!

    So the decision was made, it was time to lose weight, be healthy and set an example for my child (soon to be children) that would last a lifetime! So the journey began, in Feb of 2012 I decided to lose weight, get fit, be healthy and strong. Not only for my kids but for my wife. I didn't want to be the kind of spouse that got comfortable with the way he looked and stop caring. I wanted my wife to look at me each and every day and think that I still got it. Two things I started, first I started counting calories and noticed that my weight started coming off, but I didn't want to be just skinny, I wanted to be in shape. So in May 2012 I downloaded the 5K runner app and worked my way up to that 5k mark, but I didn't stop there soon I was running 10ks, then a 10 miler and soon I hope to complete my first Half marathon. But running wasn't enough, sure I had some amazing cardio capacity but that came with a downside, I lost muscle as well as fat, so about 5 months ago I started weight lifting and have fallen in love with it!

    With that all being said from 25 years old when I got married to 30 years old now I have seen some amazing changes in my weight, my mind set, and my life. I had lost from 250 to 194 and since have gained some weight back due to the lifting but I'm sitting comfortable at 210 and am probably in better shape than I have ever been! My BP is in the normal ranges and life is great! I'm sorry for the very long story, if you read it then a cookie for you! If not... I don't blame you :)

    This sounds exactly like my hubby and I. We got married in May 2011 and his contract ended for a position in Nov 2011 (thought it would be longer), was unemployed until March 2012 and got laid off from that position in Aug. 2012. We struggled, had to move back in w/ my parents bc w/ my salary alone we couldn't pay off all our bills (majority student loans) and in Aug. 2013, we found out we were pregnant... and he landed a job w/in a few days of us finding out. Talk about being blessed two-fold! Now we have to stay w/ my parents until we can get some bills down a lot lower and save to buy a home. But he was very depressed, applied to jobs and hid behind the video games as well. He felt like he was holding me back, but I told him when I took those vows, I meant every word. Been down that road.. not pretty. Glad everything worked out for you and your family. :smile:
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    Mine happened a year and a half ago--I was morbidly obese and was diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, and uterine cancer all in the same week. It made me realize how much I wanted to live and live well. I do not want to die young or have some of the horrible diabetic complications if there is anything I can do to prevent it. These things continue to motivate me and keep me committed to making the changes I need to. The weight is coming off really slowly now, but I'm still working at it.
  • Poofy_Goodness
    Poofy_Goodness Posts: 229 Member
    I was completely unhappy with my life, depressed, with suicidal thoughts.
    I decided I should change what I have control over, and the thing I have most control over is my energy intake and output.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Found out I was in size 42 waist pants--my wife had cut the tag out so I wouldn't get upset. That was when I hit bottom.
  • StephanieBertels
    I weighed 172 and was a size 12 when I started my first paralegal job in September 2012. It's sedentary work and I was eating as though I were still able to get out and bike every other day. After I had been at that job for a little over 8 months, I started noticing that I wasn't fitting into my work clothes the same. I even ripped the seam out of a pair of pants by squatting to pick up a box! I started buying size 16 pants.

    Shortly after that, I somehow managed a lumbar strain. I was 23 at the time. While I have scoliosis, I had only thrown out my back once before, and that was while chopping wood. I went to an urgent care clinic and was shocked and horribly depressed when the scale tipped in at 196. That combined with the fact that my mother died due to complications associated with colon cancer (a largely preventable cancer!) in 2010 when she was 48 made me decide that I need to start eating healthier.

    I started eating healthier after that and tried to scale back portions, but I didn't seem to be getting anywhere, so I started walking on my lunch break. When I still wasn't seeing even a pound of progress, I decided to try MFP.

    Since I started in July, I've lost 22 pounds and am nearing a size 10, which I haven't been since before my daughter was born! I often get compliments on how much happier and healthier I look. :)
  • StephanieBertels
    WOW. Inspirational! You can do this!
  • jblackjr
    jblackjr Posts: 89 Member

    This sounds exactly like my hubby and I. We got married in May 2011 and his contract ended for a position in Nov 2011 (thought it would be longer), was unemployed until March 2012 and got laid off from that position in Aug. 2012. We struggled, had to move back in w/ my parents bc w/ my salary alone we couldn't pay off all our bills (majority student loans) and in Aug. 2013, we found out we were pregnant... and he landed a job w/in a few days of us finding out. Talk about being blessed two-fold! Now we have to stay w/ my parents until we can get some bills down a lot lower and save to buy a home. But he was very depressed, applied to jobs and hid behind the video games as well. He felt like he was holding me back, but I told him when I took those vows, I meant every word. Been down that road.. not pretty. Glad everything worked out for you and your family. :smile:

    You sound like my wife, that is what she would tell me whenever I would suggest she deserved better than me. Those moments usually ended in tears from the both of us and me realizing how incredibly blessed I was/am to have such an amazing woman to be my strength during those times.
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    For me a few things happened within the span of a few months:

    1. Me and my (very overweight) brother got in an argument (which is very rare) and he said that I was "proportionally as big as" he was (not quite but in hindsight I was getting close) and he commented on my double chin and roll over my pants. I was very angry at the time and in denial about how much weight I had put on.

    2. Right after that my stepbrother's wife posted some photos on Facebook from their daughter's birthday party and I couldn't believe how big I looked.

    3. So...I went and bought a scale. When I stepped on it I was 190 pounds. I hadn't stepped on one since I was somewhere in the 160's. I did not want to hit 200 so I started to make some small changes and fairly quickly dropped 10 pounds.

    4. Then, my boyfriend at the time had major anger management issues and one day he got mad and told me I was fat and looked pregnant. He later said he didn't mean it, he just wanted to hurt me. I dumped him (for that and many other reasons) and have lost an additional 30 pounds since - and still going!
  • carmentownes
    carmentownes Posts: 46 Member
    We had a weight loss challenge at work. I am a pretty competitive person so i did very well in the challenge. I never thought i could diet and exercise but when this challenge happened it showed me i was capable and could do it. I was tired of being fat. I have been this way since 4th grade. Tired of being uncomfortable and also, have just a pretty face....not a pretty body.
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    I'm still going through my moment I think. I want to get thinner so my thighs dont rub together and so i dont have a spare tire around my waist. but i also want to lose weight for my wedding in 6 months. so it's an every day thing for me, feeling the need to lose weight and working hard at it but not seeing any results. I can't say i've had one moment of clarity that changed it all and that i've been a machine ever since. but im trying!
  • LiftHeavyWeights
    LiftHeavyWeights Posts: 336 Member
    My moment was when I couldn't sleep comfortably on my side because my belly fat would slide downward making it uncomfortable. I realized I could either learn to sleep on my back which would be a challenge because my butt sticks out or I could do something about it.

    I chose to increase my fitness intensity and use better portion control for my food. It has worked and I'm continuing to improve my fitness level.
  • AndreaMerrill
    AndreaMerrill Posts: 24 Member
    two things:
    first my fiance took a picture of me and my daughter. I was leaning over with my hand on a large tree stump. I didn't realize how large my back side/thighs were! I had him text me the picture and I blew up the portion of me as my screen saver on my iphone. Now I look at it every time I eat and it helps me realize where I am and where I want to be.

    second: I checked my progress on my fitness pal - I first started logging over a year ago but stopped for awhile. I happened to check this and realized I've actually gained about 15 lbs in the year.

    Oh - AND - I have to fit in my wedding dress in three months!!! It zippers - but I can't sit or dance yet :-)
  • AngFries
    AngFries Posts: 5 Member
    when 3 months after having baby i weigh more now then i did then. I have no excuse. I just ate and ate and ate.
  • AprilMae1975
    When everything except stretchy clothes fit me. I hadn't really looked at myself in a mirror and when I did, I was disgusted and disappointed. That moment is my reminder and motivation each and every day.

    Now I have another problem....everything in my closet is too big!!!!
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    My moment took years! I had always been skinny and could never gain weight. Even into my 20's. I hit the weights really hard when I was 24 and managed to go from 125 to 143. I did it again a few years later and got up to 162 and was in probably the best shape of my life. What I didn't plan on was age catching up to me. My metabolism slowed when I hit my 30's but even still I wasn't worried. It happened so gradually I don't think I even noticed that I was putting on weight and certainly nobody around me said anything. My moment came in 2012. My oldest son graduated from Marine boot camp. I went to visit him in San Diego and all the pics from that trip shocked me. I couldn't believe how big I had gotten. That was my moment. I started making changes soon after.