Today I Saw My Body for the First Time



  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    It's good motivation to kick-start a plan, I think :) Other than that, I don't like focusing on that part at all, myself. I like focusing on what I will look like! That's my motivation, and getting closer is actually fun. If I feel like I'm too fat right now in a big way, I get impatient and start thinking of crazy stuff like you are thinking ;)
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Don`t feel so bad, Just start slow - Make good food choices and throw in regular exercise and the weight will come off while eating well and feeling good.
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    Not a good idea..just eat better consistently at a healthy range and the weight will take care of itself.. Dont restrict so low and take diet pills. That is not the way to do it.. That wont last long term either. Id stick to the 1500range .. Not even 1200 and absolutely no on the 800.
  • Fit4Yah
    Fit4Yah Posts: 39 Member
    We're about at the same weight. Trust me, you don't want to starve yourself. That' won't work even to lose 40 lbs, you'll have to eat more than that, plus if you want to strive to look good and healthy you need to eat healthy, Losing 40 lbs by starvation wouldn't make you look any better or healthier. One thing that has helped me gain a little confidence is lifting weights. It makes me feel strong and it makes my body firmer and trust me I need a firmer body LOL I've had 5 children, my youngest is 3.5 months old. I was 260 lbs the day before giving birth and I am now at 221 lbs. My ticker shows my pre pregnancy weight which was right around 237 lbs. Once you start eating healthy and exercise you will feel better physically and emotionally. Right now honestly I try to avoid the mirror just because I know I'm working hard and it will take time to see a difference. I am taking progress pictures every 6 weeks and that is definitely encouraging because you really can see a difference that way. Don't give up!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Please don't eat 800 calories. (And I wouldn't waste money on hydroxycut).

    Figure out what your TDEE and BMR are, set MFP to a 15% deficit. Move more. And eat foods that will fuel your workouts. You didn't get to this weight fast, and you can't lose it fast.

    Follow this advice:

    Good luck!
  • daphnec1994
    daphnec1994 Posts: 71 Member
    trust me starving your self wont help, did that and gained back everything and then some, and i ate more then 800 i ate more around 1200, never doing that again. Im now at the weight i was at the beginning of my journey and i feel 100 times worse about myself then i did before at the same weight
  • Chordata25
    Chordata25 Posts: 19 Member
    We've all had that moment when we see an unflattering picture (and in your case, video) of ourselves and feel like all the work we have done so far is not good enough. But you have come a long way from where you started! You lost 10lbs! You started this commitment to live healthier and be the most awesome-you that you can! Cutting calories drastically and eating hydroxycut like candy isn't gonna help you lose and will make you feel like crap. And how you can't believe you flirted with guys bc you think you're too fat for that? You showed that you are amazingly confident! Try to pick up some of that confidence and have it pull you through this tough time. You are amazing! Ya just gotta believe it!