IUD = weight gain, or is that just an excuse?



  • chocofan1111
    I had my paraguard for nearly 3 years and gained 20 lbs.. no matter what i did i kept on gaining weight.. I'd literally not eat anything but broth for 2 days and I'd gain a pound!

    I was always in a bad mood, edgy, not interested in sex, just wanting to sleep and be by myself.

    constantly bloated.. went from a size 6 to a size 10 in pants! oh no!!!

    the iud came out nearly by itself about 3 months ago and i felt better almost right away!

    i could feel the plastic end and the strings during my period, it was nearly half way out so i just pulled it out myself.. it was so easy to take out.. tampons are more harder to get out than the paraguard!

    anyway.. a huge blood clot came out too! it was gross.
    the iud was all covered in rust! i am so glad it is out..

    there is NO way that rusty thing is good for anyone.. it looked like a rusty nail that you'd find at an old barn or something.. why i would want that up inside of me.. !!! NO WAY..

    i feel like someone turned the light on.. i have energy again and i have lost 5 lbs already without really trying. !

    being copper toxic will make ppl gain weight..

    it did for me.. if you think the paraguard is causing your ill health effects you are probably correct.. take it out or get your doctor to take it out.. you have nothing to lose..

    i have been using cycle beads as a birth control method with condoms.. it is basically the rhythm method.. seems to work.. at least i feel like having sex now verses seeing it as a 'chore'
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    I have Mirena and I haven't had any weight gain issues. The only birth control I ever used that seemed to significantly affect my weight was Depo Provera. I gained 25 pounds in a year, but certainly not as fast as a couple of months. If your weight has jumped so quickly I'd vote water weight as the culprit.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I'm on my second Mirena IUD. I had the first replaced back in March this year. My first one was put in by an intern so it didn't go very well and was quite painful. I had very bad cramping for about 3 months after the first was put in, and had a large, dime-sized cyst rupture on one of my ovaries. However, I kept the IUD in and after 3 months the pain completely subsided. Three months is the amount of time they told me it could take for my body to adjust to the IUD. They told me to expect cramping until then, and to expect periods, possibly more heavy than usual. There was no weight gain, but my libido definitely increased - which is not a good thing for me, personally. I have almost always had a high libido. It seemed to balance out after a while, though.

    After my second IUD was placed, by a much better doctor, I had very little cramping and the worst of it was over after about 48 hours. The worst part of insertion is having the cervix measured, in my opinion. As long as you have a knowledgeable doctor placing it for you, there should be little discomfort aside from that. My appetite did seem to increase a bit after the 2nd IUD was placed, but I've since gotten that under control and it's not bothering me at all anymore. As far as libido, that seems fine too. Weight gain - none so far. :) I love my IUD. I'm extremely happy and grateful to have the choice to use one for my BC.
  • QAPmom
    QAPmom Posts: 458 Member
    I have the Mirena and love it. I would maybe call the dr and check to see if the placement is correct. That could possibly be the problem, but your body is also getting used to have a foriegn object as well. It took my body about 3 months to get used to it...