Thin person trying to get thinner



  • rosemary98
    I am a bit taller than 5'5'' and weigh around 100 (very petite build). I lost the "extra" weight because I wanted to get rid of some undesirable bumps and lumps (tummy and cellulite on butt). And while i did manage to get rid of most of my tummy fat, and my butt looks less lumpy...exercise is what i really needed. Thus, I have started to exercise. Starting off slow and building up. I see the light about exercise now. I never did before.

    Your BMI is only 16.6--You are seriously underweight. IMO you need some help!

    Please don't make this post about me. I was just telling the OP that I went in search of losing weight to get rid of some of the things I didn't like about my body, when exercise should have been my route. I see that now and am pursuing exercise--working my way into lifting and other body strengthening exercises. Not everyone underweight (going by guidelines) needs help. I've been to the doctor relatively recently and was told I am perfectly healthy. All my blood work came out great. I was told the only thing I should do is get in some vitamin D (due to lack of sunlight in fall/winter).
  • tempehforever
    tempehforever Posts: 183 Member
    My advice is to eat a balanced diet that makes you feel good, do some weight training to get stronger, appreciate your healthy body for all the wonderful things it can do, and for God's sake, stop holding yourself up to "exacting standards." That sounds miserable and not particularly emotionally/mentally healthy.