What is one thing you are thankful for that you



  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    I am thankful that my 7-year relationship with my ex dissolved nearly two years ago. I thought he was the love of my life but looking back now, I can see that I was very unhappy in the relationship but too scared to let go. After things between us fell apart, I began working on myself and sought treatment for my anxiety and depression and while I'm still a work in progress, I can honestly say that I'm happier now than I was then.

    I'm also thankful to the OP for starting this thread because many of the stories I've read here are remarkably inspiring to me.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    I'm thankful for finally finding a psychiatrist that seems to care and will write 3 month's prescriptions for Vyvanse at a time, instead of being a callous butt-faced *kitten*.
  • asimmons221
    asimmons221 Posts: 294 Member
    meeting my girlfriend 5 years ago, coolest person I've ever met.
  • WaKay
    WaKay Posts: 314
    Last Christmas I learned I was Type 2 diabetic and my cholesterol was off the charts. Forced me to get off my butt and take responsibility for my health and well being. 11 months into this, I can say I am a stronger and healthier than I have ever been.
  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    I'm honestly thankful for all the negative things I've gone through. The bullying, the depression, the rejection, my mothers hospital stay, all the financial issues. I never thought I would be thankful for any of it but its made me a far better person. I understand the value of life and health. I've become more confident but most importantly its made me a stronger person. :heart:
  • This might sound a little weird but I am thankful my family disowned me for putting my dad in jail. He was an abusive person in every way possible. My family kicked me out of the house because they blamed me for what happened. I was homeless, I had to quit school, and I eventually had to quit my job because I couldn't function as a normal human being anymore. I lived off my life savings until I had nothing left.

    I realize I couldn't live like that anymore and decided to change my life. Today, I have a roof over my head, a well paying job, two cats, and a wonderful boyfriend that is so supportive. His family has taken me in as their own and I could not be any happier.
  • sadrac4683
    sadrac4683 Posts: 80 Member
    I am thankful that my father had so many children. He was not always a very good person. He has passed on now and I've finally let some of my negative feelings towards him go. In the course of his life he fathered 9 children. Although I was raised with just my younger brother, I have now contacted each of my 8 siblings and have some sort of a relationship with each of them.
    They are all remarkable people and it is interesting to me that in some ways we are so alike even though we didn't meet until we were adults.

    wow awesome, thanks for sharing
  • sadrac4683
    sadrac4683 Posts: 80 Member
    I am thankful for the financial diaster of '08 and '09. The job I had was slowly changing me for the worse although I would have denied it. With the economic down-turn the plant manager got even more aggressive and demanding.

    I finally realized I was giving my best and it was not going to be enough. I left and went from making in the mid-90's to 25K as a security guard. We had to make a lot of adjustments but it entirely changed my outlook and improved every aspect of my life.

    Two years after I left that job, I was hired for the position I am in now. It pays less than I originally made but my quality of life is ten-fold what it was. The company I am in now is extremely morale oriented. They realize the value of content employees and our benefits border on outrageous.

    BTW op; thanks for the subject thread, interesting and thought provoking!

    Your welcome, sometimes it is difficult to see what good can come out of a difficult situation. Like I said, when I heard it on Air1 radio, I had to stop and think and be thankful for certain difficult situations in my life.
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    I am thankful for a tornado that destroyed my house, my 9 year marriage, and in a way, my career.

    I could tell a story that would go on and on. But basically, I was living a life that was not happy or fulfilling. By 2011 at age 34, I put all of my time & energy into my home and decorating, letting all of my other interests and hobbies fall away. I had an excellent job that was financially rewarding but so stressful that I had constant migraines and nightmares. I was married to a guy who was like a good friend, but we had no passion or true intimacy (physical or emotional). My life was a pretty lame existence.

    After the tornado hit and destroyed the house, my priorities changed. My ex husband and I chose to move to a different city and "start over" which meant career turmoil for me, but ultimately allowed me to see that I couldn't have been happy continuing on my former path. We realized our marriage was pretty empty and split. I went through some major depression which led me to seek counseling and uncover the mysteries of my lifelong anxiety disorder. I became the person I need to be. I met the love of my life and fell madly, deeply in love with him. Everything is totally different for me now and it's not always as easy as my former life but I would not change it back for anything! I am grateful for that tornado that turned everything upside down, literally & figuratively.
    This might sound a little weird but I am thankful my family disowned me for putting my dad in jail. He was an abusive person in every way possible. My family kicked me out of the house because they blamed me for what happened. I was homeless, I had to quit school, and I eventually had to quit my job because I couldn't function as a normal human being anymore. I lived off my life savings until I had nothing left.

    I realize I couldn't live like that anymore and decided to change my life. Today, I have a roof over my head, a well paying job, two cats, and a wonderful boyfriend that is so supportive. His family has taken me in as their own and I could not be any happier.

    So many great stories on here but these were especially humbling and inspiring to me. I cannot imagine going through what you guys have and coming through whole. All of you are amazing!
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member

    Haha! We gotta appreciate the little (or large) things! :-)
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    Thankful for my twin brother:) I almost lost him a few years ago and since then I have valued every single day that he's in my life