Failed terribly again, need some good stories here



  • wendyg311
    wendyg311 Posts: 239 Member
    ..been there, depression is a b*tch. I couldn't get my thoughts organized enough to get into a routine. I ended up forcing myself to ....walk. Just a walk, NOT a power walk, not a brisk walk....just plunking around the neighborhood. My mind was still with me and nagging me, but the fresh air and sunshine is good for you. Just go schlump around the block. It wont be a miracle overnight, but it's something. You can manage that at the very can do it.
  • nemain31
    nemain31 Posts: 2 Member
    Aw, you poor thing. Sounds like everything has got on top of you right now.

    I think it's great advice to break these things down into smaller issues that are a bit easier to tackle. Brilliant idea to take up walking - I realised I was REALLY unfit about a year ago so pushed myself into doing a 2 mile walk each lunchtime using Endomondo on my phone. For the first three days I honestly had to take about an hour to recover. For the first week it sucked and I hated it. For the first two weeks I ached. And after three weeks I realised it was really starting to get easier. That's basically just 10 walks and my body started to recover fitness. Amazing :) (Besides which, walking is a great thing if you're depressed and battling cigarettes too - I find it sort of dampens my appetite for a bit and others have reported the same about cigarette cravings.)

    It's massive thing to stack up all the weight you want to lose, all the smoking and drinking and try and tackle it as a mountain of bad. But I love that advice that doctors gave out a couple of years ago - 20 minutes after you smoke your last cigarette, your heart rate starts to settle out. 20 MINUTES! That's crazy, right? After 12 hours your blood carbon monoxide levels normalise. After 2-3 months, you lung function starts to improve. Etc etc etc. Your body WANTS to look after you and it'll help you as best it can to be healthy. And every single second that you're able to make positive choices for is a second your body has to help heal itself :) And because it's pushing so hard to be healthy, it can absorb a bit of slack if you fall off the wagon a few times as you get started: it'll just start the fight again when you're ready.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,780 Member
    10 months ago I weighed 232lbs, my stamina sucked, I couldn't bend over to tie my walking shoes, much less walk any distance. Stepping up the 3 steps to my front door about killed me.

    I just got back from a 5.2 mile brisk (4mph) walk with my dog.

    How did I get from grossly unfit to where I am now? Consistent effort and pushing myself to do better.

    I started walking only 1/2 mile, and every 2-3 weeks, I added another 1/4 or 1/2 mile to my walks. I started logging my food and eating at a 20% deficit of TDEE. As a result, I have lost 34lbs, currently at 198lbs. I am 51yo, 5'4" female - I want to lose about 55-65 more lbs. And I know I can do it if I consistently continue to do what I did to lose the 1st 34lbs.

    To point is, start now, start exercising, start eating better (moderate caloric deficit and nutritionally sound food) and keep doing it consistently - not perfectly. Do that and 3,6,9, 12 months from now, you will see the effects of your effort in every area of your life. Or you can choose to sit in a pity-pot and one year from now you will be writing the same post.

    Unfit is hard, healthy is hard - choose your hard.

    ETA: Been sober for 9 1/2 years - Sobriety kicks *kitten*!
  • Semt3x
    Semt3x Posts: 23
    mate i was such a fat mess a few measly years ago as in 18 stone of pure fat on a 5'10 frame, you can get stuff done trust me,