Can Heavy Lifting Cause Increase in Waist Size?



  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    "I only stopped logging about a week ago to alleviate the stress of it"

    Why does it stress you so much? Could it be linked to the fact that everytime you come and ask for advice, the advice you get back is "log what you are eating"?

    Do you think that possibly stopping stressing over your progress, having some consistency and patience and following that advice might actually help?
    No, i lost weight before without logging. I did cardio and light weights 3 times a week and i eat healthy. All consistently. It was stress free. This time is different - I'm lifting heavy......
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Barbarra!!!!!! What are you having? Are you having it at your house or the in laws? Any non traditional dishes?

    I love thanksgiving

    Had a Canadian Thanks Giving last month. Happy Thanks Giving to you neighbour!
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Each much salt lately? Water adds more pounds and inches than anything else.
    Yes, some salty fast food. And lifted heavy the night before......
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Ya I've been a pig lately for sure. Didn't think that would put an inch on my belly though......

    No workout program is going to cause you to gain that quickly. Aside from caloric intake (maybe you've gained a lb in a week) your weight will fluctuate a lot in the short term due to food and water intake/output.

    Think of your body like a grocery bag ok? When you put food in it, it weighs more. When you take it out, it weighs less. Also, eating more than usual fills up your stomach and gut right? Could the "extra inches" be from having food occupying space as it gets digested?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    "I only stopped logging about a week ago to alleviate the stress of it"

    Why does it stress you so much? Could it be linked to the fact that everytime you come and ask for advice, the advice you get back is "log what you are eating"?

    Do you think that possibly stopping stressing over your progress, having some consistency and patience and following that advice might actually help?
    No, i lost weight before without logging. I did cardio and light weights 3 times a week and i eat healthy. All consistently. It was stress free. This time is different - I'm lifting heavy......

    You also described your last not logged week as "eating like a pig". There is a huge difference between not logging and not logging and eating "like a pig".
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    Ya I've been a pig lately for sure. Didn't think that would put an inch on my belly though......
    You gave up logging and ate badly for a week. So, why exactly do you think a gain is because of lifting?
    Absolutely. Heavy weight training with a calorie surplus will most definitely put inches on your waist. You are going to gain some fat along with muscle. It's just the way it works. Now I you lift heavy during a calorie deficit, you should see your waist shrink as the scale goes down.

    Alright then. So if i continue to eat how i am, but increase cardio while continuing to lift heavy then i should see my waist shrink down........
    Why would you chose to continue to eat like you have been, if you've been pigging out. Might see more success if you focus on less consumption, instead of more cardio.
    got to do a heck of a lot of cardio, to burn off 'eating like a pig' calories.