Diet vs Proper Nutrition.



  • SBlue111
    I can eat what I want and still loose weight. If my wife wants pizza I will eat one too. No need to make her suffer cause I want to loose weight. :) If I eat a little less the rest of the day I will still be within my calories. Same with chocolate, ice-cream, cake, sweets and what ever. Just do a little more sports or eat less and you are still fine. And by the way it helps me stay motivated. :)
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I've just run over MyFitnessPal's topics and I have a serious question for you all. Do you really think that being healthy and having a beautiful, strong body could ever be achieved by some Atkins or Soup or 2-days detox diet? Are you even serious? Maintaining a healthy body is all about turning your life healthy. You have to read, learn and practice everything that helps you. Of course you can eat olive oil. Yes, I know there are so many kcals in it but it's healthy. You're not going to gulp down 100 avocados a day, because you're going to be super fat, but yes! they're healthy food! You have to eat everything, just smaller portions of some. Okay, McDonalds aren't in my list, but it won't kill you if you taste them every now and then. Eat everything, but eat responsibly. Quit your junk eating habits. Don't drink that much alcohol. It's empty kcals. Eat fruits, vegetables, meat, healthy fatty acids and add some exercise up. Give your body some serious workouts 3 to 4 times per week and fuel it up so that it can recover.
    If you turn your life into this plan, then you'll have the sexiest body ever. You'll be strong and healthy and it's going to be safe! Don't destroy your metabolism by eating soups for a week or by only eating fruits for a month. I guess you know that this kind of "diet" is not a real one. I think you know that you are only losing muscle tone and have to work twice as hard when you'll gain these pounds back.
    Do not be afraid to eat! Eat fully. I've only started losing weight when I actually started eating. You know what does it take to fill a 1200 calories day? I'm actually eating the whole day and dropping pounds! I could eat a 1200 kcals pizza. That's true... You know what? That's only 6 slices of my favorite pizza! I could eat that in like 15 mins. Instead, I choose to eat clean and I actually feel full all day long, rather than eating junk and starve throughout the rest of the day!
    So, if you really want to drop those extra pounds (and stay that way), start eating and choose wisely! old and tiresome.

    I know several people in particular that are on the ATKINS LIFESTYLE..........its not a diet and have maintained their weightloss for years.

    One in particular is Sheila. There is no way you can tell me she looks or is remotely unhealthy and she has lived the Atkins Lifestyle for over 10 years.
  • KiaraStill
    I think, not to be redundant to get a beautiful body, just because you want a beautiful body until you make miserable. eat what you want will not make you fat as long as it regularly and do not eat to excess
  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    I'm with you! Unless it's a lifestyle change, diets like the ones you mentioned are just setting people up to fail.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Nothing worse than a born again healthy person. Want this obsession with what other people do? Do what works for you and get over yourself
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member

    Do you really think that being healthy and having a beautiful, strong body could ever be achieved by Atkins


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    If someone is getting in their correct macro/micros to support their TDEE and physical activities along with staying in control of their calories, then eating "clean" isn't a prerequisite.
    For 30 years now, I've eaten an 80/20 diet along with skipping breakfast and having fast food a couple of times a week. Impact on my health during this time.....................none. I'm no different in my health than I was in my 20's (with the exception of recovery time due to aging).
    I do agree that nutrition matters. But I do disagree that "clean" eating is the only approach that one needs to do to achieve it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition