What's your "WHY"??



  • jade_Orchid30
    jade_Orchid30 Posts: 6 Member
    I refuse to get diabetes.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I want to look hot and I want to be strong
  • Bnana14
    I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

  • Bewelltoday
    These are great "whys"!

    Often the medications we are prescribed are worse than the disease and a much easier cure is hitting us right in the face.
    Losing weight and gaining fitness allows our bodies to heal themselves which is what it was designed to do before we rerouted it with unhealthy living!

    I relate to your post very much and my "why" is similar but when looking long term it is to be able to live longer and enjoy my family times much more.
    This is a great topic and is all about mindset - which is so important.
  • bondgirl129
    Because I don't want to die from being fat like my grandmother did and like my mother is well on her way to doing. I don't want to spend my 'golden years' with a quality of life that is terrible - unable to get around or hooked up to a oxygen tank or a walking pharmacy.

    We only get one go around. I want to be around to enjoy it for as long as I can. I love my life far too much to shorten it with a cheeseburger.
  • abcpl3ase
    abcpl3ase Posts: 3 Member
    This is a complicated question for me but here are the main reasons:

    1. When I look in the mirror, I want to feel great about what I see. I want to leave my house feeling like I can take on the world.
    2. I want to be strong.
    3. I want to feel accomplished and confident for meeting my goals.
    4. I want to save money on eating out, buying new clothes if the old ones don't fit anymore, and in the long run, on medical expenses.
    5. Heart disease and diabetes both run in my family and I do not want to continue the cycle if I can prevent it early on.
  • TheDollDiet
    - I'm sick of being the skinny girl that got fat
    - I want a hot boyfriend
    - I'm shallow.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    I want to feel proud of myself. I don't want to shy from the camera, from people I haven't seen in a couple of years, from my husband in the bedroom when I'm undressing.

    But actually I couldn't even get started on this stuff until I started feeling proud, and stopped shying away from all of the above. And that happened when I was 53 lb heavier.

    Kinda funny how that worked out.

  • newtonk520
    newtonk520 Posts: 35 Member
    Because I lost me and I want me back! I feel strongly committed and I'm on the road to success. :happy:
  • Shari325
    Shari325 Posts: 196 Member
    My "why" has changed over time.
    I started out wanting to be healthier and reduce my blood sugar levels, with the anticipation I would lose some weight. However, when my blood sugar levels improved, I had also lost 50bs. More than I had been able to lose in the past. So I set another goal; lose Xlbs by a specific date. When I reached that date, I set a new goal. Each date has been associated with an event - a doctors appointment, or something. Funny thing is, I have missed almost every single one of those goals. BUT, only by a small amount, .5 to 5lbs each time. Just enough to drive me to try harder for the next one.

    Now, I have accomplished so much, and goal weight is within sight, that is my why!

    I have learned through this process that a little bit of sustained effort can accomplish amazing things!!!!
  • tegalicious
    Why? Because I come from a family of several obese people with all of the associated health problems. And I don't want to suffer like they have. I want to be fit and healthy for my whole life and not wait until I am sick to fix the problem. Prevention is the best medicine so to speak. And I have a hip tattoo. And that sucker looks horrible when I am 40 pounds heavier lol!
  • oceanbreeze22
    oceanbreeze22 Posts: 83 Member
    I want to be able to walk and keep walking everyday!
    I want an active life!
  • Teeganv85
    Teeganv85 Posts: 25 Member
    My Why? Is that at 28 years old I feel like i am wasting my life away hiding at home with no confidence/low self esteem. Hopefully i will lose the weight and be able to enjoy life and for vanity reasons - go into any shop and find clothes that fit.
  • NovaStar82
    It's all about ME :)

    1) To be healthy.
    2) To be fit.
    3) To look fking awesome naked.
  • DesDawn24
    DesDawn24 Posts: 147 Member
    I have a few "whys". When I was in university, from '06-'10, I lost 85 pounds. I felt great, looked great, had so much energy and confidence. Then I moved in with my then-boyfriend, gained it all back, and started to really feel awful about myself again. Not only because of the way I looked, but simply the fact that I let myself get that way again. I worked soooo hard the first time around, and all of that hard work vanished so quickly. When I really started to get angry at myself, that's when I started getting motivated again. It sounds vain, but I hated when the "You look great" and "you're shrinking!" comments stoped. I knew that the sooner I started, the sooner I would feel better. I'm only 24, and I know that it gets harder as you age, so what better time than now?

    That was the "why" that I used to get started, and now I'm just determined to hit my goal (which I never quite did the first time around). I've made it halfway in a year, hopefully the other half will come by the end of 2014!
  • saree2013
    Vanity. Though vanity seems to have given way to pride. Now if only my deplorable eating habits would go the way of my sedentary lifestyle!
  • ttcbelieve
    ttcbelieve Posts: 181 Member
    I am not vain and i do not want attention.

    I want to lose weight and get fit, because I LIKE THE WAY IT MAKES ME FEEL. I don't know if this means i am vain and in denial but i really don't think i am.

    I simply love the way i feel mentally, physically and emotionally when i am fit and healthy and thats why i want to continue doing it
  • BlackandWhitePhotoOp
    What's your WHY?
    I wasn't always fat ( only the past three years). So, I remember how good it feels to be in shape ( not out of breath, tired, being able to do splits, hand stands, and back bends).
    I do it for my health (its a wonder how I don't have diabetes)
    I do it to be an example to my daughter.:ohwell:
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    What's your WHY?
    I wasn't always fat ( only the past three years). So, I remember how good it feels to be in shape ( not out of breath, tired, being able to do splits, hand stands, and back bends).
    I do it for my health (its a wonder how I don't have diabetes)
    I do it to be an example to my daughter.:ohwell:

    Aaaaah, the good old days! I remember too, how it felt to be in shape, full of energy, and flexible:) Unfortunately, I DO know the sting of diabetes. The important thing for us is that we have DECIDED to DO something about it. Now let's be about the business of getting it done. I got you...
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    I am not vain and i do not want attention.

    I want to lose weight and get fit, because I LIKE THE WAY IT MAKES ME FEEL. I don't know if this means i am vain and in denial but i really don't think i am.

    I simply love the way i feel mentally, physically and emotionally when i am fit and healthy and thats why i want to continue doing it

    Don't we ALL want that same feeling? Being fit affects so many areas of our life. It is euphoric to be in a position where you feel GOOD about yourself. I don't consider it vanity at all. Keep reaching and pushing toward that goal!