What's your "WHY"??



  • ElectricDragon
    ElectricDragon Posts: 60 Member
    Redemption. To forgive myself for getting as big as I did. The only way to do that is to try to learn from my mistakes and work hard for a better tomorrow and to make a better me. 60 pounds lost so far, but still a long road ahead to redemption.

    ((On an aside, if you are reading this, feel free to send me a friend add. Looking for more friends.))
  • RosaliaBee
    RosaliaBee Posts: 146 Member
    I'm not a 'driven' type of person. I find steadily and quietly working on changing small things over time more effective for me than lots of heat or drama. I wouldn't deal well with the histrionics on programmes like "The Biggest Loser"! I'm not *desperate* to lose weight, I just want to. I would like to feel less restricted with doing the things I enjoy doing, being fat is really restrictive. I want to get fit because it feels good to be fit. I'd like to be able to wear my store of clothes again.
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    Because I lost me and I want me back! I feel strongly committed and I'm on the road to success. :happy:

    Saying that you want to find yourself again is a clear indication that you know WHO you are and WHAT you want! Kudos to you for clearing one of life's major hurdles! Look for me along the road to success. I'm somewhere traveling with you!
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    I'm not a 'driven' type of person. I find steadily and quietly working on changing small things over time more effective for me than lots of heat or drama. I wouldn't deal well with the histrionics on programmes like "The Biggest Loser"! I'm not *desperate* to lose weight, I just want to. I would like to feel less restricted with doing the things I enjoy doing, being fat is really restrictive. I want to get fit because it feels good to be fit. I'd like to be able to wear my store of clothes again.

    The race is not given to the fastest or the strongest, but to the one that endures until the end. I define driven as being motivated to succeed. There can be an intense, compulsive drive, or a quiet and simple drive. Either way we are all motivated in some way to work toward a positive outcome. The motivation to feel good and wear your clothes again is what helps drive your engine! Keep up the little tweaks and adjustments. Before you know it they'll have accumulated into large changes!
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    I want to feel proud of myself. I don't want to shy from the camera, from people I haven't seen in a couple of years, from my husband in the bedroom when I'm undressing.

    But actually I couldn't even get started on this stuff until I started feeling proud, and stopped shying away from all of the above. And that happened when I was 53 lb heavier.

    Kinda funny how that worked out.


    You are well on your way. Self esteem and self image are so very important. People who don't struggle with those sometimes just don't get it. God bless 'em!! But look at you, 53 pounds lost and counting. You SHOULD think highly of yourself; that's a major accomplishment! Keep up the good work!
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    This is a complicated question for me but here are the main reasons:

    1. When I look in the mirror, I want to feel great about what I see. I want to leave my house feeling like I can take on the world.
    2. I want to be strong.
    3. I want to feel accomplished and confident for meeting my goals.
    4. I want to save money on eating out, buying new clothes if the old ones don't fit anymore, and in the long run, on medical expenses.
    5. Heart disease and diabetes both run in my family and I do not want to continue the cycle if I can prevent it early on.

    That's a great list. I like the notion that you want to break the cycle of heart disease and diabetes. Too many of us allow ourselves to become resigned to genetics and family history. But if we want, we can break the cycle. My family has a LOOONG history of both. For a long time, after I got the diabetes and hypertension diagnoses, I had a horrible mindset. I gave into negative thinking, believing that this would just be my fate. I'm glad my mindset changed. If it is to be, it is up to me.
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    Because I don't want to die from being fat like my grandmother did and like my mother is well on her way to doing. I don't want to spend my 'golden years' with a quality of life that is terrible - unable to get around or hooked up to a oxygen tank or a walking pharmacy.

    We only get one go around. I want to be around to enjoy it for as long as I can. I love my life far too much to shorten it with a cheeseburger.

    I used to feel bad for looking at my unhealthy relatives and secretly wishing to never be like them. But now I am glad they provided the motivation for me to do better. My paternal grandparents both died from diabetic complications. My favorite cousin, a year younger than me died from heart problems stemming from diabetes. Two aunts and an uncle DIED from the same. Three friends I went to high school with are dead because of high blood pressure and diabetes. My mother's quality of life has been drastically affected by obesity, diabetes and heart problems. I have garnered all the motivation I need to take a different path and pursue greatness in health with all I can muster. Like you said, we only get ONE GO AROUND! Why WASTE precious time being sick? There too much to live for!
  • GinaRamp
    GinaRamp Posts: 16 Member
    My why is mainly so I will fit in my clothes. I also want to look better and be healthier. My husband doesn't mind my extra weight so he is not a motivator for me. I also have arthritis and want to weigh less for my joint's sake.
  • CeddysMum
    CeddysMum Posts: 101 Member
    At the beginning of this journey my Why was that I was getting sick of feeling sick ... and fat and unfit and unhealthy.

    Now, being well past the half-way mark, my Why is: "Because I CAN do it!!!"
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    These are great "whys"!

    Often the medications we are prescribed are worse than the disease and a much easier cure is hitting us right in the face.
    Losing weight and gaining fitness allows our bodies to heal themselves which is what it was designed to do before we rerouted it with unhealthy living!

    I relate to your post very much and my "why" is similar but when looking long term it is to be able to live longer and enjoy my family times much more.
    This is a great topic and is all about mindset - which is so important.

    I'm a rim believer that the mindset is absolutely paramount in achieving or not achieving anything in life. Check out the blog : www.cayjominara.com. The way we see and view ourselves and our situation determines our course in life and the eventual outcomes. One of my WHY's is because I HATE diabetic medication. I take glucophage (Metformin) and it is totally counterproductive to weight loss. It also makes me feel horrible! So I am super committed to being able to come off the meds altogether. But to be able to do that, I'll need a premier mindset and perspective. Thanks for sharing! I hope we can help each other get there!
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    I want to look hot and I want to be strong

    You will be able to say JUST THAT sooner than you think! Hey, this is a team sport, so you can call one whenever you need an encouraging word or a listening ear. I need to be able to join in the celebration of your "hotness" and super strength! Keep me posted! I can hardly wait!
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    I refuse to get diabetes.

    I have it and I hate it. Do WHATEVER you have to do to not get it!! Stay strong and work hard!
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    I don't like feeling weak.
    I'd rather feel more firm.
    I didn't like the direction the scale was going.
    I don't like shopping for new clothes.
    I'm only 5'0" and every pound counts.

    I hear you loud and clear. Those are great reasons to reach for something better. The strength, the scale, the clothes...I'm right there with you! Let's get in it and WORK!!
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    My aging parents came to visit and their mobility was SO limited. For Mom, it was weight. For Dad, it was not keeping his strength up when he retired,...he let his fitness go.
    I swore then that I wouldn't be them in 25 years. I wasn't going to be them in 1 year. SO,...I'm mostly about fitness. Moving, feeling good moving, feeling strong, feeling capable. I've got more to do, but the last 5 months have been about longlasting change, even though its been SO....SLOW,...hey, I've got nothing but time.

    I'm glad you made the decision to not fall in the same rut as your parents. I am a father to 5 children. One day I saw a picture my son took. I was sitting I the couch looking like a tired old man, with a potbelly to match. I asked myself if this was the image I wanted my kids to have of me and the example I wanted to set? I don't want the, to see me getting weak and feeble because I refused to take care of myself. I would hate for them to see me in that way.
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    the clothes I wanted didn't come in my size.

    IKR??? All the best clothes come in the smaller sizes don't they? Ha ha! In the past I always had to buy big and tall. I'm 6'5" so most stores don't have my length. The big and tall clothes were just too big and enhanced the pot belly! I had to buy clothes to accommodate my midsection! Man oh man! That's a great WHY! :smile:
  • thePlumpmom
    I want to be able to see my daughters ( ages 4 and 3 ) grow up and have children of their own.
    I want to feel sexy for my husband again
    I want to be able to walk a flight of steps without being out of breath
    I want to look better naked
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    Avoiding knee replacement surgery and decreasing the pain from degenerative disk disease.

    That's a good one. Relative of mine had to do the knee surgery thing because being overweight destroyed the knee. And recovery was worse for the same reason. Getting lighter will do wonders for the knees. I have had a unique condition all my life. Stress of my knees causes great amounts of fluid to rush into the knee area causing all types of painful swelling. It wasn't so bad when I was a 150 kid playing basketball. When I got sedentary and blew up to 245 lbs. I felt the effects much more sharply. Now that I'm losing the weight, my knees are starting to feel so much better!
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    I want to be able to see my daughters ( ages 4 and 3 ) grow up and have children of their own.
    I want to feel sexy for my husband again
    I want to be able to walk a flight of steps without being out of breath
    I want to look better naked

    Those are powerful motivators. The look good naked theme is strong throughout these forums! I want to be the same way. I said jokingly to a friend that once I got all sexy and buff, I was going to get me a fig leaf and pose naked for statues!! Lol! Keep working hard, you will see the results sooner than later!
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    because I couldnt see my vagina anymore.

    no lie.

    That's the best one I've heard yet!! When you look down and all you can see is belly.....it's time to make a change! I FEEL you!! Let's make it happen!
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    I realized my excuses were invalid.

    I heard that. Excuses do not yield results. We need lots more action if we want to reach our goals!