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200+ (Week 44) Getting Fit For Fall!

akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Time for another week to end and another to begin!

Hope all of you did well over this week and I'm looking forward to reading how y'all did.



  • Kendal - Lake Junaluska is only about 90 minutes from my new house. We're inbetween Spartanburg and Greenville, SC. Enjoy your camping trip!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Mr. Scale and I are talking again. I'm down .25 of a pound to 182.5.

    Kendal - have a great time!!!!

    I've gotta run for an early client. I'll catch up and post more tonight. Good luck on your weigh-ins...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    so....one of my big weaknesses is chips and dip....especially when the chips are huge and unbroken. I'm way up this morning because of it. And I know tomorrow won't be much better because I had to buy breakfast and I'm going to have to buy lunch too. I've basically stopped drinking water though so I'll force some of that down today. ugh. I guess I will log my bad weight anyways. 220.6 :grumble: :frown:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Mr. Scale and I are on the outs. I was back down to 183 yesterday, but I ate a bit more and later last night, so it was back up to 184.0 this morning. I'll take it... not pleased, as I've done well overall with eating and exercise this workweek. But then again, 3/7 of the days this week, I ate horribly and didn't get much exercise, so what can you expect?

    Need to keep on task this weekend so the scale comes back down.

    Victoria- nice work! Glad the scale and you are back on.

    Kendal- it'll come back down again. I know that I really wanted to go with th 183 from yesterday and not the higher weight today, but gotta fess up to it. Step away from the chips/dip and you'll do fine this next week.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    bump...don't want to loose u guys, I'm having some family issues and I have been a bit in the dumps this week....trying to stay focused....
    good luck everyone!
  • Down 1.2 lbs since last week. Slow & steady. I'm learning to be patient. :)

    Kendal - I like big, unbroken chips too. Esp homemade tortilla chips, still warm and lightly salted. Yum, yum, yum. Once you get back on track the scale will go down again. Hang in there!

    Victoria - a loss is a loss no matter how small. Nice work!

    Kristina - Hopefully this wkend goes smoothly for you so you can stay on task.
  • chacha79
    chacha79 Posts: 8 Member
    I am down 0.2 this week. It would have been much better if I hadn't had that late night stress eating binge! Bah!

    Today is a new day!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Sarah- thats great that you lost 2 pounds this week!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: I wouldn't blame you for taking the bus in a heavy downpour. Sometimes we have to adjust our exercise to the weather. It happens. Let it slide off your back and keep moving forward. You are doing wonderful!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey guys! I am so happy that this week is showing a loss. Last friday I was 224.5 and by monday after eating out all weekend and not controlling myself at all I was up to 229! I knew a lot of it had to be water but none the less I panicked. So on Tuesday I started logging everything again and drank as much water as I possibly could. I am now down to 221.0. OMG I am so happy! The last month I have up and down with depression and pulling through. I hope the depression part is gone for a while I was really really having trouble getting out of bed and even talking to people. I think I'm learning something that I probably knew in the back of my mind my entire life but it has become pretty evident recently. I thrive on accomplishment. When I don't have it I do a nose dive very quickly. I have to find things that make me feel accomplished especially after I am at goal or else I will shoot right back up again.

    I have reached a couple mile stones this past week. I have lost a 40.5 lbs since starting and I am now over the hump as far as what I have left to lose, I need to lose 96 more lbs to be at goal. When I started it was 137 it seemed like such a huge number, now that it is under 100 lbs to go I feel it is attainable. I entered this weight loss challenge at my gym that ends at the end of October. I hope to win it of course but if not it will still keep me more focused than having nothing to work for since I am a very competitive person. My next goals are to be 210 by my 10th anniversary (this is what I weighed when I met my husband so anything under that is new territory for him). Then I would like to be 200 by the end of the year and into onederland! It's 3 months until my anniversary so that should be doable, and perhaps I can even hit 200 and be in wonderland by the end of the year, reach for the stars I say!

    Anyways I'm babbling, I just feel really good right now and am going to try to have a full week this week of total focus and dedication.

    Chacha - 0.2 is a loss I'd take it any day over all the weeks I have not moved an inch. Keep it up!

    Kendal - Your weekness is my weekness, chips and dip and doritos I'd eat those any day over sweets. I can't have them in the house or things will not go well. Drink drink drink water. It will level out as it did for me this week.

    Deb - Ugh family issues are hard when it comes to keeping on task, I hope this next week is better for you. Keep you chin up.

    Kristina - I'm confident Mr. Scale will decide it was wrong this weekend and reward you for it's mistake.

    Trace - 1.2 lbs is excellent! Keep up the good work. Slow and steady does win the race.

    Victoria - A moving scale is always good as long as it moves down for you :)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Congrats Kim! That's fabulous!

    Glad the weekend had begun. Did not do fantastic on the eating front today- we ordered mexican at work (yum!- haven't had in ages), and dinner wasn't good either. Friday is a hard day for me- I'm getting low and not very creative with my food at home by this point in the week and am more inclined to not plan well and eat worse or go out (got a salad tonight, but then also got stuff from the hot bar AND a dessert *facepalm*). Makes it worse cause today is my rest day of training. Definitely need to either go to my walking group tomorrow or the gym and running on Sunday. And no nasties either day this weekend.

    Damn it Kristina- this is why you can't seem to get over the 180 hump. UGH.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    So apparently lost 2 more pounds in the last day or so despite the non-exercising for a total of 4.8 this last week. Was a bit shocked to get on the scale this morning and see a 2 leading the numbers. I am now below 300 pounds for the first time in more than a year. Yeahh!! What a good end to the week and motivation to keep going. I don't ever want to see a 3 leading the scale numbers again!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    welp ladies, the car is 97% packed and I'm about to head out! I'm hoping to burn enough cals in the next 5 days to get me back on track for next week's weigh in. I'll still try to log in every day but I might just be lurking. :bigsmile:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sarah - Flips, Twirls and a little Booty Shake!!!! YEAH!!!! That's wonderful. Keep at it and before you know it, you be even lighter.

    Kristina - I'm still chuckling over the "Damn It" post because I'm the same way... the mountain (it's to big to be a hump) to the 170s is huge. Good luck this weekend. I need to get out the door and run to make up for the frozen pizza last night (can I have a face palm?)

    Kim - Congrats on the lose!!! It's nice to have you back. Depression is hard. Your goals are great and very attainable...

    Lacey - happy Sat back at you. 40 pounds gone - YEAH!!!

    Trace - congrats on your loss too!!! You're right that slow and steady wins and stays off!!! I'm glad that your family is back together. Moving sucks.

    chacha - great job on the .2 loss... Any loss is a good loss... Every day is a new day :wink:

    Kendal - hope your having fun!!! Drink that water... Salty chips are my weakness too - I had some Pringles Wed night:blushing:

    Well I need to get my tush out of this bed and on the road. I'm scheduled for a 4 mile run but may go 8 to make up for skipping the run on Wed. Who knows what I'll do - I guess it depends on the weather and temp outside. It looks like rain. Enjoy your weekends...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member

    will check in later with a real post :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Good morning everyone! Today is a good day, my good set of In laws will be here for almost three weeks. They are always fun and willing to help us with projects in the house which we need. The bad thing is the food. Ive got a menu thru the end of september planned and that will help but it will be a challenge to get any exercise in.
    I did however buy the golds gym card workout for my wii and from the reviews it looks pretty good. Mostly boxing. So my plan Is to get up in the morning to do it before I get ready for work.
    I have a tradeshow in march and I want to lose at least 20 lbs by then so its time to get going again. And be serious about It this gimp. I'm going to get a ticker that shows what I need to lose and delete the ticker with the 11 lbs lost thing so I see what I need to work on.

    Not many of ud have posted this weekend do we all must be pretty busy!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    WOW! I have had a weekend of eating cr@p, but it appears my activities have curved me to have a weight loss. Down another pound for a TWL of 45lbs and now I am 193.

    I have 3 more pounds to lose before Labor Day. I am not sure if I will make it, but I really don't care because my weight keeps going down every week!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Mish- I know from experience, the bad eating will catch up with you- keep it on track in order to hopefully hit your weight loss goal for Labor Day.

    Lacey- way to go with developing a meal plan. Exercise is hard to fit in, I understand. Just do what you can!

    Victoria- still proud of you for turning that 4 miler into an 8 miler. way to go chickypoo!

    I was going to get up early this morning to do my long run, but when I checked the temperature and found that the humidity was actually supposed to go DOWN as the morning progressed, I told myself I could get up when I felt up to it. It was a idea, because I only ended up sleeping about an hour later than I would have, and felt more rested. Weather was nice- cloudy- threatening to rain, but never did- sort of humid, but not horribly so, and i nice breeze.

    I made it through an entire week of training without wussing out on anything!! This morning's long run: 7.01 miles in 1hr34min (13:28 pace). Woo! It definitely was a bit of a struggle for me. I think part of it is that last week's long run didn't pan out with the humidity and so it had been 2 weeks since my 6 miler. Body wasn't used to it, I guess. So yeah, it was a bit painful, but I'm glad I did it. I really still can't imagine running ANOTHER 6 miles to reach a half-marathon. This amount just takes so long to run, I just don't know. I'm going to continue training for now, but I'm sort of thinking it might make more sense for me to continue to work on my pacing a bit and have my long runs not be too much longer than this, so when I start getting up at the higher distances, it doesn't take forever. But, I'm committed at least for now to continue training for the Oct. half. It's just such a long time to be running! Do like that I burned so many calories though!

    Eating was better yesterday. I finally baked some kale to make chips. Very yummy! And I made a not-tuna salad recipe I found here.


    Delicious. I never like tuna salad, because the smell of canned tuna always made me nauseous, but the garbanzo beans are amazing and who knew vegan mayonnaise could be so amazing!

    Anywho, I did my grocery shopping yesterday, so now major plans for the day. Might clean around the place a bit. Might go out and get some coffee and read at a shop or something. We'll see.

    I'm needing to keep it in gear this upcoming week. The rec center is closed for it's annual 2-week renovations, so I'm going to have to find other ways to get my crosstraining in. DVDs galore! Sunday is a co-worker's wedding and about a month ago I got a cute black dress at Target that fit, but was a little tight. I'm hoping it'll be fititng me a bit better, otherwise I'll need to find another option, and don't really want to spend the money on another dress. Hope everyone's weekend is going well!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good afternoon super pals!!! I got up at 4:30 this morning and watched 2 crappy movies. I should have stayed in bed to catch up on sleep. Oh well - at least I got in a 5 mile walk with mom. Next week we jump to 6 miles and the week after is the bridge walk. I dumped even more clothes from my closet - some stuff that was more comfort clothes but now is way too big. I am wearing 2 sexy shirts that used to be tight. At least the clothes are fitting better and I'm feeling comfortable wearing form fitting clothes. I've worked hard to get this body and I'm going to show it off!!!

    Great job on your run Kristina!!!

    Lacey - good luck with the in-laws and eating. Wine is what does me in with the in-laws... It just seems to flow. Then I make bad eating decisions (*sighs*) but it tastes sooo good.

    Mish - today is a new day. At least you are losing weight slowly so it should stay off despite your "Cr@ppy" eating.

    Kendal - hope you're having fun...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    okay, even though my weekend was relaxing, i am NOT down with tomorrow being Monday already. Boo. Hiss. :grumble:
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