200+ (Week 44) Getting Fit For Fall!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy Monday Morning to all my Super Pals!!! Yah, I'm on an exercise high from my great bike ride. Nothing beats an hour of exercise that seems so easy it shouldn't be classified as ex - the biking partner and I talked non-stop about our weekends. If it wasn't for the darn work thing, we could have gone on for another hour. Topic of discussion - how hilly the area we live in is. Her son and husband are also training for the Detroit 1/2 Marathon. Her son was visiting from Detroit and they planned a 6 mile run but had to stop after 4 since the "hills" were too much for him. I guess living here, I forget how hilly it is. I guess I'm getting more bang for my buck on my rides and runs...

    Gotta run - I agree this should be a holiday weekend - I could so use another day off!!!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Mish- I know from experience, the bad eating will catch up with you- keep it on track in order to hopefully hit your weight loss goal for Labor Day.

    Yes, it will. I have been there too many times. It was a weekend of birthdays, but bad eating I am not talking about going over calories, more of eating something I usually don't eat. Back on my normal scheduled eating habits. Yesterday was not a bad day, just not as schedule as I have myself during the week. I am very happy to say when I ate my portion, I stopped. I did not over do it which is a huge battle for me. I feel as though I have to look my enemy in the eye and confront it. Only then will I feel I have defeated my overeating.

    I should be able to go to an event and not over do it. It may sound harsh and in a way set me up to fail, but this is working. I feel great that even though I could have had a weekend of overeating, instead I ate those treat, but kept it to one serving and counted my calories.

    Going to hit up the Wii tonight after the kid goes to bed.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Sorry I never posted yesterday guys...busy weekend for the family. Weigh in was the same for me...no change what so ever...to the dot, no weight loss...but my stomach area...I lost inches again??? I keep thinking one day I will jump on and then it will finally drop..I have been getting smaller , has me totally baffeled..... I'm into week 8 of insanity...shew.....really feel that I am getting stronger, the 3rd fit test I did better on some and stayed the same on a few...but really felt better at the end...not so.."he just kicked my *kitten*" :laugh: :laugh:

    2nd place for us with a local baseball tourney this weekend, but now on to football with our first game tomorrow night.
    Have a great week everyone!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Deb- bummer about not seeing the numbers drop on the scale. Uber frustrating. The good news is that you are losing- just not necessarily in the poundage. Losing inches is fabulous, cause in the end, it's about how your clothes fit and such, not the number on the scale, and you're obviously getting super fit. Way to go!

    Mish- weekends are always really hard for me as well to keep my eating under control. Way to go for keeping things under control!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend. It was quiet here... no surprise with people out and about doing things. Kendal is off on her camping trip and Amy's jetsetting through Europe (stinkers).

    This week should be okay at work. Final week of my current group, so I should have at least a few weeks off before my next cohort begins. I love not having to work late! Today should be pretty busy, but pleasantly so.

    The rec center is closed for the next 2 weeks, which blows. I'll need to find other ways to get my crosstraining in. Might see if any local gyms have guest passes.

    Eating was pretty much under control this weekend. Friday night was a bit of a disaster, but compared to the last two weekends, it was much better. And when I stepped on the scale this morning, I hadn't lost really any weight from Friday (down .2), but considering the past few weeks I've been UP a few POUNDs on Monday morning, I will so take this and it bodes well for a weight loss this week. Unfortunately, the end of this week is when I'm due for TOM. Dang it- just when I have a good week, that needs to throw a wrench in the weight loss. *grumbles*

    *deep breath* Should be a decent week though. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya ladies! I got back from England today and I am super-tired (had to get up at 4 am to get to the airport in time for my flight). We had the BEST time! I saw an old friend & his wife & he took us punting in Cambridge (that's riding down the river in a gondola-type thing) & then out to a sushi restaurant (I hadn't had sushi since I left Monterey in April, so that was nice). We did all the touristy things in London (the double-decker bus tour, British Museum, National Museum, Picadilly, Trafalgar square, Harrods, the Underground, Big Ben, etc.) It was awesome. It ruined me for store-bought tea bags forever. I have always preferred loose-leaf tea, but the stuff I got in London was hands-down amazing. My eating was not too out of control, actually. I DID have fish & chips (fried...fried...fried) but it was soooo good. We walked all over Cambridge, London and a couple of other places during the week as well as swimming with the munchkin every single day so I am sure I burned at least some calories. I haven't stepped on a scale yet as I KNOW I'm dehydrated & retaining water from the travel. We'll see how it goes.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Deb-Just a reminder that muscle weighs more than fat. It sounds like you've been working out a lot, so probably that is the reason you are getting slimmer, but not seeing the pounds drop on the scale. Sooner or later the scale numbers will catch up, but if I were you I'd focus on the positive side effects you're seeing and not agonize over the pounds. Obviously you're doing something right if you're losing inches.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy- WELCOME BACK! We missed you around here. Sounds like you had a blast on your trip, and way to go with the decent eating. You were on vacation, so you can't expect to be fantastic all the time, and you certainly should splurge on fish and chips if you're going to be in London!! Sounds like you did a lot of walking, so I'm sure the damage will be minimal. Just pound that water over the next few days, pump up the exercise, and eat lots of fruits/veggies!

    Hope everyone's day is going well. Today has been pretty busy, and I think the rest of the week will be as well, which is okay- as long as it isn't too stressful, it should help the day go by faster!

    Unexpected date with pub trivia tonight. I ate well today. I'm at the other clinic today, which usually involves me eating out for lunch, but I had a good breakfast and lunch (steel cut oatmeal w/ fresh blueberries, a yogurt for snack, and my chickpea "not tuna" salad on a slimwich with carrots and an apple for lunch), so the damage tonight shouldn't be horrible (minus the sodium content). Just can't allow a beer, but will still have my favorite sandwich and fries. As it's a light exercise day, I'll be over, but not in a completely horrid way, so I should be able to make up over the next few days.
  • Danielle_81
    So sorry I haven't been around much the past week. Had an awfully irritable week and then my anniversary was on Sunday. I did weigh in on Friday and was down 1.2 lbs from my lowest so I lost the 5.9 lbs I'd put on the week before.

    I didn't log at all the last 3 days and am sure I went over my maintenance even, but I'm not upset about this because I'm sure I can correct everything by friday and see a loss!

    Friday we had a joint birthday party for my daughter and my hubby's niece, so it was homemade food, hot dogs, cheese ball (which is a HUGE weakness of mine!!) I'd have eaten more but they ran out of crackers Then that night when we came home hubby and I were starved. Neither of us had the energy to cook anything plus that it was like 80% humidity in our house. We went to Taco Bell.

    Saturday we went to the Museum walked around for a couple hours and caught the planetarium show, which was so cool since I've never been to one before. We were going to go to get Chinese but hubby decided he wanted to try out the brewery. So we went to the brewery and we were really bad....we had potato nachos. Yup potato "fries" with nacho goodness on top! They were SOOO good and SOOO bad!! Then I ordered a steak but only ate half which was about 4.5 oz so not bad for that. But I ate my potatoes and vege's. I also had 2 beers! Which is so not like me, I'm not much of a beer gal, but this was super yummy and my hubby seemed to be pleased that I was "having a beer with him" Then we went home had a couple glasses of wine some bed pilates and watched a movie....it was a great day.

    Sunday we went to church THEN went to Chinese.... I had every intention of getting back on track but that didn't happen. So we went to Chinese and I was SO looking forward to it, because I'm not gonna treat myself there very often right now. So I let hubby order because he is a huge asian food eater. Well we got Crab Rangoons, YUMMY!! fried tofu with peanut sauce, blecht!! and he ordered me cashew chicken. I normally get Sesame Chicken. And I REALLY didn't like the cashew chicken. I had 1 bite and then picked out maybe 6 tiny pieces of chicken and was done. I ended up eating the rest of my steak from the night before and having some fruit salad. Then we went to the jewelry store to "look at" wedding bands. We hadn't gotten ours yet because we couldn't afford them last year when we got married. So we walk in and the lady smiles at my husband and says "how can I help you?" so we start looking at rings, I wanted to look for him first, so we pick out one we really like for him and she looks up and says, with a HUGE grin on her face, "so can we look at yours now?" I was a little perplexed. So we walk over and she pulls out this ring and it matches my engagement ring PERFECTLY! (we had my engagement ring specially made, like we designed it) SO I was so stoked....and I put it on and it fit and my husband says "well I guess it's meant to be!" I just turned and kind of GAWKED at him. and he just smiled..... ANYWAY so I got my wedding ring yesterday...if we are friends on fb I took a picture and uploaded it there. Hubby still won't admit that he planned it, or maybe had looked before hand, but it's all very conincidental! He just smiles and says, 'it was meant to be' whenever I ask him if it was planned!! Then we had our cake and a bottle of champagne saved from our wedding. I did have TINY piece of cake because I was scared it would be freezer burnt, but it wasn't, it was yummy!

    So that was my weekend.....sorry to give micro details but I had such a wonderful, fun weekend I wanted to share it all!!!
  • shamrock677
    I am finally down 2 pounds this week after staying at 210.5 for a few weeks with no weight loss. It feels good to start losing again.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I was gone 12 hours today between work and Walmart... (*sighs*) eating would have been on point but DH decided to cook oven fries for me - who eats dinner at 9:30 pm - what was he thinking??? Silly me are them anyways. At least I burned extra xal shopping and putting groceries away.

    Welcome back Amy!!!! Your trip sounds fantastic!!!

    I'm going to bed
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    just a quick check in.

    pub trivia was lots of fun last night. eating wasn't spectacular, but i skipped out on the beer and ate pretty well otherwise. I didn't get any exercise in (ugh), so I'll need to think about how to rearrange my training for the week. I didn't get up early this morning and do my run. It was pitch black out, and the light shining in my eyes in my bedroom? Not the sun... it was the full moon. Not.cool.

    So my 2 options are:
    1) If the weather is not too warm, go for my run this evening after work, and do my strength/stretch (Monday's normal workout) on Friday
    2) Move everything down a day. Do my strength/stretch (weights/abs, maybe a dvd) this evening, move my run to tomorrow morning, and crosstraining on thursday, and my second run on friday

    We'll see.... will depend on my mood. Eating should be okay today. I'm feeling super fat though- impending TOM I'm sure is a big part of it. I tried on like 4 dresses I have to see what I want to wear to the wedding this weekend, and I'm just not sure about them. I'd really like to wear this one back dress I have, but it's a bit tight and it's the WORST time of the month to be attending a wedding. I'm feeling huge and bloated. Gross. Will need to go to Target to pick up a wedding gift, so might see if they have anything else that tickles my fancy. I might take pictures and ask y'all's opinion of which one I should go with.

    That wasn't quite as short as I had planned. Hope everyone has a good Tues!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    I never got to my Wii Fit last night. I am always bringing home extra work for the $$. It pays better then getting a second job.

    Anywho, other then drama in my development all is well this week. How is everyone else this morning?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya Superpals! I was feeling super-motivated to get back on the wagon after vacation when I stepped on the scale & was UP 4 pounds. Now, it is just about TOM time for me and I am sure I haven't flushed the excess sodium out of my system after the vacay but seeing a four pound gain was kind of jarring. It takes me a freaking long time to lose 4 pounds so I am back on track today to try & get rid of the gain. I did my Insanity workout this morning before lunch as DH has kind of given up on doing it with me (grrr... :mad: ). I am making sure to get my water & fiber and the lovely green tea I got in England. So, I'm feeling good today.

    Mish: Sometimes $$ talks. Just make sure you get enough "me" time so you don't get burned out.

    Kristina: I hear you on the feeling fat thing. I know I'm PMSing when I feel like Shamu. When I skip a workout, for whatever reason, I used to try to squeeze it in using whatever means necessary but now I just shift everything down a day. It makes me less stressed and guilty feeling about it all.

    Victoria: Oven fries aren't sooo bad - could have been worse.

    Shamrock: way to go on your loss!

    Danielle: Your weekend sounded really fun (and the food sounded yummy too)
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yesterday I didn't do my scheduled insanity workout. I was told about the death of a high school friend in the morning and it just really sat hard with me all day. I have not found out all the information, but this friend was only 44, she has 2 children, her oldest is a senior this year and the son a few years younger. I had seen her last year aound this time.....we caught up at our high school reunion. She too, has always struggled with weight and was talking about one of the surgeries to help. All I know is they said she came out of surgery and was sent home to early with no antibiotics and she passed away of a heart attack in the middle of the night...she had told her son that her chest hurt a little and she was having trouble breathing so whe was going to call the doctor first thing in the morning, she never made it. So terribly sad, now I'm not for sure exactly what surgery she had ...I only know last year this time she was taking weight loss surgery, but had to lose some weight first or something like that....

    That is way to young and my heart just breaks for her family...I just had to get on my elliptical yesterday and I sang my heart out and cried ...just did an exercise where I didn't have to think much...it really has had me thinking about life, and how your not promised tomorrow...you know....

    Hugs to all my friends........
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Debra: I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I can see how something like that would put you in a thoughtful mood. :flowerforyou: HUGS for you.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Debra, so sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you and her family.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Morning all! I did something to my back yesterday evening and it hurts! I have never really had back pain before (that has always been DH's malady). I've heated it and iced it and it is feeling a bit better today but still hurts. So I am scrapping my Insanity workout for today <sigh> and am taking the dog and my son on a walk. It won't be the same calorie burn as Insanity but it will be something.

    So I was on my Facebook today when I saw one of my friends had changed her profile picture to a pic of her with Jillian Michaels. She has always been a huge Jillian fan. Turns out, my friend is on Season 10 of the Biggest Loser (which, I guess, is getting ready to air on TV in the states - don't know if we'll see it here in Germany). So if any of you watch the Biggest Loser, cheer for Burgandy from Utah (I really hope the Armed Forces Network shows it here).

    Have a good day.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Debra: I'm terribly sorry to hear about your friend. I'm thinking of you and your family!

    Amy: eep! I hope your back pain goes away soon. Take it easy on anything that can jar it. Enjoy that walk instead! How exciting about your friend being on BL! I'll definitely have to watch this season! I usually tune in intermittently, but will make it more of appt viewing. Helps now that I have a DVR. The gals here remember last season one of the teams was from my town and they would occasionally work out at my gym in the time between leaving the ranch and the finale.

    Well, today was a bit of a mixed bag. Was not looking forward to running this morning. Really felt like a chore, which running usually doesn't. Perhaps I'm just getting burnt out having to stick to this training schedule. Victoria, are you feeling any training fatigue? I'm sticking with it for now, but definitely not feeling uber excited about it. Then again, I tend to get a bit cranky the week leading into my TOM, which might not be helping my glass half-empty outlook at the moment. On the good side, I still got out at ran. Moved pretty slow (13:20 pace) for 4.5 miles. It's not a terrible time, but considering I'm usually closer to 12min/miles for that distance and my 7-miler was just a little over that pace, it's pretty sad, and it felt like I was running forever. Oh well. Glad I did it anyways. I did do some hand weights last night, but this was my first real cardio since my run on Sunday.

    I do have some good news. I stepped on the scale this morning and it said 180.8 :noway: Now, I don't expect it to stay there by Friday weigh-in as I'm due this weekend for TOM. It's one of those times of the month where I feel like a whale- uber blubbering and bloated, but my Shamu-ness hasn't reflected on the scale yet. That will come soon. But, the good news is that my better eating has paid off, and I'm really not in a plataeu so much- just my craptastic weekend eating catch up with me. So, I know if I continue moving my tush and eating well, after my TOM peeters out, I should be able to get back down to that number and hopefully less.

    I hope everyone is doing well. Today is my long work day. I have group tonight, but it's the last session of the group, so I should have couple week reprieve from having to work late. Though, it's been a busy week with recruitment, which is good in a way, because I was going through a slump, but bad in that it means I will probably have to start a new group sooner than I had thought, so it will probably not be a very long reprieve for the evening hours. As I've gotten my exercise out of the way for the day (I do love that about running in the mornings), I plan on sitting back with a glass of wine on my couch, catching up on my DVR. I know I've got last night's White Collar to watch. Anyone else watch that? The lead character is a very pretty man. Mmph.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Morning all! I did something to my back yesterday evening and it hurts! I have never really had back pain before (that has always been DH's malady). I've heated it and iced it and it is feeling a bit better today but still hurts. So I am scrapping my Insanity workout for today <sigh> and am taking the dog and my son on a walk. It won't be the same calorie burn as Insanity but it will be something.

    So I was on my Facebook today when I saw one of my friends had changed her profile picture to a pic of her with Jillian Michaels. She has always been a huge Jillian fan. Turns out, my friend is on Season 10 of the Biggest Loser (which, I guess, is getting ready to air on TV in the states - don't know if we'll see it here in Germany). So if any of you watch the Biggest Loser, cheer for Burgandy from Utah (I really hope the Armed Forces Network shows it here).

    Have a good day.

    Amy, I wonder if it has something to do with the insanity workout you did yesterday? On the end of my 6th week, I think...I woke up one morning with a catch right smack in the middle of my lower back and it was sore for a good week. I think I might of over used it while doing some of those plank workouts in one of those dvds...because nothing else I did was out of the norm....I found I have to really focus on my form and holding my cre tight because some of those moves really can hurt your back if your not careful. Hope your feeling better!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks for all the wishes everyone...the sad part is her daughter, her name is Ashley and she was very, very close with her Mom, it is her senior year and this world just came crashing down on her. Her son also, he is younger and more queit though, keeping things in...which can be dangerous too.

    I'll be honest, my daughter and I butt heads almost everyday...( I think it's because we are so much alike)....from this day on...I'm going to make extra effort to let the little things go...and make sure she knows how much I love and am so very proud of her..life is so short!