No wonder people are overweight! Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger!



  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    Go to a fish and chip shop in Scotland and they sell deep fried mars bars in batter for afters.
  • SaveTheDrama
    Why not have a burger between a doughnut? Obviously there is a market for them and in reality there will always be a large market for unhealthy foods. I quess I am defending this creation, but only because I don't judge what other people put into their bodies and I also don't judge a company for trying to make money.

    You don't judge what people put in their bodies? So if someone was shooting up with heroin you'd be totally cool with it? Basically deep fried, high cholesterol, trans fat filled foods can be just as dangerous.

    If you don't judge what people put in their bodies, if you can manage to be completely judgmental free, great for you - you've accomplished what most people can't or won't. But defending a burger made with donuts though seems to be quite silly. Sure their is probably a market for it. But there is a market for nuclear weapons too. Just because people want something doesn't make it right.

    Oh come on I am sorry but heroin and a cheese burger are one two different worlds, believe me I have had family members addicted to drugs, so I really think you are way off base. Plus who says people who eat bad occasionally are unhealthy or obese. You are comparing apples to oranges and it is frankly quite silly. If someone wants to eat a cheeseburger doughnut I am not so arrogant as to think I have a say in it. And just because I think something is wrong or right does not mean the world has to agree. Sorry that you feel I am silly for defending this creation, but I frankly think it is silly to get all upset about it in the first place. If you do not want to eat then don't, but leave those who choose to eat it alone, it is none of anyones business..
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    :noway: :laugh: This thread just keeps going and going and getting stranger by the minute all over a donut and a piece of cheese....
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    well i am off to make deep fried pop tarts whohoo !!! :drinker: :devil:
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    “Well, let’s see,” Dave Owens of Appleton, Wis., said at the fair’s opening day this month. “It’s a doughnut with chocolate-covered bacon and a cheeseburger put together. How could you go wrong?”

    I saw an article online this morning about a state fair that serves up Krispy Kreme Cheeseburgers, instead of fries you can get a side of chocolate covered bacon for a whopping 1000+ calories for the meal (I think it has to be more than that!). This is just rediculous and it doesn't even sound good! There's a picture of it in the article and it doesn't look good either! :noway: :sick:
    There was even a man who is diabetic quoted as saying "I'll have another one of these!". What is wrong with people? I'll stick with my lean beef on a reduced calorie whole grain roll with broccoli slaw, thank you!


    The diabetic is being stupid, if he suddenly collapses, he will expect people to rally around him and get him well.

    I'm with you on this, indeed, what is wrong with people. 99% of overweight people on this site became overweight because they stuffed themselves with the wrong sort of food, my own eating habits were absolutely appalling to say the least.

    However, we are all now, trying to get ourselves sorted and taking responsibility for ourselves and our nutrition.

    To be honest, those cheeseburgers sound disgusting and if I were one of those people that could eat anything without putting on an ounce, I still would not eat one. They do not appeal to me in the slightest :sick:
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    i worked in fast food for a couple of years and i seen the same families coming in every other day ordering food for themselves and their kids, now thats distubing knowing a family is sitting down to fastfood everyday but an occassional burger with or without a doughnut seems fine to me as long as its not an everyday food. it actually sounds interesting
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    That Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger must be a beast. Down here people eat something called pork cracklins which is basically pork skin and pork fat deep fried in it's own lard with a box of salt poured on top. They're as lethal as they are good.

    yummy pork cracklins. its a southern thang
  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    That Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger must be a beast. Down here people eat something called pork cracklins which is basically pork skin and pork fat deep fried in it's own lard with a box of salt poured on top. They're as lethal as they are good.

    yummy pork cracklins. its a southern thang

    These are called pork scratchings in the UK which are served in bags and pork crackling if cooked on the pork itself. Of course it is smoothered in loads of salt.
  • disneyfetishboy
    disneyfetishboy Posts: 65 Member
    That Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger must be a beast. Down here people eat something called pork cracklins which is basically pork skin and pork fat deep fried in it's own lard with a box of salt poured on top. They're as lethal as they are good.
    yummy pork cracklins. its a southern thang
    These are called pork scratchings in the UK which are served in bags and pork crackling if cooked on the pork itself. Of course it is smoothered in loads of salt.
    Of course, the Mexican version of these are called Chicharonnes, and as with all Mexican snack foods, they are eaten with a squeeze of lime and a dousing of hot sauce.
  • Lauris83
    Lauris83 Posts: 58
    Yup, that's it. Here's another picture of it, too. Neither makes it look like anything I want near my lips!

    that doesn't even look good! what's the black stuff on the cheese? thats gross lol
  • Lauris83
    Lauris83 Posts: 58
    well i am off to make deep fried pop tarts whohoo !!! :drinker: :devil:

    OMG I got nauseous looking at the pictures on that website. I'm not joking either lol I might just have to throw up at work.
  • Lauris83
    Lauris83 Posts: 58
    Donut burger: 1000 calories

    Dinner at Olive Garden:
    -Breadstick: 150
    -Salad: 350
    -Spaghetti and Meatballs: 1110
    -White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake: 890

    Grand total of 2500 calories.

    Just took random items off the Olive Garden website. Yep, just as I thought. Twice as bad as the donut burger.

    THAT is why America is fat.

    you're right that"s a crazy amount of calories but still sounds yummier than meat between donuts lol