Minimising weight gain in pregnancy



  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Just went back two weeks in your diary - you're averaging 1519 NET cals per day (I left one day out of the calculations because it came to NET 559 and there was no dinner entry so I assume you just didn't enter all your cals for that day). You should rethink your approach I think.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Good lord. OP, people here are giving you AMAZING advice, which you asked for, and you are allowing yourself to be blind to it. You are NOT eating enough. Period. It doesn't matter what YOU think. All that matters is science and medicine... and a healthy baby.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have a slow metabolism. Even eating 1200 calories I did not lose a pound a week. It took me over 2 years to lose 70lbs! And that's with exercising a lot and generally being active.

    I gained loads with my daughter and don't want to be as miserable as I was then ever again!

    Instead of thinking you have a slow metabolism (the odds are overwhelming that you don't), I'd suggest rephrase your line of thinking to 'I'm probably not accurately measuring my calorie intake, and if I were to do so I'd be better able to see where I'm having trouble'.

    Yeah,I'm a total moron who can't count calories! Even if it weren't accurate, when I was eating 1200, if I went over, I was still at a big deficit!

    I used to starve myself years ago, and that has affected my metabolism as I got older unfortunately. I managed to improve it by gradually increasing my calories. My dad has weight issues, and he's seen a specialist at the hospital, and he does actually have some sort of imbalance that causes him to gain weight. No idea what, he doesn't really like to talk about it.

    You opened a conversation and now you are taking it personally when people offer feedback.

    Why are you so reluctant to look at the possibility that your metabolism is not slow and that you are underestimating calories in and/or overestimating calories burned? It's such a common problem. I've been there before too (not the pregnant part, the over/under estimating calories. :bigsmile:).

    Even if you starved yourself years ago and slowed your metabolism, your metabolism most likely has repaired itself by now. However, if you truly feel that your metabolism is that slow, you need to get to the doctor and have your thyroid checked ASAP because you have a baby on the way.

    I am going to be blunt here- the bottom line is you have no business eating at a calorie deficit while you are pregnant, because that leads to weight loss. You have a little one on the way and he/she comes first.
  • Sundaynz
    Sundaynz Posts: 5 Member
    Personally I would not be eating that little while pregnant with a baby. Perhaps think about your baby rather than your weight. Your baby needs you to nourish yourself well so THEY can grow and thrive. I really can't believe you are actually concerned about gaining weight while pregnant .. you are supposed to. If you are worried about your weight after your baby is born breastfeed ( or express) .. you'll soon lose weight doing that and running around after two other children. Yes.. I have been down that road being a mother to four children and having significant amounts of weight to loose each time. Put your baby first.. that is all.
  • Laodicia
    Laodicia Posts: 1 Member
    OMG! yes I know it's been a while now since this was started but I disagree with everybody! I'm 5'8" 179 lbs, 26 years old. my tdee is supposedly almost 2000cal. but I know from this past year of exercise and tracking - I used a different site because I found MFP to be way off on it's estimates. - that my actual tdee is 1700. while running 3 - 4 x a week. if I ate 1700 I maintained. I managed to drop down 30 lbs only by eating under 1700. after gaining 40 lbs in my first pregnancy not losing anything and then 25 more in my second pregnancy. I'm scared of the scale now too in my 3rd pregnancy. I don't paln to try to eat over 1700 / day until atleast the second trimester because I know I will gain way too much.