has your s/o



  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    No. He has said he likes me the way I am, but I think he's just being sweet. He has warned me not to go too far and look like a stick figure.
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    He acts strange about it...in a way that makes me think me losing weight is making him insecure. He acts like my diet and workouts are disruptive to his life. Like me doing a 40 minute Insanity workout in the living room is really that disruptive! He doesn't compliment me on my success either unless I am bragging about it and pull up my before photos...then he has to admit I'm kicking *kitten*. I am trying to get him motivated to get healthy too....but I think that is something everyone has to commit to on their own.

    I'm in this boat with you...only my bf isn't completely unhealthy...by eating yes, but by size/fitness, no, but only b/c he has a physically demanding job. He doesn't ever compliment me either, and if I even think about making a comment that I don't feel well, or I'm tired or whatever, then he says "Well, maybe if you took a day off working out..."

    And I love when he breezes though and makes a comment similar to "All this working out is making me hungry...better have a coke and some oreos"....and sits there and eats them. So is he jealous or asks me to stop? No...but he's not exactly supportive of me either.