day 4 and already blew it.



  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    If you think 1 day will derail you, your already off the rails.
  • ccshopsalot
    You did NOT blow it... repeat after me.. you did NOT blow it.. did you make a poor decision.. yep, but that didn't blow all the work you did in 3 days. It's a lesson learned. Drink more water, that was my go to when I first started this journey, anytime I wanted to eat, i grabbed water even crystal light if I needed flavor but something WITHOUT calories.

    Get in the mind set every time you pick something up.. Is this good for my body, how is this going to make me feel during my work out, after my work out etc. And after a bit, when you eat the crap, your stomach isn't going to be happy anyway w/ the junk.

    Have a good punishment workout today for your actions ;)
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it, and don't let it put you off. Dust yourself off and keep going.

    ^^ THIS. Its impossible to "blow it" after 4 days...or 40 days...or 400 days!! We ALL have bad days, hungry days, days where life gets in the way, ETC ETC ETC...

    This is a LIFEstyle. As in the rest of your LIFE. 2 steps forward, 1 step back (in your case it was 3 steps forward, then 1 back) - its STILL moving are WINNING!

    Hell, you could have a cruddy day tomorrow and still be winning.

    All you need to do to succeed is to have more good days than bad. ITS ALL ABOUT YOUR HEAD. Get your Head right, and your body will follow. YOU CAN!!

  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    It sounds like your body is starved for something.
    I've found that eating closer to 1,500 calories + eating back exercise calories until I hit 1,400-1,500 net for the day is the best for me. Try to jam pack your calories with plenty of fiber, good fats and healthy nutrients. The more dense your foods are, the fuller and more satisfied you'll feel.

    My new thing is hummus with wheat crackers. Keeps me super full, and I feel great eating it! Try to keep those tempting foods out of your house as well, until you can eat them without binging. I've also found that separating tempting foods into small snack sized pouches, instead of eating directly out of a container or having the container within access, helps me to mentally avoid binges (accidental or not) like this.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    So I was trucking along. Hitting net goal. Eating 1200-1400 each day. Exercise each day. Day 3 I exercised a lot and ate back more than half of my cals burned. But was still ok

    day 4. That was yesterday. I did fine all day. Dragged myself to gym after work. Walked 4 miles. Around midnight, I blew it. Went to kitchen. Had 3 cookies. Two flour tortillas with cheese. Handful of chips. About 1000 cals right there
    awful. So grand total cals for yesterday eaten was 2200-2500. I burned 400 thru exercise.

    is this going to derail me? I can't believe I couldn't pull off one week on this. I am really ticked at myself.

    the only thing that derails you is your attitude.

    Not what you put in your mouth.

    So you put a lot of calories in your mouth, so what? You recommit to your goals, you make a plan to minimize the damage.

    Maybe recalculate your TDEE because as Brainy Burro said, you're eating a little low.

    but the ONLY thing that is going to derail you is you.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    of course you failed... you are stuck in a mentality that leads to yo-yo dieting.

    how do i know this?

    because you're trying to eat 1200-1400 calories per day and then "splurging" after a few days. your body is starving for calories and you eventually "give in" to its demands.

    get out of that mentality. eat at a MODERATE calorie deficit from your TDEE and you'll be able to stick with it.

    take the time to get your settings correct. MFP will allow you to pick a 2lbs/week loss rate, but that doesn't mean it's the best option for you.

    All kinds of good stuff in ^this...
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Are you pregnant?
  • focuseddiva
    focuseddiva Posts: 174 Member
    Thx for the pep talks. Very true. I have to get my head in the game. Have to think about how eating well fuels better workouts and how eating crap always makes me sluggish. Thanks to all for the very good insight. My day is going well so far, so I think I've moved on. Just needed a bit of venting. Thx again. Really great support on these boards.
  • focuseddiva
    focuseddiva Posts: 174 Member
    And no. Not preggers.
  • annadchang
    annadchang Posts: 60 Member
    Just don't beat yourself up. That will make it worse. I have that issue sometimes. I have to learn that the next decision has to be a better one. Yesterday was yesterday, a day in the past. Keep your end goal in front of you and you will be fine.

    Best believe you are not the only person that has had this before. Good luck!:happy:
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    You only blew it if you quit... Otherwise learn from it and move on.
  • focuseddiva
    focuseddiva Posts: 174 Member
    To the poster with the photo of the black hat who provided three links. That last link about leveling obstacles. Hollllly Sheet. That MADE my day. By far the clearest, most realistic, most practical advice I have ever read on losing weight. And, as many others can attest to, if you've battled weight issues your whole life, you are by far the most informed person on calories, nutrients, losing weight. What a fantastic post. Thank you.
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    One of my favorite inspirational quotes is: "If You're Tired of Starting Over, Stop Giving Up!"

    You can either give up now, and start over again, or just keep on going.

    Good luck.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    When you say you blew it, it's pretty clear you have an all or nothing mentality. You messed up. So what? Do better starting now.

    Make sure you aren't eating too low, and make sure you aren't working out too hard. If you burn too many calories and net really low (net = caloric intake minus exercise calories), you'll want to binge because your body is too hungry. Aim for a NET of 1400 a day and it'll be much easier to keep going.
  • iLOVEbabySARA13
    I ate 2500 calories yesterday, too! Its not a good thing to do, but its not the end of the world. All you have to do is get right back on track and don't let it mentally derail you. One bad day isn't a big deal, unless you turn it into two bad days...or a bad week, month, etc. You got this.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    is this going to derail me?

    Only you can answer that.
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    We all have bad days. Just get back on the wagon and don't let this derail you. I find that if I have a bad day, I sabatoge myself and it turns into a bad week. Don't let that happen to you.
  • wjstoj
    wjstoj Posts: 884 Member
    pffft - the first two days I was on here I was pushing 3,000/day - sure as heck didn't feel like I "blew it" - just made me a little more aware of my eating habits; so certainly one semi-bad day isn't going to derail you
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    To the poster with the photo of the black hat who provided three links. That last link about leveling obstacles. Hollllly Sheet. That MADE my day. By far the clearest, most realistic, most practical advice I have ever read on losing weight. And, as many others can attest to, if you've battled weight issues your whole life, you are by far the most informed person on calories, nutrients, losing weight. What a fantastic post. Thank you.

    That was actually a donkey who provided those links originally...

    ...I just thissed them...but yes, good stuff.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    of course you failed... you are stuck in a mentality that leads to yo-yo dieting.

    how do i know this?

    because you're trying to eat 1200-1400 calories per day and then "splurging" after a few days. your body is starving for calories and you eventually "give in" to its demands.

    get out of that mentality. eat at a MODERATE calorie deficit from your TDEE and you'll be able to stick with it.

    take the time to get your settings correct. MFP will allow you to pick a 2lbs/week loss rate, but that doesn't mean it's the best option for you.

    If you decide to use advice from only one post here, pick this one!