ate calories by 3pm

Days I'm off work I seem to eat my daily calorie limit by 3 pm. I hate it! my weakness is coffee creamer and random snacking on food such as pretzels. I've been trying to keep busy on my days off of work but my body seems to know it's my "lazy" day and wants to eat more. I had 1350 calories and I don't want to eat anymore just in case I miscalculated anywhere. I guess I need to work out soon so I don't feel so angry at myself. Who else has days like this?


  • Shellerini
    Shellerini Posts: 57 Member
    me! :( thats why i hate days off because I binge eat.
    Today I bought a 200g chocolate bar and ate it all and it was like 1100 calories! i didnt log it in because im too ashamed of myself.
    Hope tomorrow is better
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I do!!! I ate all my calories - except for 75 - so far today. I was planning on working out tonight but now I NEED to work out so I can "earn" dinner without going over. Days at home are definitely the hardest! When I'm off I try to spend time out of the house so I am not there the entire day, or in the mid afternoon when I'm most likely to snack.

    Otherwise, take a walk or get active when you feel yourself starting to snack.
  • fattofit84
    been there done that 2eggs and 1/2 cup cantaloupe its like 200 cals and will fill u up for dinner then just cut out 200 more tomorrow!
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    me! :( thats why i hate days off because I binge eat.
    Today I bought a 200g chocolate bar and ate it all and it was like 1100 calories! i didnt log it in because im too ashamed of myself.
    Hope tomorrow is better

    OK but that sounds delicious and well worth it lol
  • WhisperAnne
    Ugh I just want to scream because this always happens to me. I spent 4 hours just cleaning my house, and trying to ignore my urge to eat. I know a lot of it is boredom but I don't have my own car so I cant just leave when I want to. I hope I feel better when I work out, which I'll do soon.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Only advice I have is what I do and that is preplan my meals the day before that away I know exactly what I have alotted and don't have to think much about it just eat as scheduled...... Best of Luck
  • WhisperAnne
    Only advice I have is what I do and that is preplan my meals the day before that away I know exactly what I have alotted and don't have to think much about it just eat as scheduled...... Best of Luck

    I try doing that but then I snack without really meaning to -_- I have kept chips and pretzels out of the house for awhile, but indulged myself last night and bought a bag of pretzels. big mistake.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    If the weather is decent, why not go outside and take a walk or go for a run? It'll get you out of the house and get you some more exercise.
  • MrsBingley
    You are on maintenance? What are your stats? I hit 1300 by afternoon on my days off too, but I still have 500 left for dinner, and I'm losing at over a lb a week. I know my TDEE is a bit elevated because I weigh more than you and I still breastfeed my daughter at night, but 1300 TDEE for a young person seems really low. The "superskinny" people on that gawdawful BBC show generally eat significantly more than you to maintain a lower weight.

    Are you recovering from ED? Do you weigh everything (or at least everything but leafy greens)? Any other health issues that may affect metabolism?

    Assuming you DO weigh, I would see a Dr. first to find out why you are burning so few calories.

    If that checks out, I would seriously recommend taking steps to increase metabolism, like strength training and light cardio so that you get to eat a bit more.

    Otherwise, saving calories on your work day is not a terrible idea..
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    Exercise and get some of those calories back.
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    Yep, go for a 10 mile run that will get you and additional 1200-1350 calories, then you can start all over...
  • WhisperAnne
    You are on maintenance? What are your stats? I hit 1300 by afternoon on my days off too, but I still have 500 left for dinner, and I'm losing at over a lb a week. I know my TDEE is a bit elevated because I weigh more than you and I still breastfeed my daughter at night, but 1300 TDEE for a young person seems really low. The "superskinny" people on that gawdawful BBC show generally eat significantly more than you to maintain a lower weight.

    Are you recovering from ED? Do you weigh everything (or at least everything but leafy greens)? Any other health issues that may affect metabolism?

    Assuming you DO weigh, I would see a Dr. first to find out why you are burning so few calories.

    If that checks out, I would seriously recommend taking steps to increase metabolism, like strength training and light cardio so that you get to eat a bit more.

    Otherwise, saving calories on your work day is not a terrible idea..

    No I don't suffer from an ED, and I can have 1650 calories to maintain my weight. I sometimes worry I miscount calories that I put in my coffee ( I drink sugar free creamer, 15 calories per serving) I drink 6-7 cups. I count every calorie I intake. It's mind consuming..I eat lean meat and whole grains mainly with veggies and fruit. I don't eat junk food, my only weakness is salty food like pretzels. I had 2 servings today ( 200 calories) which makes me mad because I could have used those 200 calories for a more filling food. I plan on working out to burn at least 200 calories tonight so I can eat something healthy.
  • WhisperAnne
    Yep, go for a 10 mile run that will get you and additional 1200-1350 calories, then you can start all over...

    Lol If only I had that kind of energy!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Days I'm off work I seem to eat my daily calorie limit by 3 pm. I hate it! my weakness is coffee creamer and random snacking on food such as pretzels. I've been trying to keep busy on my days off of work but my body seems to know it's my "lazy" day and wants to eat more. I had 1350 calories and I don't want to eat anymore just in case I miscalculated anywhere. I guess I need to work out soon so I don't feel so angry at myself. Who else has days like this?

    well stop doing that. plan your day better, and set times for meals and snacks. use almond milk for creamer, that's what I do since I drink about 8 cups of coffee per day. when you must snack, snack on something filling and low calories, like baked butternut squah sprayed with 0 cal butter spray and salt and pepper... or, frozen crystal light treats, or 100 cal popcorn, or a huge bowl of lettuce and spinach with some low cal 15 calorie dressing, or make yourself some squash fries or sweet potatoe chips... you know you do it, so stop it.
  • nurseadair
    nurseadair Posts: 48 Member
    I must admit my problem is the reverse. I'm a nurse and have to eat whenever I can at work as you never know if you're going to get your next break and going without makes me feel faint! I find it easier to avoid food at home, I suppose because I know that I can eat if I need to.
  • WhisperAnne
    I've been trying to limit my coffee, but honestly I cant think straight without it. I gave up so much to lose 130 pounds and the only thing I have kept is coffee, except I don't use real sugar in it anymore.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    I've been trying to limit my coffee, but honestly I cant think straight without it. I gave up so much to lose 130 pounds and the only thing I have kept is coffee, except I don't use real sugar in it anymore.

    why would you give up coffee? just use 30 cal almond milk for cream! taste really good actually!
  • WhisperAnne
    I've been trying to limit my coffee, but honestly I cant think straight without it. I gave up so much to lose 130 pounds and the only thing I have kept is coffee, except I don't use real sugar in it anymore.

    why would you give up coffee? just use 30 cal almond milk for cream! taste really good actually!

    I'll try it! thanks
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I always eat (and drink) more when I have days off work. But, I also move more since my job is a desk job. I eat lighter during the week to offset the extra calories I know I will consume on the weekends.
  • Diet_Soda
    Diet_Soda Posts: 124 Member
    I consider it a huge NSV if I can be home I a day off and not overindulge. It is a problem for me. I try to keep myself busy to keep it from happening.