ate calories by 3pm



  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    me! :( thats why i hate days off because I binge eat.
    Today I bought a 200g chocolate bar and ate it all and it was like 1100 calories! i didnt log it in because im too ashamed of myself.
    Hope tomorrow is better

    So because you didn't log it, it didn't happen? You ate it, log it. There is absolutely no point in counting calories if you are just gonna half-*kitten* it.

    but it looks bad :( I ate over 3000 calories when im only suppose to have 1800!! Im not going to gain any weight but just the thought of having to log a 1200 calorie snack makes me sick ;P
    It tasted good but I gotta control myself

    It doesn't look sick. I have several people on my FL that go that high on occasion. We just post 'Yeah, great day! Chocolate!'. No biggie.

    on occasion, I have been known to go up to about 5000 cals, but I still log them!
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    It IS difficult to log those indulgences at times, but you are only hurting yourself by NOT doing it. Maybe log what you want to eat before you eat it and see the damage. Then you can always decided if you really want it. If so, then do it and make up for it over the next couple days by getting in more activity and/or eating a bit less. I'm not saying punish yourself with exercise or don't eat for next couple days, just tweak those days a bit. It's a balancing act that I am also trying to fine tune. :happy:
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    me! :( thats why i hate days off because I binge eat.
    Today I bought a 200g chocolate bar and ate it all and it was like 1100 calories! i didnt log it in because im too ashamed of myself.
    Hope tomorrow is better

    So because you didn't log it, it didn't happen? You ate it, log it. There is absolutely no point in counting calories if you are just gonna half-*kitten* it.

    but it looks bad :( I ate over 3000 calories when im only suppose to have 1800!! Im not going to gain any weight but just the thought of having to log a 1200 calorie snack makes me sick ;P
    It tasted good but I gotta control myself

    I log all my food as accurately as I can; I don't want to make health decisions based on inaccurate data. "It looks bad" is not a valid reason to lie to myself. YMMV.

    @WhisperAnne, if your goal is to maintain and you've been doing so successfully for three years, why are you now eating at a 300-calorie deficit? No wonder you're hungry. Bump those calories, eat, and prosper.
  • fattofit84
    been there done that 2eggs and 1/2 cup cantaloupe its like 200 cals and will fill u up for dinner then just cut out 200 more tomorrow!

    1/2 a cantaloupe is more than 60 kcals ... You're talking more like 300-350 ... I know, I routinely eat half a cantaloupe (or half of a papaya) filled with cottage cheese, most mornings ...
    1/2 cup not 1/2 cantaloupe
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    This is me too! :cry:
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    One thing I do for a snack need is pickles and sweet peppers. Lower calories then chips and such, which I don't keep in the house. Or sometimes I do a handful of cereal like shredded wheat type. I also have herbal teas or decaf black tea and put creamer in it sometimes. I love my coffee too. It's the only thing that I haven't given up. Don't do alcohol anymore mainly because of being on colesterol medicine.:bigsmile:
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    I also keep ready to eat salads and sometimes fill a bowl and top it with salsa instead of dressing. Very healthy and low fat too!
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    It's one day! Eat a light dinner and start fresh tomorrow.
    Also, I would try prelogging for the day, so it gives you accountability.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    Days I'm off work I seem to eat my daily calorie limit by 3 pm. I hate it! my weakness is coffee creamer and random snacking on food such as pretzels. I've been trying to keep busy on my days off of work but my body seems to know it's my "lazy" day and wants to eat more. I had 1350 calories and I don't want to eat anymore just in case I miscalculated anywhere. I guess I need to work out soon so I don't feel so angry at myself. Who else has days like this?
    I have many bad days, usually when I haven't slept well and thus have had snacks in the middle of the night. Today I'm not doing TOO awful, even though I slept poorly, but I also am fighting a migraine off and can't exercise. :(
  • bernicesmission
    I do this on my day off too!, because self control in regards to food is still something i struggle with, i dont keep any foods in the house that i can seriously do calorie damage, instead i keep candy and chocolate in my gym locker and reward myself when i go to the gym, its a little bonus for going to the gym and sweating my backside off!
    I also rarely have foods in my house that dont need to be cooked or prepared, therefore if i have to cook to eat then do the dishes sometimes i reconsider.
    It's something that i struggle with all the time, many an evening i have had a 90 calorie cup of soup, fruit, yoghurt or on really crazy days 40 calories worth of sugar free jelly!(JELLO) for dinner.

    BUT in the end if everything goes wrong and i have gone way over, go to the gym , forget about it and start a fresh the next day, unless you do this every day then its not going to huge efffect on your overall progress as long as you dont get disheartened and give up....i used to do that all the time!

    forgive yourself , and have an action plan for the next day!
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    I spent 4 hours just cleaning my house, and trying to ignore my urge to eat.

    cleaning is an activity(calories burned) in the exercise log on MFP, just saying
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    You cleaned your house for 4 hours? You've done your workout then!
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I would invest in something like a Fitbit or similar thing to help you determine how many calories you're actually burning because I've known other folks on here about your size that are eating much more than you and still losing.

    However, my daily goal is 1700 and I have to try really hard to get there... so unless you're binging... I can't really see how you'd already be at 1300 by 3pm? What are your meals like?

    Here are mine:

    Breakfast: protein bar or greek yogurt : approx 160-190
    Lunch: Typically a sandwich w/ fruit; salad or soup with half sandwich: appox 300-450
    Dinner: Lean meat w/ veggies : usually 450-500
    Beverages: 2 cups of coffee w/ sugar & non-dairy creamer: 80cals (everything else is water w/ no cal mio added or plain)
    If this was your diary at 1300 cals that still leaves 80cals for a snack (fruit or veggies)

    Usually even if its not a "workout day" (Lifting for 25min and 10min Run) I try do something like play Wii Dance or go for a walk, etc because I sit at a desk all day and don't get a lot of exercise from normal activity. According to my fitbit, I'm buring at least 2000cals/day.

    I definately agree that you should try engaging in exercise that is going to boost your metabolism like heavy lifting. They say lifting is for boosting your metabolism... that is your friend in losing weight. Cardio is simply for "earning" more calories because you don't burn much fat unless you only do HIIT. So, if you're out of calories... go earn some more! Good luck!
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    To avoid mindless snacking, I log my snacks before I eat them. Sometimes I'll decide it's not worth it and not eat, eat less, or decide to eat something else that's healthier and more filling.

    On days like this, there's no shame in eating your maintenance calories. I do this sometimes because eating at maintenance won't hurt your long-term weight loss and you won't gain weight back.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Since it sounds like you wander around and snack...why not go work out? It'll give you more calories and keep you from snacking in the meantime.

    But since you cleaned for four hours, that probably gives you some extra calories, too.
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    Breakfast: protein bar or greek yogurt : approx 160-190
    Lunch: Typically a sandwich w/ fruit; salad or soup with half sandwich: appox 300-450
    Dinner: Lean meat w/ veggies : usually 450-500
    Beverages: 2 cups of coffee w/ sugar & non-dairy creamer: 80cals (everything else is water w/ no cal mio added or plain)
    If this was your diary at 1300 cals that still leaves 80cals for a snack (fruit or veggies)

    Baiscally she's saying OP, is to eat more satisfying foods...:wink:
    I'm still a big girl :bigsmile: so,

    Breakfast: 1 serving proteins shake( receipe:2scoops of chocolate protein powder; 1 banana, 1 apple, 3 handfuls of spinach, 2cups low fat milk, 1 celery stalk) approx 200 cals

    Lunch: 2oz meat, 1c lettuce, 2-3 slices of tomato, 1 slice onion, 1tbsp light mayo, 1 slice of low fat cheese, 2 slices whole gran bread along with 1c veggie soup approx 400cal

    Dinner: Moroccan Chicken w/carrots and chickpeas(receipe); 1c rice(sorry i love rice) approx 500 cal

    Snack: PBJ sandwhich - approx 150cal

    **************lots of water*******************

    I exercise 5-6 days/week for 45mins
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    me! :( thats why i hate days off because I binge eat.
    Today I bought a 200g chocolate bar and ate it all and it was like 1100 calories! i didnt log it in because im too ashamed of myself.
    Hope tomorrow is better

    So because you didn't log it, it didn't happen? You ate it, log it. There is absolutely no point in counting calories if you are just gonna half-*kitten* it.

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Days I'm off work I seem to eat my daily calorie limit by 3 pm. I hate it! my weakness is coffee creamer and random snacking on food such as pretzels.

    Can totally relate. For a long time, my solution was that as soon as I felt that pang, I put on my sneakers and went for a 5 mile walk. It doesn't burn a huge amount of calories (upside is that it doesn't take a lot of energy) but what it does do is keep you away from the feed bag. :smile:
  • rosah2
    rosah2 Posts: 40 Member
    I use CoffeeMate original. At 20 calories per tablespoon, I don't worry about how many cups I have in a day. I usually only drink coffee in the morning but if I get the urge, evening coffee is a nice treat for me. Frankly, if I had used all my calories, I would still feel ok about going over by 20 calories for a cup of coffee.
  • CharChary
    CharChary Posts: 220 Member
    I USED to do this. I discovered that pre-planning and ONLY eating my meals EVERY 4 hours helped me break this cycle.