That one weird thing your pet does.....



  • sunfirelynn
    sunfirelynn Posts: 186 Member
    I had a dog named Rufus , When she heard the word " Ready" she would go in attack mode, she died from old age.

    My cat Gucci can be in the bedroom with me and when he hears my b/fs car come he will race out to the door to greet him every time, he does this daily. Its really cute because he is such a lazy cat !
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    My dog will sleep on her back, head tilted to the extreme left or right and have all 4 legs straight in the air.
  • CheeksBryant
    CheeksBryant Posts: 193 Member
    Our Golden Retriever Katie is just OCD. She has a path she has to follow from the yard to the steps, she lays all her poops in a row no lie (front yard looks like a poop assembly line), and after she eats she runs to carpeting and rubs her mouth back and forth on the carpet. Our rescue Pitt Bella, she's just a big old nasty, toothless wonder who after doing number 2, runs like she just got a second life in her!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    My miniature dachshund now lives with my ex husband, she is old (14!) but for some reason when she was about 9-10, she suddenly starting liking him SO much more than me. He would work on Sunday mornings and I was at home with her and EVERY Sunday morning she would lie on her bed acting sick and frail, ALL morning, even though she was normally a very hyper energetic dog even in older age -I would actually worry about her EVERY week because of the way she acted, and she wouldn't respond to treat or walk offers even (!) and the minute he came home she was happy & hyper again. EVERY Sunday for a couple of YEARS. Other days of the week she acted happy to see me when I got home, and responded normally to was just a Sunday thing.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    My girl cat lays totally flat and rigid on her back and sticks her hind legs straight out
  • rgugs13
    rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
    My dog gets severe separation anxiety, even if I just leave the room for a minute. He finds and item of dirty clothing or shoes, and makes nests with them to snuggle with. If he can't find anything handy, he'll knock over my dirty clothes hamper to get something. He also tears up kleenex to voice his frustration at being left alone. He is strange, but I love him!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    My mini pig will hop on the couch if I'm sitting on it, and climb up on the back like a cat, and wrap herself around my neck. Unfortunately, this just means she gets completely tangled up in my hair.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    My Lab mix bites his nails. He likes to do it while he's lying on my bed and I'm trying to sleep, so I hear "chomp!" then *bed shake*. My Pit mix sometimes rests in a leaning position, with her head turned toward her butt. I don't know how that can possibly be comfortable.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    One of my cats, Blair, just adores my husband. When she wants attention from him, she'll run over to him and meow. Then she'll stand just out of reach so he has to move to pet her. She also doesn't like not having access to my husband. If he's in one room and has the door closed, she'll stand by the door meowing and putting her paws under the door until someone lets her in. She doesn't always want to be in the room... she just wants to know that she has the option.

    My other cat, Breanne, drinks water by dipping her paw into the water bowl and then drinking the water off of her paw. When she plays with a ball, she doesn't bat it with her paws. She rolls over onto it to make it roll, then she'll chase it and repeat the process until she's bored with the ball.
  • TheFangsKittie
    TheFangsKittie Posts: 117 Member

    Sits on my bath watching me bathe

    has a proper issue with closed doors

    climbs in to my shoes..and my fellas

    eats everything we want to eat...mostly steals chilli marinading food from the counter

    cant meow
  • MeRoHa
    MeRoHa Posts: 95 Member
    My little doggy (who went to doggy heaven at 17.5 years) used to howl like crazy whenever the tornado sirens went off. She tried to imitate them. My husband always said she must have thought it was some weird dog howling. It was really hilarious. At one point I had mini blinds in my living room which she destroyed trying to get out the window to find out what was making that noise. I really miss her and think about her often.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    My pit bull Pickles gets up and excuses herself when she farts. Like the minute she does it, she gets up and goes into her bed like she's ashamed. It's more funny than weird.

    Our other little rogue new rescue dog does a crazy legs maneuver every morning... He gets up, eats, goes out, and then flies around the house at 200mph with his tail between his legs and his ears slicked back until he finally crashes into someone/something. He also does this weird thing on the carpeting that I can only explain as "skating around the carpet on his head".

    Pickles is so much more normal than the new guy. Shes secretly my favorite... She's a therapy dog too!! :heart:
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    My cat acts like my sweaty workout gear is catnip. Gross :/
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    My cat eats with her paws (picking her food up and bringing it up to her mouth) instead of eating straight from the bowl. A civilised little darling.
  • micqs
    micqs Posts: 186 Member
    We have a rabbit. He will wedge himself between things. There will be no space at all and he will find a way to wedge himself there then sprawl out like its a spa!
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    My dog barks at garden tools. If you leave them laying around she'll bark at them, and drag them all over the back yard. Yeah, I don't know. Oh, she also barks if anyone hugs. She's pretty weird but we love her :)
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    My cat takes a toy mouse and will dunk it in the water bowl like he's trying to get it to drink. Then he'll place the mouse into the food dish which just pisses off the other 2 cats. He'll also dunk other things like pieces of tape or a toy sparkle ball. I wish he could talk and explain himself.
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    We got a rescue Maltese last year and overall he's pretty normal but, the one thing that is so weird to me is that if you have him in your lap or picked up and long count to the number three (Oneeeeeeee, Twooooooo, Threeeeeeeeeee) He totally freaks out and goes into attack mode. I don't know what the deal is. Maybe previous owners threatened to throw him off a cliff or something.

    What's yours?

    OK, this was my original post but, I now have an update. Our Maltese, Scruffy, has now started raising half of his upper lip when he gets in trouble. Kinda reminds me of Elvis a little. Also he winks at me a lot. I do wink back in case it's some sort of secret code though. lol
  • Loss4TheWin
    Love these!

    Only *one* weird thing? Hard to pick. Hmm... I'm sure it's explainable - and if anyone has the explanation, I'd LOVE to hear it! When he's eating, sometimes he'll stop, become completely still and stare down HARD at his food. He holds that position for a bit and then starts to forcefully nudge and scoop at his bowl, outside and inside, with his muzzle. He'll repeat that a couple of times and then just start eating again like nothings wrong. What's he doing?!?
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    Recently my female cat has felt the need to open my closet door every the middle of the night. It is noisy and takes her a while - just enough to wake me up. So now I Ieave it open. I also can't leave glasses of water unattended because she will knock them over. For 7.5 years I've been putting my water glasses up on a shelf I when Ieave the room - it's so ingrained I'm sure I will continue to do it after she's gone.

    My boy cat was a stray. Oddly, he doesn't eat much and is super skinny, he will ONLY eat cat food and doesn't like any cat treats. He will also sit at open door and look out but not go out. I think he's worried if he goes out he may not ever come back in again, or maybe he had bad experiences outside while he was a stray. He also acts like a dog. he plays fetch, comes when he's called and pretty much does whatever I ask him to do (like if I point to the scratch post and say "UP" he will jump up on it."