10 lbs? Yeah right.



  • janessanessa
    janessanessa Posts: 299 Member
    Lol Thanks so much.....:grumble:

    Sorry if I offended you. I just hate to see people set themselves up with a plan that's flawed from the start. Come back on the 13th and prove me wrong. Not kidding. If you can lose 10 pounds in 8 days without literally starving yourself, I'd love to know exactly how you did it.

    Edit: actually no, don't try to prove me wrong...I'd hate to think that a silly internet comment left you unable to function and falling down exhausted and sick.

    She's right, a reasonable 1-2 lbs. a week is more realistic for your current weight. I agree with her. Best of luck with your goals. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    :flowerforyou: OP - Although your goal may not be my choice, I think you're really bada$$ since you're able to be so calm when responding to everyone that's disagreeing. Usually by now the OP is getting defensive and maybe even reporting people. Positive attitudes create positive results. I wish you luck in accomplishing whatever goals you set - just be safe
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Congrats on losing the Thanksgiving bloat but I agree with the others that your goal is completely unrealistic. :flowerforyou:
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    :flowerforyou: OP - Although your goal may not be my choice, I think you're really bada$$ since you're able to be so calm when responding to everyone that's disagreeing. Usually by now the OP is getting defensive and maybe even reporting people. Positive attitudes create positive results. I wish you luck in accomplshing whatever goals you set - just be safe

    Thank you! :smile:
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    Congrats on losing the Thanksgiving bloat but I agree with the others that your goal is completely unrealistic. :flowerforyou:

    I guess we'll find out!
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    And technically, starting today, it's 9.8 lbs. in 9 days.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Lol Thanks so much.....:grumble:

    She's right though. For someone who is not obese, the only way to lose that much weight in 8 days is to dehydrate yourself, and that's pretty freaking harmful to your entire body. Besides that, the minute you go back to eating and drinking normally, your weight will go back up. What's the point in trying to drop 9 or 10 lbs in 8 days just to gain it right back? What is the hurry, aside from wanting to meet an arbitrary deadline? If you want to lose 10 lbs, a more appropriate target date might be, say, Valentine's Day. That's 10 weeks away, and even that is fairly aggressive for someone with only 10 lbs to lose.

    ^^^ this

    and also, the weight you lose won't be fat and you won't actually be any thinner. Or you may drop an inch around your waist due to having very little food in your intestines, but your body fat percentage will be the same.

    Ask yourself this. Do you want to be a particular number on a scale, or do you want less body fat and a leaner body? If it's the latter that you want, then abandon this goal, and instead set your calorie goal so you can lose 0.5lb a week. Eat that amount of calories while ensuring you're getting plenty of protein and also doing exercise. Weights or some other form of strength training is best (for bone health, not just getting a fit body) - this is how to lose actual fat from your body, you want the weight that you lose to be 100% fat, not water or muscle or bone density or anything else. This is how you reduce your body fat percentage. It may take longer, but if you want to lose 10lb of *fat* that's how to do it. If you want to lose 10lb of anything without caring whether it's fat, water or whatever, then limb amputation is probably the quickest way to see a lower number on the scale.
  • no offense, but what is the obsession with seeing the number on the scale go down, eating healthy foods but not nearly enough, in just 8 days? :huh: you actually WANT to experiment putting your body through physical torment? you might not see it as torment, but it is. your body will reject this lifestyle really fast even if you convince yourself that it works and it's OK. just because you "feel good" because you're "eating clean" doesn't really mean anything if you are depriving your body of its most basic needs just to "experiment" and set a "goal" for yourself.

    I see a lot of other posters trying to help you. You're very humble in your responses, but I'm not sure if you truly care about being healthy... or if you are intentionally wanting to remain ignorant about what this can do to your body in reality.

    Good luck to you.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Your thread title pretty much sums up my response.
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    no offense, but what is the obsession with seeing the number on the scale go down, eating healthy foods but not nearly enough, in just 8 days? :huh: you actually WANT to experiment putting your body through physical torment? you might not see it as torment, but it is. your body will reject this lifestyle really fast even if you convince yourself that it works and it's OK. just because you "feel good" because you're "eating clean" doesn't really mean anything if you are depriving your body of its most basic needs just to "experiment" and set a "goal" for yourself.

    I see a lot of other posters trying to help you. You're very humble in your responses, but I'm not sure if you truly care about being healthy... or if you are intentionally wanting to remain ignorant about what this can do to your body in reality.

    Good luck to you.

    What is the torment part? How am I depriving my body of basic needs?
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    Pro Troll
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    Pro Troll

    I'm not a troll and that is not a very nice thing to call someone.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Your thread title pretty much sums up my response.

  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    no offense, but what is the obsession with seeing the number on the scale go down, eating healthy foods but not nearly enough, in just 8 days? :huh: you actually WANT to experiment putting your body through physical torment? you might not see it as torment, but it is. your body will reject this lifestyle really fast even if you convince yourself that it works and it's OK. just because you "feel good" because you're "eating clean" doesn't really mean anything if you are depriving your body of its most basic needs just to "experiment" and set a "goal" for yourself.

    I see a lot of other posters trying to help you. You're very humble in your responses, but I'm not sure if you truly care about being healthy... or if you are intentionally wanting to remain ignorant about what this can do to your body in reality.

    Good luck to you.

    What is the torment part? How am I depriving my body of basic needs?

    Assuming you've logged everything in your diary, there are only about 2 days in the past week that you've eaten more than about 500-700 calories. That's not nearly enough food for anyone even sedentary. You're basically starving yourself, which is torturing your body. And if you're really wanting to lose over a pound a day, then you're likely to continue on the track of starving yourself and may continue to eat less, especially as that date approaches and you don't see the number on the scale that you want.

    Oh, and that original weight fluctuation you mentioned? Water weight. The body's weight can fluctuate an average or so of about 5 pounds a day, and I've seen the scale swing by as much as 10 pounds, depending on what I've done and eaten between two weighings.
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    no offense, but what is the obsession with seeing the number on the scale go down, eating healthy foods but not nearly enough, in just 8 days? :huh: you actually WANT to experiment putting your body through physical torment? you might not see it as torment, but it is. your body will reject this lifestyle really fast even if you convince yourself that it works and it's OK. just because you "feel good" because you're "eating clean" doesn't really mean anything if you are depriving your body of its most basic needs just to "experiment" and set a "goal" for yourself.

    I see a lot of other posters trying to help you. You're very humble in your responses, but I'm not sure if you truly care about being healthy... or if you are intentionally wanting to remain ignorant about what this can do to your body in reality.

    Good luck to you.

    What is the torment part? How am I depriving my body of basic needs?

    Assuming you've logged everything in your diary, there are only about 2 days in the past week that you've eaten more than about 500-700 calories. That's not nearly enough food for anyone even sedentary. You're basically starving yourself, which is torturing your body. And if you're really wanting to lose over a pound a day, then you're likely to continue on the track of starving yourself and may continue to eat less, especially as that date approaches and you don't see the number on the scale that you want.

    Oh, and that original weight fluctuation you mentioned? Water weight. The body's weight can fluctuate an average or so of about 5 pounds a day, and I've seen the scale swing by as much as 10 pounds, depending on what I've done and eaten between two weighings.

    I don't always log everything.
  • All I'm doing to hit this is walking a mile or two a day and eating fruits, vegetables and a little meat/nuts for protein.

    If it happens, it happens. If not, oh well!

    I've seen the effects of eating healthily and I know how powerful it can be. I will be back on this post December 13th to update you all. I'm not into the dehydration/starvation thing so don't think I will go to extremes to hit this.

    I'm just doing it naturally! :smile:

    Your above attitude and description sounds good and good luck to you, but I hope you can be happy with/proud of 1-2lbs/week and not be disappointed if thats what happens after you got rid of the "turkey glut" weight :)

    For perspective, as a guy who was a lot heavier than your start weight, I did lose 10lbs in one week one time, but I really don't want to do that again. I ate at a 1lb/wk loss rate with high protein, but I burned over 3,000 cals/day with daily weights + elliptical for about 2hrs while reading and also added in swimming/hiking....it was very tough, I was very tired in the end and I gained it all back shortly afterwards. I did it to prove I could and for a competition, but even knowing I can, I'd rather lose 1-2lbs/week now, as I'm doing, eating well, exercising in moderation. Anyways, your bodyweight is significantly lower, you have a lot less muscle than I did (unless you are a bodybuilder), and you don't plan to exercise 3-6+hrs/day, so don't feel bad if you don't make that fast of a loss (in fact feel good that you aren't) and just keep going after!

    Remember, even though I've done that fast of a rate before, now I've just spent a year lowering slowly instead...if it were a good idea to lose fast, I'd do it the fast way and get it over with ;)
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    People are getting a little frazzled because you just don't seem to get it even though you say that you do.

    It is impossible to lose that much weight that fast and do it in a healthy manner. People have said this, but you act like you think it's possible when it isn't. That's a fact. Not really debatable. You would have to deprive your body of essential nutrients to eat a deficit large enough to lose a legit 10lbs that quick.

    The Thanksgiving weight you added/lost was not fat. It was most likely water and food stored in your body and means nothing to the next 10lbs.
  • no offense, but what is the obsession with seeing the number on the scale go down, eating healthy foods but not nearly enough, in just 8 days? :huh: you actually WANT to experiment putting your body through physical torment? you might not see it as torment, but it is. your body will reject this lifestyle really fast even if you convince yourself that it works and it's OK. just because you "feel good" because you're "eating clean" doesn't really mean anything if you are depriving your body of its most basic needs just to "experiment" and set a "goal" for yourself.

    I see a lot of other posters trying to help you. You're very humble in your responses, but I'm not sure if you truly care about being healthy... or if you are intentionally wanting to remain ignorant about what this can do to your body in reality.

    Good luck to you.

    What is the torment part? How am I depriving my body of basic needs?

    eating an egg and drinking green tea for one day and then absolutely nothing the day before? well, I guess that isn't torment after all especially if you eat healthy at least ONE day a week... :huh:
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    All I'm doing to hit this is walking a mile or two a day and eating fruits, vegetables and a little meat/nuts for protein.

    If it happens, it happens. If not, oh well!

    I've seen the effects of eating healthily and I know how powerful it can be. I will be back on this post December 13th to update you all. I'm not into the dehydration/starvation thing so don't think I will go to extremes to hit this.

    I'm just doing it naturally! :smile:

    Your above attitude and description sounds good and good luck to you, but I hope you can be happy with/proud of 1-2lbs/week and not be disappointed if thats what happens after you got rid of the "turkey glut" weight :)

    For perspective, as a guy who was a lot heavier than your start weight, I did lose 10lbs in one week one time, but I really don't want to do that again. I ate at a 1lb/wk loss rate with high protein, but I burned over 3,000 cals/day with daily weights + elliptical for about 2hrs while reading and also added in swimming/hiking....it was very tough, I was very tired in the end and I gained it all back shortly afterwards. I did it to prove I could and for a competition, but even knowing I can, I'd rather lose 1-2lbs/week now, as I'm doing, eating well, exercising in moderation. Anyways, your bodyweight is significantly lower, you have a lot less muscle than I did (unless you are a bodybuilder), and you don't plan to exercise 3-6+hrs/day, so don't feel bad if you don't make that fast of a loss (in fact feel good that you aren't) and just keep going after!

    Remember, even though I've done that fast of a rate before and I've spent a year lowering slowly instead...if it were a good idea I'd do it the fast way and get it over with ;)

    Oh even if I don't hit that goal I'll still be closer than I am now! Haha. I'm not going to bust my rear to get there either. Just changing some things around and seeing what happens! Thanks for your kind comment. :smile:
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    no offense, but what is the obsession with seeing the number on the scale go down, eating healthy foods but not nearly enough, in just 8 days? :huh: you actually WANT to experiment putting your body through physical torment? you might not see it as torment, but it is. your body will reject this lifestyle really fast even if you convince yourself that it works and it's OK. just because you "feel good" because you're "eating clean" doesn't really mean anything if you are depriving your body of its most basic needs just to "experiment" and set a "goal" for yourself.

    I see a lot of other posters trying to help you. You're very humble in your responses, but I'm not sure if you truly care about being healthy... or if you are intentionally wanting to remain ignorant about what this can do to your body in reality.

    Good luck to you.

    What is the torment part? How am I depriving my body of basic needs?

    eating an egg and drinking green tea for one day and then absolutely nothing the day before? well, I guess that isn't torment after all especially if you eat healthy at least ONE day a week... :huh:

    LOL! I ate more than that!! I just don't always log it! :laugh: