So tired but need to workout



  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    If you really are burnt out, take a few days off to recover. That's what I do.
  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    That's something I struggle with too- knowing the difference between when to push through a workout and when your body truly does need to rest. Usually I push through and do it anyway, and my body responds by becoming more alert and energetic. Other times, though, I'll start working out and will know within about 5 minutes that no, I should definitely be resting instead of exercising. I'll get winded and it will feel harder than normal. I think I've learned to recognize the feeling that precedes that response to working out and I just don't do it in the first place. I typically have that issue when I'm PMS-ing or when I have been really sleep deprived. In those cases, it just seems cruel and unhealthy to force myself to work out.

    So maybe try exercising for 5-10 minutes, and if you're still exhausted, stop? Also, you could try eating on the lower end of your calorie range on days when you can tell you're going to be too tired to work out.
  • MandaPanda0690
    MandaPanda0690 Posts: 9 Member
    I know how you feel. After a long day at work and a 1 hour commute home I definitely do not feel like working out. An hour commute gives me a whole hour to come up with a million excuses as to why I can skip working out that day. It's hard, but I think it's about getting outside of your own head and just deciding that future gains are worth the present pains!!! You can do this!!!
  • pittbullgirl
    pittbullgirl Posts: 341 Member
    I ended up taking s nap and also realizing that I haven't eaten that way I normally do this past week.
    Going to hit the gym possibility tonight but definalty tomorrow am.

    Thank you all for the encouragment and kind words! :)
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    I feel you. For me, this happens in winter. I am made for summer, I can't get enough of going outside. Now it's December and rainy and wet and miserable and I haven't seen the sun in days. It makes me want to go curl up in a ball in my closet and not come out until June.

    What works for me:
    -Bargaining (if I go, I don't have to put away my laundry tonight, or I can take a long hot bubble bath later)
    -home SAD therapy - I stand in the brightest part of my house for several minutes
    -minor self-sabotage (oops, just ate some candy. well, now I HAVE to go work that off)
    -curling into a ball and not coming out until June [pending]
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    I'm willing to bet that there's never been a single time that you pushed yourself to workout and then regretted it later. I force myself by looking at it this way: I can either do my workout and feel better after I'm done, or I can sit around and keep feeling tired, which will lead to me wanting to kick myself in the rear for not working out.
  • pittbullgirl
    pittbullgirl Posts: 341 Member
    I feel you. For me, this happens in winter. I am made for summer, I can't get enough of going outside. Now it's December and rainy and wet and miserable and I haven't seen the sun in days. It makes me want to go curl up in a ball in my closet and not come out until June.

    What works for me:
    -Bargaining (if I go, I don't have to put away my laundry tonight, or I can take a long hot bubble bath later)
    -home SAD therapy - I stand in the brightest part of my house for several minutes
    -minor self-sabotage (oops, just ate some candy. well, now I HAVE to go work that off)
    -curling into a ball and not coming out until June [pending]

    I actually have SAD and yes, winter does make it more difficult for me.
  • gonesewing
    gonesewing Posts: 63 Member
    I ended up taking s nap and also realizing that I haven't eaten that way I normally do this past week.
    Going to hit the gym possibility tonight but definalty tomorrow am.

    Thank you all for the encouragment and kind words! :)

    I just opened this thread now and my first thought was "are you fueling properly?" It is so important to have the energy to work out. I love going to the gym, I go almost daily. That is the next thing, do you enjoy what you are doing? That is important too, you can't love everything (read, mountain climbers here :tongue: ) but you need to enjoy most of it.