feeling hopless



  • AdrianaNiva
    AdrianaNiva Posts: 3 Member
    I'm not sure if you posted this because you felt you needed extra encouragement... I'm saying that because picture 2 clearly looks smaller and more toned. Regardless, if you want to keep track measuring is your best bet! Not just your stomach either, measure everything. One day you may have eaten more sodium and retained some water in your stomach but your thighs or hips or arms could all be smaller. Keeping weight can also be deceiving because if you're losing fat but gaining muscle you may not see a substantial weight difference. Don't give up, you look great. :)
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    Your entire form looks smaller to me. Sometimes specific parts look bigger, because the rest of you has gotten smaller in comparison.

    I second this ^^^

    I feel like my belly is a little bigger at the moment too but then I tried something on and it seemed looser round my middle

    Its difficult to gauge progress just from these 2 pics. Take lots of pics from different angles and try to get some from the same angles as last time.

    Did you take the pics first thing in the morning? Food could make you bloat or TOM approaching or have you been working your tummy muscles enough for them to be pumped?

    Just stick to your plan, measure and see if theres any progress in another few weeks :o)
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Don't let your inner dialog get you down, we can be very cruel to ourselves! Pictures can be very deceiving! How are your clothes fitting? Have you done measurements? Also, are you working a plan that you feel you can do for the rest of your life? Picture yourself in 4 different occasion (Birthday party, wedding reception, cocktail hour....) and see if you can engage in all of them without having to white knuckle it through the event. Might be that the plan you are working, isn't working for you. This can lead to binge eating.....Sorry your feeling this way! What plan are you working right now? Also, BMR's on most all sights are a joke, way too many calories to consistently lose.....Trust me, you are NOT alone and NOT the only person that feels your "different" and just can't lose the weight! The plan your working is failing you, you CAN lose the weight with the right program, trust me.......been there!!
    I wanted to tell you, I loved your response to the OP! I'm sure it will be supportive to many others as well. Inner Dialog, yep, it can make us or break us... but we can beat it with practice.

    Thanks again!

    OP...you look fabulous... keep it up:drinker: We all get discouraged from time to time... regarding your photos? I suggest wearing the same outfit in each photo and taking them the same distance apart...this might be what's tricking your eyes.

    It's been brought up a number of times already on here but I vote for the tape measure method..then you've got solid proof no matter what the scale says, no matter what your photos try and tell you... a tape measure never lies.:wink::heart:
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    How are your clothes fitting?
  • tottie06
    tottie06 Posts: 259 Member
    Well you started in Nov, right? So you have only been at this for one month max? I can see a difference in your pictures -normal progress for the first month IMO. And your skin looks tighter/smoother. Most people get frustrated during the first month and a half. But it takes time for the body to adjust to new habits. If you are exercising, or if you have changed your diet at all, your body is changing from the inside out. NOT the other way around. Don't worry! You will get there!! Everyone has to start somewhere. You think those with six packs were born that way? Takes dedication and commitment. Stick to it hun!!
  • mylife4eva
    ty everyone. ive been having a tough few weeks since thanksgiving (from eating more fats and salts and from taking care of my son, who got pneumonia) i haven't been noticing much about my clothes cause here in new england its so cold that all i wear are yoga pants and long sleeves. ive actually started my dieting in late August, early September and was imo doing great, now the holidays are throwing me off. I havent been doing exercises like i should be, and i have such bad fatigue that i need to push myself to work out. its good to hear im not alone or am the only one going thru this.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    You look about the same in both pictures, only the second picture your stomach looks firmer/smoother. Plus it has only been a month, results sometimes take awhile. Keep at it, don't give up!
  • cevalid
    My belly hasn't gone down a lot either and its been 1 and a half months (8kg lost). Cruel cruel fate has seen my boobies disappear instead.

    But of course your frustrated- esp cause of holiday eating and not getting to do the exercise you planned to do.

    If an exercise plan is too difficult to keep up, maybe think of a less taxing plan that you can actually stick to?