Something gross** be warned,



  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    These stories are great!!! Keep them coming!:laugh: :sick: :sick:
  • arcana7609
    arcana7609 Posts: 212 Member
    My niece and I bought a coconut and we had never had a fresh one before. We tried to break it open for about an hour. I even took it outside and threw it down on the pavement trying to break it open. We had poked holes in and drained the liquid which we tasted and it was HORRIBLE. When we finally got it open it had this black and green fungus....hmmmm rancid cocnut juice....GAK!
    xALEXANDROx Posts: 3,416 Member
    These stories are great!!! Keep them coming!:laugh: :sick: :sick:

  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Poured a bowl of granola, put milk in it. took a bite and felt weird texture crunch in it. Look down to see my bowl of cereal full of ANTS!! I have never puked that hard in my life. I check all my food to this day!
  • itsfruitcake
    itsfruitcake Posts: 146 Member
    Poured a bowl of granola, put milk in it. took a bite and felt weird texture crunch in it. Look down to see my bowl of cereal full of ANTS!! I have never puked that hard in my life. I check all my food to this day!

    ^ WOAH.

    I was super excited about finally cracking open that tiny pot of organic "Walnut Marzipan Mousse au Chocolate" in our fridge I'd been saving up (it was still in date for another month or so!). Opened it, had a spoon, thought "mhh.. tastes kind of...fermented?" and noticed that it had little fuzzy white patches around the edge on the top and on the sides where air bubbles had formed. Went straight into the bin. So disappointing.

    Note to self: go for the non-organic stuff that's chock full of preservatives next time :laugh:
  • itsfruitcake
    itsfruitcake Posts: 146 Member
    Oh I forgot that one time I had a peach, tried to cut it in half around the pit, but it cracked open and out marched a little earwig who had been living in there. I think I could see it shaking its tiny earwig fist at me for destroying its house.
  • arcana7609
    arcana7609 Posts: 212 Member
    Oh I forgot that one time I had a peach, tried to cut it in half around the pit, but it cracked open and out marched a little earwig who had been living in there. I think I could see it shaking its tiny earwig fist at me for destroying its house.

    HEHE did it say "Get off my lawn!"?

    I got a danish out of the vending machine at work. I took a bite and was chewing as I turned it over to see what the content was. I thought to myself "hmm it looks like it has cinnamon on it" and when I looked closer the entire package was full of dead ants. I spit out what I had in my mouth. I took a picture of it with my phone. I would show it to you, but I can't get the pictures off of my crappy flip phone.

    There was a tiny split in the package and apparently the ants got in and couldn't get out or they died of diabetic comas. I am not sure. Poor little things.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    These are great!! ????????
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I poured a nice bowl of Grape Nuts one day, ate a few bites and then noticed some stuff floating on top that wasn't Grape Nuts, it was weevils. I can't eat Grape Nuts to this day.

    Did that with raisin bran once - it was little moths and the littel catterpiller worms too ( it was a new unopend box too ) ! didn't eat it again for years ,just started eating them again .

    now I'll probably skip it for a few weeks until I can put it out of my mind again ...yuk !
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    A vein in my chicken sandwich. I started away from meat for awhile after that as a teenager. And moldy Ezekiel-type bread... Haven't are loaf bread in months now, but I would just keep it in the freezer to be safe.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    A vein in my chicken sandwich. I started away from meat for awhile after that as a teenager. And moldy Ezekiel-type bread... Haven't are loaf bread in months now, but I would just keep it in the freezer to be safe.

    omg thats soooo grosss:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am a pretty gross person. I don't have a lot of money, so if I splurge on strawberries or blueberries and one gets moldy, I just eat the ones that aren't contaminated. If I drop something on my floor, I just rinse it off and eat it(5 second rule lol), I said MY floor because I know how often it gets cleaned. If cheese gets moldy, I just cut the mold off and eat the rest. I dont do millworms though, but they dont gross me out when I see them in the package, I just toss them....millworms are a big prob in my stuff since I dont use packaged food often, so I learned to look for them.

    This being said, I hardly EVER get sick. I don't know if there is any relation, but I'm sure it helps a little, after all some bacterial infections are cured with mold infused pills
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    Once as a kid I was at a friend's house and there was a bowl of pretzels sitting on their bar in the basement, I bit one in half and a maggot crawled out of the half I hadn't eaten yet.

    My friend was eating one of those Cadbury fruit and nut bars and took a bite and there was a maggot in one of the nuts, as far as I know she's never had another one lol

    A few years ago when we were living at my husband's parents' house for a while, my husband made homemade soup with barley in it. We ate a bunch of it and I took some to work with me to have for was only after I'd eaten about a quarter of what I brought that I realized it was full of those little bugs that get into pantries and live in dry ingredients (like barley) I don't know what they're called. Worst part is I'd just offered my co-worker a bite, bragging about what a good cook my husband is so I couldn't freak out or she'd know I accidentally fed her bugs LOL
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    Once as a kid I was at a friend's house and there was a bowl of pretzels sitting on their bar in the basement, I bit one in half and a maggot crawled out of the half I hadn't eaten yet.

    My friend was eating one of those Cadbury fruit and nut bars and took a bite and there was a maggot in one of the nuts, as far as I know she's never had another one lol

    A few years ago when we were living at my husband's parents' house for a while, my husband made homemade soup with barley in it. We ate a bunch of it and I took some to work with me to have for was only after I'd eaten about a quarter of what I brought that I realized it was full of those little bugs that get into pantries and live in dry ingredients (like barley) I don't know what they're called. Worst part is I'd just offered my co-worker a bite, bragging about what a good cook my husband is so I couldn't freak out or she'd know I accidentally fed her bugs LOL

    Omggg tHOSE Are alllll so nasty:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    I become an intense food inspector before I eat, so this does not happen to me.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    I become an intense food inspector before I eat, so this does not happen to me.

    Well I definitely pay more attention than I used to after my experiences, haha!
  • animalrane
    you ate a fuzzy carrot?... anyone else see the joke here? lol
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    you ate a fuzzy carrot?... anyone else see the joke here? lol

    its not a joke, i nearly puked :sick: :sick:
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    I am terrible about drinking out of the carton/container/etc. Once, when I was 15 or so, I got the milk (in cardboard container) out of the fridge and ended up setting it down on the counter to grab the corded phone in another room. Came back out to the kitchen and grabbed the carton and took a big ole swing...

    Now there is something you have to know at this point. Apparently, there was a second container that someone in the family had pulled from the fridge and left on the countertop the night before because they realized it was bad. Maybe they left it there after grabbing the damned phone and forgetting to come back to throw it away.

    In my haste, I didn't realize the container I grabbed out of the fridge was 2 feet away sitting there in gloriously chilled perfection. Instead, I got a mouthful of thick, chunky, rancid, yellow, curdled milk.
  • d5d14m66
    d5d14m66 Posts: 150 Member
    So you had homemade buttermilk?