first thing you changed to start the healthy new you?



  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?
    Started logging food to track calories
    Started cooking dinner a lot more for myself instead of heating up prepared foods or dumping rice, beans and cheese into a big bowl and microwaving it.

    What was the hardest for you to change?
    "Habit" foods (I don't keep cereal in the house anymore except Cheerios. still eat too much pizza, though) and portion sizes

    what is your start weight?

    What is your current weight?

    What is the best part of your journey?
    Digging old clothes out of boxes of stuff that had gotten too small
    Seeing people at holidays and not being embarrassed
    Dating :wink:
  • AA1ex
    AA1ex Posts: 223 Member
    1) Realizing I needed to lose weight.

    2) My husband to join in. Having at home support means a lot to me.

    3) 148lbs

    4) 117lbs

    5) Learning to enjoy new foods.
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Quit drinking soda and went to water. I only drank diet but still.

    kicking the soda addiction



    the realization that I could do it. Fitting into the next size down.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    got real. got honest. stopped with excuses

    evening/nighttime mindless munching (i still struggle with this)



    Fitting into old clothing, smaller sizes.
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?
    -- Amount of food I eat. Before I used to gobble up a meal for two in five minutes.

    What was the hardest for you to change?
    -- The way I eat. I have to eat less, get rid of the junk, and start eating foods I don't even like (which I do now, btw!)

    what is your start weight?
    -- 245

    What is your current weight?
    -- 151

    What is the best part of your journey?
    -- Looking at myself in pictures and still getting surprised with how different I look now. And also asking for clothes in small. Even XXL didn't fit me before!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I stopped drinking fizzy drinks. I used to go through about 2L of Dr. Pepper a day, and that most definitely did not fit my macros ;D
  • healthytanya1
    healthytanya1 Posts: 198 Member
    I first focused on my caloric intake.

    The hardest part and still is would be exercising. I love fun physical activities but now that winter is here I don't want to go outside. Also its hard to get motivated to use my eliptical.

    SW 200
    CW 149 5'7

    I love having to go shopping and get SMALLER clothes because nothing fits me.
  • rfw24
    rfw24 Posts: 443 Member
    First thing I did was to start exercising.
    Hardest thing to do was to cut down on the beer I drink.
    My starting weight was 160, currently 154.
    Best feeling/thing, I have been sleeping better since starting this.
  • micervera
    micervera Posts: 114 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy? CLEAN OUT MY FRIDGE & PANTRY ON JUNK FOOD

    What was the hardest for you to change? DOING PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES

    what is your start weight? 213 LBS

    What is your current weight? 180 LBS

    What is the best part of your journey? SHOPPING FOR NEW CLOTHES & LEARNING HOW TO EAT THE RIGHT THINGS
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I will sum it up with a quote but first letting go of apathy was the real instigator of can blame bad lifestyle choices on things like illness, accidents etc but it is how we react to a situation not the situation itself that promotes the outcome of said events.

    There will always be something or someone to blame if you look hard enough.

    "When there's nothing left to burn, you've got to set yourself on fire"
  • karinjpetersen
    The first thing I changed, honestly, was I just got up off of my butt and started doing more. I used to run in high school and when I graduated like 80% of my physical activity stopped. I moved away from all of my friends, i didnt start college right away, i was broke, etc, etc. So it literally took a big ol slap in the face from the doctor to make me see that I NEEDED to lose weight. So, I started working out. Dieting also came pretty easily for me as well. When you're working out and eating right, the pounds just start to melt away. You look better, you feel better, and eventually other people start to see it to.

    The hardest part has been emotional. Physically I'm a smaller person, but mentally I'm still 250lbs. It's not as smooth of a transition as everyone would like you to believe it is. I have friends that would get irritated when I didnt want to go out to eat, or go out drinking, or when I chose to work out instead of party. And pretty soon you realize that those people aren't really your friends. That honestly was the hardest part. I still have some weight to lose. It's hard not to be self concious every time I try on an outfit. I feel like nothing ever looks good, and I really wonder will I ever be satisfied with how I look? I think right now the most important part is that I do feel better... I mean physically. I have more energy, I'm happier, and even though I am self concious now, it's not nearly as bad as it used to be.

    I started out at 255lbs
    I currently weigh 182.4 35.5% body fat
    I would like to be roughly 140. Mostly i just want to lose 15-16% body fat.
  • l0ve2befit
    1. The first thing I changed what my attitude, the way I looked at everything. I stopped looking at it as a diet, or a short term fix and started looking at it as a lifestyle change. It really helped me push through my mental barriers that held me back.

    2. Food has been the hardest for me to change. I still struggle with it sometimes.

    3. 182

    4. 135

    5. The people I have met along the way, from people on MFP, to in the gym, to just in everyday life. loosing weight and becoming healthy really boosted my confidence and has let me come out of my hermit shell.
  • trippymace
    1. What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?
    I stopped drinking juices and snacking too much. I still snack (sometimes a lot... sigh) but on healthier things / less of the not so healthy things (i.d. chocolate...)

    2. What was the hardest for you to change?
    Fooooood. Working out might not be my favorite part, but you DO feel better after :D

    3. What is your start weight?

    4. What is your current weight?
    231 (so I haven't lost THAT much yet, but I'm getting there!)

    5. What is the best part of your journey?
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    1. Started logging my food.

    2. Reducing my alcohol consumption. I thought it was going to be impossible, but it gets easier everyday.

    3. Private.

    4. I'm ten pounds down.

    5. No more depression and absolute feeling of disgust with myself. Before I started MFP, I laid on my couch all day watching television. He last two weeks I have gotten out every day to walk or go to the gym and the change it has made in me mentally is amazing!
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?

    What was the hardest for you to change?

    what is your start weight?

    What is your current weight?

    What is the best part of your journey?
    Finding time for exercise was the hardest thing (and still is).
  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy? - I started jogging before I changed my diet.

    What was the hardest for you to change? - giving up drinks - I still have them just not as often.

    what is your start weight? 214

    What is your current weight?193 GW 150

    What is the best part of your journey? Running!
  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    Buy a GPS watch. I HAD to go running then, otherwise it was a total waste of money!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?
    <> walking more. Before joining MFP I lost 40+ lb mainly through walking a LOT

    What was the hardest for you to change?
    <> desserts. I still eat sweets but not as much as I once did and this is where I get crazy cravings.

    what is your start weight?
    <> 307 back in 2008. For MFP, I was at 262 in March 2013.

    What is your current weight?
    <> 208.6

    What is the best part of your journey?
    <> The first 20-40 lb were most important health wise. But the last 30 lb have been the best emotionally for me because that's when people have really taken notice and I have been in the "teens" clothing wise for the first time in a decade or more.
  • AmandaPanda31
    AmandaPanda31 Posts: 2 Member
    Today is my first day! (Well, my first day after a million other first days) I woke up and decided I wanted to get healthy starting now, not wait until the New Year.

    I'm about to track down the USDA nutrition guidelines and strive to follow those this week.

    I anticipate (as it has been before) giving up nighttime snacking and finding time to exercise.


    210.5 :(

    A week from now, when I get back on the scale and see it go down!
  • healthymissfit
    healthymissfit Posts: 648 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy? My boyfriend got me the Insanity DVDs and I knew right then and there I was ready to try something new.

    What was the hardest for you to change? I still struggle daily to keep pop and sugary drinks away from me.

    what is your start weight? 210 lbs

    What is your current weight? 188.0 lbs

    What is the best part of your journey? SEEING THE CHANGES!