first thing you changed to start the healthy new you?



  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?

    What was the hardest for you to change?

    what is your start weight?

    What is your current weight?

    What is the best part of your journey?

    1. First thing was deciding to do it, then actually going through with it. When I started losing weight I had NO idea what I was doing (first/only time), but I spent hours googling and just jumped in with both feet :)

    2. hardest thing has been figuring out maintenance. Losing weight is easy-there's a million resources out there for weight loss. There's pretty much zero resources for successful maintenance, which is ridiculous because the weight loss phase is a few months/maybe a couple years. Maintenance is for the rest of your life-20,30, 40 plus years. No wonder there's a 95% failure rate with long term weight loss success :grumble:

    3. Start weight: 175ish/size 14 jeans
    4. Current weight: 117.5lbs/size loose 2 jeans (in maintenance)
    5. No longer having a glucose number in the pre-diabetic range
  • cheyennefoeller
    cheyennefoeller Posts: 2 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?

    What was the hardest for you to change?

    what is your start weight?

    What is your current weight?

    What is the best part of your journey?

    Changed my grocery list and put fresh fruits and veggies in it.

    Giving up chips cookies candy ect.



    My husband and friends have noticed the change and say I look better and healthier :)
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy? Refined sugar reduction.

    What was the hardest for you to change? Heavy sugar breakfasts & junk food.

    what is your start weight? 180

    What is your current weight? 166

    What is the best part of your journey? Significant reduction of my run times!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My mindset , the thickness of my skin.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    First thing: Started walking again, about 5-10 miles a day.
    Hardest thing: Integrating fitness and healthy eating with my work day. It's still hard.
    Start weight: 170-something
    Current weight: 120-something
    Best part: When my son told me he's proud of me.
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    1- quit drinking whiskey everyday in favor of hitting the gym at 5am
    2- eating clean around people who have no interest between good and bad foods
    3- it was somewhere in the 200s back in 2007
    4- 178
    5- stronger and better endurance when it comes to working(the kind that puts money in my pocket :smile: )
  • russmullins1971
    1. the first thing i changed was portion sizes-realizing how much I was eating slapped me VERY hard in the face!

    2. the hardest thing to give up was two fold- the reliance on fast food to satisfy the hunger and ice cream(Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey)

    3. Start weight was 371 pounds on July 29, 2013.

    4. Weight as of December 7, 2013 is 307 pounds with a goal of 250 pounds.

    5. the best part has been dropping 2 pants sizes (nearly three) in just over 4 months.
  • GFielding_56
    GFielding_56 Posts: 76 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy? Logged on to MFP daily and buy a Fitbit One 6th Dec 2012

    What was the hardest for you to change? Stop snacking - I ate chocolate two or three times daily

    what is your start weight? 93.7 kg

    What is your current weight? 77.5

    What is the best part of your journey? Feeling of wellbeing after losing 15kg or so -I've never felt fitter for 20+ years
  • LadyRavenSA
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?

    What was the hardest for you to change?

    what is your start weight?

    What is your current weight?

    What is the best part of your journey?

    1. Quit drinking soda.
    2. Getting enough exercise in without using my 3 year old as an excuse for not doing it.
    3. Started at 197.4 lbs (highest weight my whole life) on 12/1/2013.
    4. Current weight is 193.4 lbs as of 12/7/2013.
    5. Feeling healthier and more energetic to be able to keep up with my daughter has by far been the best part. :)
  • Nightfall30
    Nightfall30 Posts: 112 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?

    What was the hardest for you to change?

    what is your start weight?

    What is your current weight?

    What is the best part of your journey?

    1. I started exercising (stopped being completely sedentary ie) and eating just because there was food in front of me.

    2. Mood eating ie eating when upset and eating when happy.

    3. 81 kg

    4. 62 kg

    5. Feeling good because I am fit, not having to feel embarrassed while shopping and feeling so much more in control of my actions.
  • 100over
    100over Posts: 53 Member
    Good for you 'seltzermint' do not look like 208!!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?
    I gave up a few key things that I had determined would help me lose weight. I've since added one of them back.
    For me, making a few substantial changes made sense. Just "eating less" didn't. ymmv.

    What was the hardest for you to change?
    to stop drinking hfcs sugars, and to read nutrition labels

    what is your start weight?
    What is your current weight?
    What is the best part of your journey?
    I feel so much better because I'm eating real food.
  • tottie06
    tottie06 Posts: 259 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?

    What was the hardest for you to change?

    what is your start weight?

    What is your current weight?

    What is the best part of your journey?

    1. Mindset
    2. Putting myself and my health first regardless of what's going on around me
    3. 180 (lost a few right before I joined MFP)
    4. 164
    5. Feeling so much better!
  • unapologetically_crystal
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy? counted calories so then i literally saw how much i was actually consuming cuz i was SHOCKED.. i ate like 1500 calories in one meal the first night.. tacos!

    What was the hardest for you to change? starting to exercise.. or increase water intake.. i STILL lack on those two things. im just lazy i guess. i get bored with it. i feel like with exercise i have to fit it in.. and i dont even want to do it.. so then i dont. and water intake i clearly have never drank enough fluids ever.. im just not a thirsty person i guess. but i started monitoring it and worked really hard to get a set amount in for some time. but as of late, im probably lacking since i dont record it anymore.

    what is your start weight? 327lbs

    What is your current weight? 175.1

    What is the best part of your journey? those moments when you motivate someone else. its amazing! i have had people from high school see me on someone else's facebook and then they send me a message and say how i just sparked an interest in them to try too.. they saw me at my worst.. and they see me now.. they know that if I could do it.. then they can too.
  • swoodco
    swoodco Posts: 14 Member
    1. Stopped smoking (9/17/13)
    2. See above
    3. 175 lbs
    4. 159 lbs
    5. So many great things - building my will power muscle, breathing more easily, eating healthier, losing LBs
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?
    Joined the gym.

    What was the hardest for you to change?
    Using food as a reward.

    what is your start weight?
    210 pounds.

    What is your current weight?
    154 pounds.

    What is the best part of your journey?
    I feel so much better. I cannot emphasize that enough. Everything physical that I do is easier.
  • Jaejoongies
    Jaejoongies Posts: 11 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?
    At the very beginning (around mid july '13) I just stopped snacking and began exercising.

    What was the hardest for you to change?
    My snacking habits. I'm always in front of my computer watching tv series and stuff and not having snacks right besides me still is hard haha.

    What is your start weight?

    What is your current weight?
    115 lbs

    What is the best part of your journey?
    It was both the best and worst part of my journey. Coming back to school and having everyone coming at me like "omg you lost so much weight !!!!". I know that's kind of intrusive but it made me somewhat happy since I didn't realize how much I had lost at that time. However, some other remarks were a lot more stark "how did you lose so much? you didn't eat anything right?". I had a spark of stupidity as I tried to explain that no, I did feed myself and that the only thing one needs to do to lose weight is create a calorie deficit but I'm pretty sure that girl still thinks I starved myself. Whatever.
  • mroyat94
    mroyat94 Posts: 4 Member
    1. I stopped drinking soda and juice and started doing cardio everyday.
    2. The thing I still struggle with is my diet. Living with my mom, who doesn't buy healthy food, makes it really difficult to eat well.
    3. 178
    4. 161
    5. Unfortunately, I haven't lost enough yet to show much, but it is great when your clothes start to feel looser and I have a more energy than I used to.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?
    Dug out the scales from the back of the closet.

    What was the hardest for you to change?
    To quit spending time with people who were not supportive.

    what is your start weight?

    What is your current weight?

    What is the best part of your journey?
  • toddleo87
    toddleo87 Posts: 10 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?
    stopped mindless eating and started to track calories on MFP

    What was the hardest for you to change?
    Boredom eating in front of TV! and "rewarding" myself with food

    what is your start weight?
    My heaviest would be 11stone 12 but on MFP it was 11

    What is your current weight?
    10 stone 7 - would like to see 10 again, it's been a long time!!

    What is the best part of your journey?
    Probably the systematic and methodical nature of MFP, I love to log in and keep track several times a day, I don't feel guilty around food now, and that is a first!! Long live MFP