Toe walker and squats

Anybody out there a toe walker and have issues keeping your heels on the floor for weighted (or body weight) squats? If so, what stretches/exercises did you do so you could do a proper squat? How long did it take for you to be able to do a proper squat?

I'm doing the SL 5x5 program and can't do a proper squat. If I point my toes out and have a wider stance I can keep my heels on the ground but I go forward a bit.


  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Most times that issue is because of ankle mobility, stretch your calves. You could also squat with a plate under your heel, but that really just hides the problem and doesn't really work to fix the muscle imbalance.
    Using the good girl/bad girl machine as a warm-up for your hips before squats also helps you reach depth easier.
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Thanks. I do not have any machines, I do this at home.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Looking up mobility drills for your hips on youtube also makes squatting easier, it's probably not the root cause of your particular problem but it'll keep you injury free in the long run
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    OK, I will. How often should I do these? Once a day, 5x5 days, or multiple times a day? I don't want to hurt myself. My hips and ankles are still sore (just sore, not near the pain my hips had during pregnancy with SPD) from pregnancy. Maybe because I'm breastfeeding...
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Is there anybody out there that is a toe walker? If so, have you had any luck with squatting?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    How far down can you squat with just body weight? Can your thighs break the parallel to the floor? I also have squat issues, walked on my toes quite a bit as a child and I think that may have caused some developmental issues in my calves. I've been working on bodyweight squats with assistance trying to stretch things out, and I definitely feel it in my calves. Basically I hold onto something sturdy to keep from falling backwards or having my knees pop forward, and squat low (think of how toddlers squat down to look at things). I doubt it's going to work miracles but if it loosens things up even a little it will be an improvement.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Toe walking = overactive calves. To fix, stretch calves for 30 seconds every hour, and right before squatting too. Here is how:

    To accelerate things, wear a night splint (stretches calves while you sleep). Here is a good one:

    In the mean time, squat with a wide stance, toes slightly out. If you go forward excessively, that is a separate issue.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    how do you squat on your toes during barbell squats…or are you not doing those?
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Kgeyser, I can squat pretty low, parallel with knees or lower, but on my toes or with my feet pointed out and a wider stance. I have been doing bodyweight squats all around the house to try and practice. It doesn't seem to bother my calves, but I just can't get my heels on the floor as my ankles won't let me. I have been doing hip flexors stretches and squats holding onto doorhandles and I can keep myself back with heels to the ground when I hold onto something. Weird.

    Cherimoose, thanks for the links! I will check out the stretches. I found some stretches for ankle and calves but any others are great too. I probably won't wear the splint. First, probably very costly to order to Canada and second I have a baby that I sometimes have to get up at all hours for so I don't really want to have something on my legs. But thanks. I can keep my heels on the ground with a pretty wide stance and my toes pointed out. But I fall forward when I do that. Even without a barbell. I'm practicing though.

    Ndj1979, yep. I'm doing SL 5x5 but I'm not going up in squats until I can get my form right. I actually went down until I can figure them out. I don't start on my toes but they just naturally come off the ground as I lower. I have tried all the tricks (curling toes up, breaking at hips, etc) but I either can't get far enough down, my heels come up, or I fall forward.

    Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it!
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Squat what works for you. I also do a wider than shoulder stance with feet pointed out. Any closer together and I fall backwards or can't go as low.
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Squat what works for you. I also do a wider than shoulder stance with feet pointed out. Any closer together and I fall backwards or can't go as low.
    My issue is I go forward then and isn't that bad for your lower back?
  • PrimalGirl
    PrimalGirl Posts: 148 Member
    Can you touch the floor with your fingertips with your feet flat - or are your feet never flat?

    I was taught toe-walking means you've never properly stretched your Achilles tendons and therefore your heels physically can't reach the floor, so I would suggest a lot of Achilles stretches - your doctor or a physio would be able to prescribe some, or you can check the internet for lots of suggestions. And I would do them at least a few times a day. Tight Achilles' can lead to more than just squatting problems and you're more likely to seriously injure or rupture them if they have very little elasticity.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Kgeyser, I can squat pretty low, parallel with knees or lower, but on my toes or with my feet pointed out and a wider stance. I have been doing bodyweight squats all around the house to try and practice. It doesn't seem to bother my calves, but I just can't get my heels on the floor as my ankles won't let me. I have been doing hip flexors stretches and squats holding onto doorhandles and I can keep myself back with heels to the ground when I hold onto something. Weird.

    Cherimoose, thanks for the links! I will check out the stretches. I found some stretches for ankle and calves but any others are great too. I probably won't wear the splint. First, probably very costly to order to Canada and second I have a baby that I sometimes have to get up at all hours for so I don't really want to have something on my legs. But thanks. I can keep my heels on the ground with a pretty wide stance and my toes pointed out. But I fall forward when I do that. Even without a barbell. I'm practicing though.

    Ndj1979, yep. I'm doing SL 5x5 but I'm not going up in squats until I can get my form right. I actually went down until I can figure them out. I don't start on my toes but they just naturally come off the ground as I lower. I have tried all the tricks (curling toes up, breaking at hips, etc) but I either can't get far enough down, my heels come up, or I fall forward.

    Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it!

    what kind of shoes do you squat in?
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Can you touch the floor with your fingertips with your feet flat - or are your feet never flat?

    I was taught toe-walking means you've never properly stretched your Achilles tendons and therefore your heels physically can't reach the floor, so I would suggest a lot of Achilles stretches - your doctor or a physio would be able to prescribe some, or you can check the internet for lots of suggestions. And I would do them at least a few times a day. Tight Achilles' can lead to more than just squatting problems and you're more likely to seriously injure or rupture them if they have very little elasticity.
    Do you mean just bending over or squatting? I can touch my fingers to the ground with just bending over, but I have to bend my knees. I'm not very flexible anymore. I have been doing some yoga on YouTube.
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    what kind of shoes do you squat in?
    Flats. Nothing when I do body weight squats when I'm practicing. My weights are in the garage and it's freezing out there so I just slide on flat slide on shoes as they are the flattest I have.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Most times that issue is because of ankle mobility, stretch your calves. You could also squat with a plate under your heel, but that really just hides the problem and doesn't really work to fix the muscle imbalance.
    Using the good girl/bad girl machine as a warm-up for your hips before squats also helps you reach depth easier.

    it doesn't so much hide the problem- that's the wrong way to look at it. Plates under the heels are a tool. They are a tool to allow you to work through proper depth. It is not a way to squat constantly- or consistently- it's just a tool to help you work through that.

    learn some MobilityWods- there are better ways than the good girl/bad girl machine to open the hip up.
    Purchase a foam roller to roll your calves.

    spend a lot of time just working through a lightly weighted squat (normally I would suggest a bar- but you are home) so use a broom stick- or a smaller version of what you are expecting to use when you start weighting.

    I also use a table or counter to help me keep my balance too... if I am in the squat rack- I put a hand on each side and sit back- holding the rack and pushing the butt back further than I could balance on my own.
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Most times that issue is because of ankle mobility, stretch your calves. You could also squat with a plate under your heel, but that really just hides the problem and doesn't really work to fix the muscle imbalance.
    Using the good girl/bad girl machine as a warm-up for your hips before squats also helps you reach depth easier.

    it doesn't so much hide the problem- that's the wrong way to look at it. Plates under the heels are a tool. They are a tool to allow you to work through proper depth. It is not a way to squat constantly- or consistently- it's just a tool to help you work through that.

    learn some MobilityWods- there are better ways than the good girl/bad girl machine to open the hip up.

    Purchase a foam roller to roll your calves.

    spend a lot of time just working through a lightly weighted squat (normally I would suggest a bar- but you are home) so use a broom stick- or a smaller version of what you are expecting to use when you start weighting.

    I also use a table or counter to help me keep my balance too... if I am in the squat rack- I put a hand on each side and sit back- holding the rack and pushing the butt back further than I could balance on my own.

    Great thread! What in the world is a good girl/bad girl machine. I work out with a trainer and it's mainly because of the squat form. I have had 5 knee surgeries and I refuse to be told I shouldn't be doing it. On the other trainer is not so concerned about my knees as he says I have weak hips.
    How in the world can you fix that? I have googled some exercises, but never hear of the good girl/bad girl machine.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    the abductor/aductor machines- the ones where you sit and your thighs are either on the outside or inside of the pads and you press them inward with resistance - or outward with resistance.

    Check out KStarr's mobility wods- I have a hip opening one from him I use between each of my warm up sets. GREAT for opening the hip up.
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    the abductor/aductor machines- the ones where you sit and your thighs are either on the outside or inside of the pads and you press them inward with resistance - or outward with resistance.

    Check out KStarr's mobility wods- I have a hip opening one from him I use between each of my warm up sets. GREAT for opening the hip up.

    Oh...well, I feel silly! That makes total sense!! LOL
    And thanks for the KStarr's tip! Will look into that!
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Bump I wanna read this later :smile: