Snacks for the evening



  • melanietimperley
    I tend to go for a cut up apple with a tablespoon of peanutbutter, a rice cracker with a thin layer of peanutbutter or a mandarin orange.
  • melanietimperley
    Aw that sounds heaven will try that !
  • msnucerity
    msnucerity Posts: 333 Member
    I like olives- salty, keeps me full and I'm only good for a few so I won't eat an entire jar :)
  • PRprincess
    PRprincess Posts: 200 Member
    Red bell peppers raw? Not sure if I could do that. Usually eat them stir fried but I'll try it.

    They have a natural sweetness to them unlike the green ones. Very yummy!!

    Yes they are. Also very good with hummus! :)
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
    Greek yogurt or Quest bar!
  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    I usually have 2 stick of kitkat or a small bar of chocolate if I want to crunch on something. Apple is nice too, I like Gala and Granny Smith. Sometimes if calories allow, i will just have 2 slice of bacon. Almond or any type os good to but it is one of my trigger food. ^_^;
  • akoorn1982
    akoorn1982 Posts: 152 Member
    I like to heat up an apple in the microwave with some cinnamon and a little bit of sugar (or Natrena if you prefer). Tastes like apple pie without the pie mmmm. Works best with a sweet apple.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Hi ^^

    Well I love snacking at night too. I do quite a lot of exercise, and even to make sure I have 400/500 calories to use to snack at night. Is that sad? Lol.

    I tend to eat unhealthy snacks, so things like crisps and chocolate. But I also have rich tea finger biscuits now and again, only 23cal the ones I have. I also get low calorie crisps. Pom-bears are 77 calories a bag. Velvets are cassava, so they have the crisp feeling and help the crisp craving, and they are more healthy than your normal crisps, they aren't even potato. They are 81 calories, but as with pom-bears it does depend on the flavour, some are a little less others a little more. But all flavours are low calorie.
    I like mini milk chocolate lollipops- 90 calories each.

    Now all that was unhealthy, and you asked for healthy. I like to have apple dipped in peanut butter now and again. Peanut butter is calorific though so I try not to have it often. I also like clementines. I used to make my own mini quiches. So I'd beat two eggs together in a bowl, grease a muffin try with a one calorie spray called frylight. I'd then get my ingredients I want to put in them- cut up cherry tomatoes, ham, tiny bit of cheddar cheese, you can put anything you like in them. I love cheese so I always have to have some; even though it isn't too much in them. Then put the ingredients in the bowl where the beaten up eggs are. Mix it all together and put everything in the bowl into the muffin tray circles til there is nothing left. Put in the oven 20- 25 minutes at 160 degrees, and they'll be done ready to eat.

    As you can see I love savoury food.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Oh yeah and someone mentioned peppers, I love them raw very nice, We need to get more in this house.
  • BillyJan1992
    BillyJan1992 Posts: 171 Member
    I prefer to snack on pork rinds or peanuts or snackwell's devil's food cake cookies or pepporicini
  • Deepakvmm
    Deepakvmm Posts: 5 Member
    I prefer have fruit salad with honey.. its sweet n satisfying ie makes me feel full n has less calories than other snacks..

  • Wifey7891
    all of these are good. fruits, popcorn, veggie with hummus, i like celery with peanut butter too. cottage cheese. trail mix. earl grey tea.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I like nuts, I keep a jar of Natures Select Trail Mix (I get it from ALDI, its walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, almonds, raisins, craisins, no salt) in my nightstand for when cravings hit.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I like to heat up an apple in the microwave with some cinnamon and a little bit of sugar (or Natrena if you prefer). Tastes like apple pie without the pie mmmm. Works best with a sweet apple.

    If I were not allergic to apples I would be all over this!
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    If calories allow I like to have two pieces of toast with 1 serving of natural peanut butter.

    It's warm. It's filling. It's protein. And it's YUM!

    Haha....PB is fat. You're kidding yourself if you think it's a protein!

    I'm not sure one can just simplify everything and dismiss others opinions. This forum can be used to help and motivate people or used to tear people down. I personally appreciate the positive responses and advice.

    Completely agree. Who cares if it's protein or not? It's beside the subject. I like positivity also.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    I'm sorry,I keep remembering stuff lol.

    I used to make my own healthy chips. I'd peel potatoes, wash them then cut them up into chips. I'd then spray the actifryer which we used to have til it broke, we have a halo now which is basically the same thing, and put them in there for 25 minutes or so. You can also bake them in the oven, not sure how long for or what temp. I'd say 180 for 20 minutes. I'm not sure.

    I'd also get a wooden skewer and break it in half, cook some mushrooms and play the mushrooms inside ham, wrap the ham up and join it together with the skewer. You could also put some mushrooms and ham and other healthy ingredients inside a lettuce leaf, pinch it together with your fingers at the top and eat it. I guess it would be sort of like a dumpling.

    I also eat low calories sweet and salt popcorn- I eat the brands metcalfe topcorn and propercorn. Both low calorie. Low fat jelly is also good. Greek yoghurt too (I don't like it plain though *vomit* You could even get dried fruit.

    Also the people who suggest celery which is great to snack on, fun fact for you, did you know it takes more calories to eat it than you get from it?
  • asreyes8022
    Red bell peppers raw? Not sure if I could do that. Usually eat them stir fried but I'll try it.

    The mini bells are good too. Yellow, red, orange in bag. I dip them in a tiny bit of low or non fat italian dressing to give it that extra something.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    If calories allow I like to have two pieces of toast with 1 serving of natural peanut butter.

    It's warm. It's filling. It's protein. And it's YUM!

    Haha....PB is fat. You're kidding yourself if you think it's a protein!

    I'm not sure one can just simplify everything and dismiss others opinions. This forum can be used to help and motivate people or used to tear people down. I personally appreciate the positive responses and advice.

    Completely agree. Who cares if it's protein or not? It's beside the subject. I like positivity also.

    This works with almond butter too.
  • WallyH4EverVersion
    WallyH4EverVersion Posts: 172 Member
    My snacks varies as I am a diabetic and it all depends in how much sugar I have consumed for the day! I usually have few cups of hot unsweetened decaffeinated tea to fill me up and distract me from the cravings ; if that doesn't work ( and many times it does work) I will more likely grab a half a cup of strawberries or grapes or unsalted cashews ; it really also depends on what is my craving. :happy:
  • popflying
    Depends on what I'm hungry for but I usually go for:
    - Celery, cut and soaked in water (takes the bitterness out and makes it super crunch)
    - Banana (sometimes with PB if I have the calories leftover)
    - Raw fruit mixed with unflavored fat free greek yogurt, it's really sweet (once you get used to the taste- that takes about a week) and tastes awesome. And full of protein!
    - Popcorn
    - No-cal drinks: water or caffeine free tea

    Probably will go back to beef jerky once I get off my butt and start dehydrating things again.