The Adonis Abs-How do I get them?



  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    Crunches will do nothing in the way of ab definition. The only thing that reveals abdominal muscles is to reduce body fat percentage. You do that by eating at a calorie deficit to chip away at the fat covering the muscles.

    Ever heard that "abs are made in the kitchen"? It's totally true.

    ETA: and what she said^^^, to build the abdominal muscles up

    This x 100000
  • mineboy
    mineboy Posts: 2,478 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen. (I know it's already been said, but I like to repeat good advice and pretend I thought of it first).

    Again get your Body Fat down first. it will take some time don't give up. even us older people can do it.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    As all the above - lose weight.

    I'd also consider a little more varied and focused abs workout.

    I got noticable upper abs from the following... the rest are well hidden by fat, no doubt... (was prodding the weird swelling below my ribs when I first noticed it, then realised it was muscle, not something bad :) )
    12x3 for everything
    Weighted Decline Situp
    Weighted knee raise
    Dumbbell side bend
    Ab rollout - I've started kneeling and no doing it standing, but not going to as full extension as I could (or couldn't ..definitely not for 12)

    I don't do it more than every other day at most - prefer to give them some time to rest and recover, as I'm going for muscle growth rather than endurance.

    On that, what you're doing sounds more likely that it'll be working towards endurance rather than growth.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I work out every night. I include sit ups and crunches which I do until I can do no more.

    What's your BF percent, based on these pics?

  • I work out every night. I include sit ups and crunches which I do until I can do no more.

    What's your BF percent, based on these pics?


    I'm probably at a 25. Looks like I've got more work to do...a lot more work to do.