Coconut Oil vs. Olive Oil



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    Unfortunately your references will not be able to give you a reason why saturated fat is bad for us, just that it is......and clogging arteries is a fail. You might want to do more research because coconut oil and other natural saturated fat are perfectly fine and some would say healthy.
    Saturated fat and trans fat are NOT good for you and should be consumed in very little amounts if any. If you're going for healthy fat, go for olive oil, it's unsaturated which is the good fat our bodies do need.
    I've heard all the "health benefits" of coconut oil, but I don't buy any of it. They say it's the "good saturated fat", well if any saturated fat is good for you (which it's not) then I guess coconut oil is the one to go for. But unsaturated fat will always be better than any saturated fat, even the "healthier saturated fats"

    references please (oh and reliable ones, not a persons opinion please.) Trust me I've done my research, and so for me, I try to limit my saturated fat as much as possible. I am not going to list all my references cause people can do their own research, I've already done mine for me. I just have never seen any research and studies done to support what you are saying. To each their own, but for me, I stick with unsaturated fats for my health benefits
    You made the reference that saturated fat is unhealthy, therefore you need to produce studies that show causation.......that's how it works.
  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    I do not like the smell or flavor of coconut so it doesn't matter how good it is for you, it gags me.
  • BecciJoWilding
    BecciJoWilding Posts: 50 Member
    This is a forum to help people and inspire people, not argue and debate. Sorry I started a debate and argument, wasn't my intention, just put my opinion in. You seem set in your ways and I guess I am too, so if CO works for you GREAT! That's awesome. It is the healthiest version of saturated fat. People just need to research for themselves and decide for themselves what they want going into their bodies. I prefer olive oil, but that's just me. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and keeps pushing toward their goal :)
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    im a coco ho
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Who prefers Coconut Oil over Olive Oil and why?

    Olive oil is cheaper. I actually prefer peanut oil. (when I can afford it)
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    This is a forum to help people and inspire people, not argue and debate. Sorry I started a debate and argument, wasn't my intention, just put my opinion in. You seem set in your ways and I guess I am too, so if CO works for you GREAT! That's awesome. It is the healthiest version of saturated fat. People just need to research for themselves and decide for themselves what they want going into their bodies. I prefer olive oil, but that's just me. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and keeps pushing toward their goal :)
    When people say they haven't found any research that contradicts a position they make it's generally a case of confirmation bias. Basically you don't want to find any because that just messes with your basic principals.

    There's a lot, but here's one.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I love olive oil. I've been inspired by the Mediterranean Diet and Flat Belly Diet to focus on unsaturated fats. To be fair, I haven't tried coconut oil or researched it much because I like the taste of olive oil better anyway. I also use peanut oil, walnut oil, organic canola oil, and toasted sesame oil.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    This is a forum to help people and inspire people, not argue and debate. Sorry I started a debate and argument, wasn't my intention, just put my opinion in. You seem set in your ways and I guess I am too, so if CO works for you GREAT! That's awesome. It is the healthiest version of saturated fat. People just need to research for themselves and decide for themselves what they want going into their bodies. I prefer olive oil, but that's just me. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and keeps pushing toward their goal :)
    When people say they haven't found any research that contradicts a position they make it's generally a case of confirmation bias. Basically you don't want to find any because that just messes with your basic principals.

    There's a lot, but here's one.

    ^^ Right

    It's important to dispel incorrect info. Lord knows I unlearned a lot of myths that I believed to be facts before MFP.
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    I eat a lot of eggs and to me, they are best fried in some olive oil. I do use a little coconut oil in my morning coffee from time to time though.
  • KaylaBushman
    I cook with Avocado Oil, Drizzle Olive Oil (pastas and salads), and use Coconut Oil for Beauty Products or in smoothies.

    Mix with sugar, a good scrub
    purely as lotion
    face moisturizer
    lip balm
    hair mask
    makeup remover
  • revolutionchick
    revolutionchick Posts: 21 Member
    Olive Oil!! Coconut oil is a saturated fat and olive oil is monounsaturated. Tons of research on why monounsaturated fats benefit the heart and years of data. I'd definitely stick with olive oil until more research on coconut oil, right now which I think is just a fad.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    coconut oil 97% of the time.

    I prefer olive oil when broiling my veggies. Otherwise.... coconut oil for everything!
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Coconut Oil tastes better.
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    I recommend avoiding canola/veggie oils at all costs!
    Have you ever researched what is in Canola oil?
    Its actually rapeseed oil that goes through intense processing to make it edible!

    Read this:

    Canola is a lie pushed by companies back when an incomplete study said that sat fat made you fat. Sat fat is actually good for you. It does not cause cholesterol issues like people think.

    Processed flours and such are what cause heart issues... look at this:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I need to clarify something, as I keep seeing people say coconut oil is good for frying. NO. Unrefined virgin coconut oil oxidizes and goes rancid (the smoke point) at a mere 350 degrees F. Extra virgin olive oil is good to 410. The only coconut oil that works for trying is the highly refined version, which is trans-fat heavy and not healthy in the least.

    Coconut oil is a low temperature oil, meant for low heat or no heat. The best oil for dying is actually peanut oil, as it can take high heat and is still healthy. Olive oil is decent for frying, but it's flavor can overpower more delicate foods.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It depends on what I'm can't just have one have to have use different oils for different temperatures, there is not a one size fits all...also you have to take into consideration the actual food...for example, I don't think my bolognese sauce would be all that great with coconut oil, it's much better with olive oil...popcorn on the other hand rocks with coconut oil.

    I don't really think it should be viewed as Coconut Oil vs Olive Oil...I use both well as avocado oil.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    I recommend avoiding canola/veggie oils at all costs!
    Have you ever researched what is in Canola oil?
    Its actually rapeseed oil that goes through intense processing to make it edible!

    Read this:

    Canola is a lie pushed by companies back when an incomplete study said that sat fat made you fat. Sat fat is actually good for you. It does not cause cholesterol issues like people think.

    Processed flours and such are what cause heart issues... look at this:

    In addition to what is written above, the increasing abundance of omega 6 as a result of seed oils is also contributing to the problems. Better fats have higher levels of omega 3, while unhealthier ones (like a lot of the seed oils that started to appear in great quantities in the grocery stores in the last 2 decades) contain low or no omega 3 and very high omega 6.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I'm confused as to how cco is that good for you since it's saturated fat. But I do use it for certain things. Sometimes I sautee fruit in it before adding it to oatmeal, or for some stir fries where it just seems more appropriate (though I have sunflower oil that I use more for that). For the most part I use evoo. I mostly have cco because it's great for cleaning leather and I keep meaning to try it for a hair mask.

    Fat is NOT bad for you and our bodies need it. Coconut oil is one of the best to ingest (from what I understand).

    You can use it for frying (supposedly evoo breaks down the higher the heat gets)
    You can use it for body oil
    Homemade make up
    Homemade lip balm
    Homemade deo (that believe it or not works better than store bought)
    The list is nearly endless for the uses.

    Saturated fat and trans fat are NOT good for you and should be consumed in very little amounts if any. If you're going for healthy fat, go for olive oil, it's unsaturated which is the good fat our bodies do need.
    I've heard all the "health benefits" of coconut oil, but I don't buy any of it. They say it's the "good saturated fat", well if any saturated fat is good for you (which it's not) then I guess coconut oil is the one to go for. But unsaturated fat will always be better than any saturated fat, even the "healthier saturated fats"
    False. Not all saturated fats are bad for you, and not all unsaturated fats are good for you. Trans fats are unsaturated fats, for example. Lauric acid and stearic acid (found in coconut oil and milk/butter, respectively) are both saturated fats that are healthy, on the other hand.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    I need to clarify something, as I keep seeing people say coconut oil is good for frying. NO. Unrefined virgin coconut oil oxidizes and goes rancid (the smoke point) at a mere 350 degrees F. Extra virgin olive oil is good to 410. The only coconut oil that works for trying is the highly refined version, which is trans-fat heavy and not healthy in the least.

    Coconut oil is a low temperature oil, meant for low heat or no heat. The best oil for dying is actually peanut oil, as it can take high heat and is still healthy. Olive oil is decent for frying, but it's flavor can overpower more delicate foods.
    Agree with this except I'm iffy on the trans fats part of refined coconut oil. Not sure how a saturated fat can be partially you have any literature.
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    I prefer Coconut.....
    I like the smell.

    It is a MCT, so your body burns it quicker than it does other kinds of oils....

    I put it in my coffee....
    Doesn't cause an insulin spike....

    All of this.