Herschel Walker time!!!!!!!!

I have come to a realization that I have been thinking way too much about food. I did weightwatchers, then go onto MFP and tried the calorie budget thing, then atkins/MFP budget. Its just too stressful and I dont have time to plan out all these meals and what Im eating everyday. I work two jobs and just dont have time for it. So if you dont know who Herschel Walker is he is a 50 year old ex NFL player who fights and wins in MMA (mixed martial arts) matchs at 50 years old. He only eats one meal a day, usually just a salad, soup, slice of bread and maybe a few ounces of protein. He does no weight lifting just push ups, sit us, cardio, jumping rope ect. Look him up if you dont know who he is. So basically Im gonna do what he does. YOU EAT TO LIVE NOT LIVE TO EAT. So I just wanted some feedback (positive) and support (not that it will change my opinion if its negative) as well as just general opinions/comments/ect. ***I dont want to hear any of this "starvation mode" bs either. It takes like 72hrs with out food for you to go into starvation mode. Essentially this is intermittent fasting. SO.... who has had luck with this???


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    a 50 year old ex NFL player who does MMA now only eats soup, salad and bread....and a few ounces of protien....but anything I read doesn't say how much.....or what he drinks...and I read he has said his favorite resturnant is a chicken place....hmmmm

    The difference between you and him is....what??? He doesn't have a weight problem, has been an athlete most of his life....if what is being reported is true...which I highly doubt...

    As well as a note you can't tell peopl what you want to hear in a public forum...you will get what you get.
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    *grabs popcorn
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    in...for the show
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    He does no weight lifting just push ups, sit us, cardio, jumping rope ect.

    Was just watching a look-back at Bo Jackson - he's another one who did virtually no weightlifting. That guy was something else...then again, knocking out 1000 pushups a day may not involve weights, but that is still one hell of a lot of effort for your body.

    But I don't buy the story on Herschel's diet. The fasting, yes, no problem with that, my personal experience with IF is that it is awesome. But such low calorie intake is quite unlikely for someone that active.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I have a feeling that old Herschel is eating a lot more than what you think ...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I have come to a realization that I have been thinking way too much about food. I did weightwatchers, then go onto MFP and tried the calorie budget thing, then atkins/MFP budget. Its just too stressful and I dont have time to plan out all these meals and what Im eating everyday. I work two jobs and just dont have time for it. So if you dont know who Herschel Walker is he is a 50 year old ex NFL player who fights and wins in MMA (mixed martial arts) matchs at 50 years old. He only eats one meal a day, usually just a salad, soup, slice of bread and maybe a few ounces of protein. He does no weight lifting just push ups, sit us, cardio, jumping rope ect. Look him up if you dont know who he is. So basically Im gonna do what he does.

    ummm yea he is an NFL athlete and MMA fighter....you are what exactly? This will not end well....
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I have a feeling that old Herschel is eating a lot more than what you think ...

    Yah I suspect his "salad" comes in a wheel barrel...and his bread requires a pallet jack.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I have a feeling that old Herschel is eating a lot more than what you think ...

    I'm guessing he maybe does extremely low calories during certain phases of a cut and then has a different approach the rest of the time.

    And as far as lifting goes - body weight exercises can be very effective if they are part of a progressive loading program. You can't expect to do 10 pushups every day and keep seeing the same results. At some point, you have to do more pushups or make them more difficult somehow (one handed, for instance).
  • Shellz31
    Shellz31 Posts: 214 Member
    I clicked this post totally expecting somethig about Hershel on the Walking Dead :blushing:

    Edited so as not to be a spoiler!
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    I clicked this post totally expecting somethig about Hershel on the Walking Dead :blushing:

    Edited so as not to be a spoiler!

    Hah! Glad I'm not the only one!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I wouldn't be so quick to use genetic outlier freaks as an example of what to do. if you were prepping for a test, would you incorporate the study habits of a person with a photographic memory? would you take swimming lessons from a mermaid? Hershel Walker could get ripped doing any program known to man and some that haven't been invented yet.

    Find a sensible program that doesn't require a drastic, 180 degree life change and give that a try before you go whole hog. Or whole salad and a few pieces of protein, as it were
  • Rogstar
    Rogstar Posts: 216 Member
    My guinea pig that I had ~25 years ago was named Herschel Walker..I was about 5. My dad named him...I didn't know who that was except that it sounded like the chocolate bar.

    Not really relevant. But my Herschel Walker ate like that too.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I have come to a realization that I have been thinking way too much about food. I did weightwatchers, then go onto MFP and tried the calorie budget thing, then atkins/MFP budget. Its just too stressful and I dont have time to plan out all these meals and what Im eating everyday. I work two jobs and just dont have time for it. So if you dont know who Herschel Walker is he is a 50 year old ex NFL player who fights and wins in MMA (mixed martial arts) matchs at 50 years old. He only eats one meal a day, usually just a salad, soup, slice of bread and maybe a few ounces of protein. He does no weight lifting just push ups, sit us, cardio, jumping rope ect. Look him up if you dont know who he is. So basically Im gonna do what he does. YOU EAT TO LIVE NOT LIVE TO EAT. So I just wanted some feedback (positive) and support (not that it will change my opinion if its negative) as well as just general opinions/comments/ect. ***I dont want to hear any of this "starvation mode" bs either. It takes like 72hrs with out food for you to go into starvation mode. Essentially this is intermittent fasting. SO.... who has had luck with this???

    You do realize that Herschel Walker has some interesting mental issues and there is approximately zero percent chance that he only eats one small meal a day? He's 6'1", 225lbs and RIPPED at 51. I'm sure he eats a LOT and probably takes testosterone at the very least. Not to mention he's almost assuredly one of those 1% of 1% people in terms of genetics, given his past success and athletic abilities.

    In other words, pretty much the worst possible model to follow.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I wouldn't be so quick to use genetic outlier freaks as an example of what to do. if you were prepping for a test, would you incorporate the study habits of a person with a photographic memory? would you take swimming lessons from a mermaid? Hershel Walker could get ripped doing any program known to man and some that haven't been invented yet.

    Find a sensible program that doesn't require a drastic, 180 degree life change and give that a try before you go whole hog. Or whole salad and a few pieces of protein, as it were
    so your saying I should not study physics like I am Thomas Edison???
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    SO.... who has had luck with this???

    but to answer your original question...Hershel Walker has.
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    I clicked this post totally expecting somethig about Hershel on the Walking Dead :blushing:

    Edited so as not to be a spoiler!

    Hah! Glad I'm not the only one!

    HAH! Guilty as well!! :laugh:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I clicked this post totally expecting somethig about Hershel on the Walking Dead :blushing:

    Edited so as not to be a spoiler!

    Hah! Glad I'm not the only one!

    HAH! Guilty as well!! :laugh:
    Me three... Or four, that is. :laugh:
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    I clicked this post totally expecting somethig about Hershel on the Walking Dead :blushing:

    Edited so as not to be a spoiler!

    Hah! Glad I'm not the only one!

    HAH! Guilty as well!! :laugh:
    Me three... Or four, that is. :laugh:

    me five.....:laugh: :laugh:
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    i saw a documentary about him which included his days at Georgia. the footage showed him in the weight room bench pressing.

    take that old quote from him with a grain of salt.


    also, he's kind of nuts. he claims he has multiple personality disorder IIRC, and in college he was prone to fits of rage to the point where he wanted to quit college and join the army so that he could go and kill somebody (also from the documentary in his own words).

    that's information that makes his statements and assertions somewhat suspect IMHO.

    there's no doubt he's also a genetic outlier. but he doesn't look the way he does now just because of a 1000 situps and a 1000 pushups and a 1000 pullups/chinups every morning.