Is anybody else tired of the whole "weight loss" thing?



  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    Sounds like you want to go back to the way it was 4 years ago, but I am not sure that it will easy. The 4 years that have passed have changed you, with new habits and unhealthy ways of viewing food/calories. You were counting calories and weighing while you gained the 75 pounds and it still happened? If you have gotten in the habit of over-restricting and then binging your hunger signals may not work very well for a while, and there is a big mental component to it as well. I hope I am wrong, but please do not beat yourself up if it proves to be difficult, and if so it may be worthwhile to talk to someone to help sort out the reasons why you ended up where you did.

    I sometimes get very tired of counting calories and weighing, but I find that information helps me. I know what my maintenance level of calories looks like and that I must eat at that level or less or I am *choosing* to gain weight. I know that my hunger signals are messed up and that I feel a lot better if I eat between my BMR and maintenance. If I am logging, I can see if I am verging on eating my feelings, and recognize that no amount of food can help with that kind of "hunger". Also, believe it or not I am actually able to eat MORE treats, without guilt, when I can see evidence that I have fulfilled my macros/micros and still have calories left. This helps keep me from the "eat so very healthy then completely fall off the wagon" cycle.
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    I love data!! So, no. For me it's satisfying to have pie charts and percentages and masses so I know where I am every day, and I have an image of my progress (it's too easy to slip back into bad habits without data keeping me accountable). It could be nice to be carefree, but I am just not that person.

    I'm a data pig too! I love my numbers...LOL
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    All diets are a load of cr@p.... except mine.

    Its called the 'Eat Less Cr@p Than Normal' diet. It involves the revolutionary idea of just scaling down on food portions, a good amount of exercise, and whacking in a bit of fruit and veg. Admittedly, I used myfitnesspal just so I could add up my calories, but I didnt get conned into products by WeightWatchers and the other cr@ppy dieting companies who convince to pay double for half size portions which per gram are barely healthier than their counterparts.

    But guess what! I lost weight, and did so without having the cravings derived from obsessive diets that restrict you from things that you want to eat.

    Wow!! Funny that.

    And now I have lost the weight, I will continue to keep the odd burger, pizza (good carb food for exercise), pasta, chocolate, beer....


    In answer to your question. Yes, diets are crap.... except mine.