Trying to repair a damaged matabolism



  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, Mr. knight. I wasn't 175 pounds when I was eating 900 calories. I had already lost 55lbs, and had lowered my calories to 900 when I hit a plateau when I was about 150lbs.

    Now this makes sense. Of why you think your metabolism might be damaged. Eating this little amount of calories can screw you up.

    You may just want to take a gander down in the results section. Good Luck at the Doctor and hope you get better soon!
    That is an example of what starvation really is. They starved themselves down to walking skeletons, and then - when there was virtually NO fat left on their bodies to lose - their fat loss slowed down. That doesn't happen at 5'5 and 150#.

    @OP, you've gotten sound, credible advice from several MFP heavy hitters. Thyroid is a possibility worth checking into, but if you "didn't feel restricted or deprived" eating 900 calories a day, odds are you were eating quite a bit more than 900 calories a day. The link from Sara is a great place to start.
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    True, you've gotten some great advice here.

    However, the #1 best thing you can do for yourself is get your resting metabolism rate (RMR) TESTED. Simple & painless.

    All the online calculators are based on certain assumptions - which work really well for many people. Yet, they can be woefully off-base for others. A very reputable oft-quoted calculator puts my RMR at 1652 calories. It is in *fact* measured to be 1100 presently. So my weightlifting-positive, eating-positive approach has to take that into account. Sucks out loud, but ya gotta work with what ya have.

    Before you start switching things around, please get the facts: YOUR facts.

    P.S. Since 1 in 3 women have thyroid issues by 40, it makes sense to have it checked too. Oughta be on the default menu, just like the mammograms & salad spoons, but it's not. Ah well, when I rule the world...
  • AprilJG79
    AprilJG79 Posts: 56 Member
    Just an idea, but have you had your thyroid checked? When I had my daughter, I also breast fed. The weight wouldn't budge. I went to my doctor to complain, he did a simple test, and it turned out I had a thyroid issue. Never had one before. My doctor said it's fairly common for women to have issues after a pregnancy and breast feeding - it's a great time for the hormones to get out of wack. I choose not to go on thyroid medication and instead waited it out. Took about 2 years but my thyroid finally sorted itself out. Might want to look into it if you noticed that you started having problems after the pregnancy/breast feeding. Those nasty little hormones can play havoc on us! :)

    ^^THIS^^ I know a number of women (including myself) who ended up with thyroid problems post-pregnancy.
    I was one of those women. I was diagnosed 12-13 years ago. I used that as an excuse but I am losing weight and reaching my goals. No more excuses for me. Might have to work a bit harder but I'm worth it :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I see nothing in the OP suggesting a "damaged metabolism".

    Or starvation mode, for that matter.