Attacked by Pit Bulls!!!



  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    It's Apollo's birthday!! He's now one year old, and a very heavy but effective body warmer :bigsmile:
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    Wow, Mommy really had a large litter. So cute.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    It really is a "fact" in Canada that Huskies are responsible for the most attacks, injuries and deaths .......

    1381837_10201802542052464_1841710453_n_zps0ca63094.jpg sorry couldn't help it

    <The "dangerous" dog in my pic isn't the one facing the camera (Pittie/Rottie). It's the ill behaved husky pup that's looking for a way to get into the garbage.

    My husky pup looks exactly like a wolf and isn't far removed from her wolf ancestors (she's a real Inuit dog, not a fancy purebred from the south). The reality is that the husky dogs in my community ARE dangerous. Far more dangerous than any cared for, loved Pitbull. It's a tiny part their instinct (they still maintain wolf-like traits), but mostly because they are neglected, abused, starved, and then pestered by someone.

    I love Huskies too, but the point is that the "dangerous dog breed" argument is just completely bogus. It's the OWNERS and the environment, never the breed.
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    I am scared of these dogs, I can't help it. I'm not scared of yorkshire terriers, chihuahuas etc even though I know the smaller breeds probably bite a whole lot more. The thing is if a yorkshire terrier turns, it isn't going to bite your face off. These things could actually bite your face off.

    Smaller breeds aren't more prone to biting. Owners of smaller breeds just don't bother to correct bad behavior because it's "cute and funny". Big dog owners don't play that because history has shown what a few bad owners(or wild/abandoned dogs) can do for a breed.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Here is the link with the most fatalities/attacks by breed.

    All animals look super cute when they are babies, it does not digress from their inbuilt nature

    Oh Twinkie, I just want to give you noogies and pinch your cheeks every time you open your pie hole :bigsmile:

    BTW, you can totally find evidence on The Internets to support Raspberry Keytones and Detox Foot Pads!! Go. Research. Godspeed.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    It really is a "fact" in Canada that Huskies are responsible for the most attacks, injuries and deaths .......

    1381837_10201802542052464_1841710453_n_zps0ca63094.jpgsorry couldn't help it
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    It's Apollo's birthday!! He's now one year old, and a very heavy but effective body warmer :bigsmile:

    Happy Birthday, Apollo!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Here is the link with the most fatalities/attacks by breed.

    All animals look super cute when they are babies, it does not digress from their inbuilt nature

    I see you didn't look at any of the actual credible sources citing dog psychologists and animal experts that are basically saying you are 100% totally and completely wrong, huh? Of course, why would you. :grumble: :grumble:

    Don't get's Twinketta. I'd just ignore if I were you :laugh:
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Pomeranian kills 6 week old baby girl. Even the small ones can't be trusted. You don't leave a kid alone with a dog no matter what breed.

    Absolutely true. My mom had a Pomeranian when I was born and it was so aggressive to me that she had to get rid of it immediately. No, I am not saying that all Pomeranians are "bad". That's just as stupid as saying that all Pitbulls are dangerous. Duh.
  • wrentrotter

    "Pomeranian kills 6 week old baby girl. Even the small ones can't be trusted. You don't leave a kid alone with a dog no matter what breed. "

    That's quite true, and it gives me the shivers to see kids rolling around with dogs. I bet the pomeranian was a pretty much isolated incident though.
    Bigger breeds are more likely to do more damage if they bite, hence the bad reps, because they have bitten and done more damage. People aren't going to report yorkshire terrier bites, because most likely they have a little scratch, not a big chunk missing out their face, or another body part. I'm not picking on this breed in particular, I wouldn't have any dog that was capable of more than a little nip around. And all dogs are capable of biting.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Here is the link with the most fatalities/attacks by breed.

    All animals look super cute when they are babies, it does not digress from their inbuilt nature

    I see you didn't look at any of the actual credible sources citing dog psychologists and animal experts that are basically saying you are 100% totally and completely wrong, huh? Of course, why would you. :grumble: :grumble:

    I am willing to look at them?

    Show me some credible information that disproves staffies/pitbulls and other fighting dogs are not responsible for being the top of the list for attacks?
  • favoritenut
    favoritenut Posts: 217 Member

    They should be put down before they become adults, pit-bulls are dangerous and not trustworthy.
    Theres always one that is consumed by pure ignorance.....

    It's not ignorance, it's factual evidence of brutal attacks

    What is ignorant are people who refuse to educate themselves on a subject and who tend to rely on scapegoats to blame for their carelessness and irresponsibility rather than be accountable for their actions and decisions.

    An animal that has fighting in it's blood, I will give you the fact that the owner is slightly to blame but you can't fully take out the vicious nature of the breed!

    Name one damn animal that doesn't have "fighting in its blood"...aka SURVIVAL INSTINCT.

    any animal will attack if feeling threatened. PitBulls just get the bad rap because of all the careless breeding for vicious sport that us humans think are fun to watch, (not me) so yeah, lets blame the dog and not the humans, you're an idiot Beta-ray-bill!
    I suppose you are the type that like to blames everything on anyone else but yourself!
  • Razz_Baby
    Razz_Baby Posts: 89 Member
    So, I take my Pit Bull and Labrador for walks. The neighbor kids play with my dogs. Then the neighbor's little Chihuahuas come outside and all hell breaks loose. Those two little things thing decide that my two big dogs must die and those are the two tiny things are up for the job. I have to take my dogs inside every time because the owner things it's funny how these little things are trying to take on my big dogs and she doesn't keep them on a leash. She doesn't understand dogs very well. The problem is if my two dogs decide to defend me and themselves from those two ankle biters I will be the one getting in trouble because of the kind of dog I have.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I am scared of these dogs, I can't help it. I'm not scared of yorkshire terriers, chihuahuas etc even though I know the smaller breeds probably bite a whole lot more. The thing is if a yorkshire terrier turns, it isn't going to bite your face off. These things could actually bite your face off.

    Smaller breeds aren't more prone to biting. Owners of smaller breeds just don't bother to correct bad behavior because it's "cute and funny". Big dog owners don't play that because history has shown what a few bad owners(or wild/abandoned dogs) can do for a breed.

    Well, I think it originates because the smaller breeds feel more threatened and intimidated, and so they are more reactive, and THEN the owners do not do their job in training. I have a four pound dog, and the vasst majority of my training is about making her feel confident so that she doesn't bark or nip in reaction to every little thing that goes on.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    The problem with APBTs is that they have turned into a novelty thug stereotype and have been bread in ridiculously high numbers. APBTs really do need more care and more active/better owners than your average dog as they are super energetic and need lots of exercise. Unfortunately, back yard breeders don't care about that so they sell to whoever is willing to buy them.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Pomeranian kills 6 week old baby girl. Even the small ones can't be trusted. You don't leave a kid alone with a dog no matter what breed.

    Absolutely true. My mom had a Pomeranian when I was born and it was so aggressive to me that she had to get rid of it immediately. No, I am not saying that all Pomeranians are "bad". That's just as stupid as saying that all Pitbulls are dangerous. Duh.

    Here is the link for this awful, and terrible end of a life for a 6 week old child...I do not want to make light of it in any way.

    In the report it says that it is very unusual for this type of dog to behave in such a way

    ETA typo
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    And no one did anything to save him!!!


    They should be put down before they become adults, pit-bulls are dangerous and not trustworthy.

    OMG! So are my kids! Guess I better get the firing squad
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    My Pitbull can write more uninspired lyrics than your pitbull! Da-le!

  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Sorry, lots are gonna hate me for this, but someone in the city I live in died this week because of a pitbull dog attack.Not just her, but her unborn baby too. These dogs may look cute, but they are not meant to be pets.

    Hate me, argue, whatever, you will not change my mind because someone has died at the hands of dangerous dogs, not the first and will not be the last.

    Hate you? No. Think that your statement is ignorant? Yes.

    Dogs don't grow up and say "Oh wait, I am supposed to be a vicious animal!" They're behavoirs are fueled by idiots who raise them to be vicious.

    While I mostly agree with your statement, all dogs originated from being wild animals. I wouldn't say a house cat and a Tiger are going to grow up with the exact same tendencies even if they were raised in the exact same environment.

    You are correct. I was speaking more along the lines of a pit bull.The discussion of the tendancies of wild animals is whole other subject, but yes, I should have been more clear.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member