CARDIO! How much do you do?!



  • veggiegirl228
    veggiegirl228 Posts: 27 Member
    I hit the gym and do cardio 3 times per week @ 45 min each day. Weights I break it down to chest/back, legs, and bi and tri's. It varies day to day how long I take the dog for a walk. For the most part I walk the day 3-4 days per week. Some walks are about 30 min and others 45-50 min. It depends on weather, things to get done that day, or my mood for the walk.
  • candiceh3

    You do that much cardio but given your diary, you rarely if ever eat it back? What goes? You are regularly netting under 1k.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Two or three times a week if work is crazy stressful, and even that's just a fast walk for 30 minutes. The rest is progressive bodyweight stuff and some barbell lifts (three times a week). I couldn't get my BF % to budge doing all out cardio. It dropped over 10% in eight months doing resistance training. Something to think about...
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    As much walking as it takes to get me where I need to go, which means usually 3-7 miles on weekdays. Then a bit more if I'm over cals at the end of the day. I like running, but only make time for it once every few weeks or so. Used to do some gym machines, but I don't go there much since I have my own weights. I'm in maintenance - that might make a difference to you.

    ETA: Walking and climbing stairs were my main form of exercise through most of my weight loss, along with some use of the Cybex weight machines. Before I hit maintenance, I had never run a full mile non-stop in my life. Now looking back over the past ~20 pounds (as of 9 months ago, when I started daily weigh-ins), Trendweight says I lost 19.3 pounds of fat and 1.1 pounds of lean mass. The measurements come from a BIA scale, so no promises of accuracy... But still... Walking and strength training FTW.
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Hey friend :)

    I run 2/3 miles a day 5 days a week.
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    I run about 5 days a week, Usually 1ish hr/day for anywhere from 5-7 miles. with 1 "long day"... so far my longest is a little over 2hrs/12 miles. Sometimes I'll swap a regular day for an hour and half run up a mountain. Still only about 5miles but it's 1800ft of elevation gain.

    I also try to ice skate once a week for an hour. I don't spend too much effort on speed/intensity, it's more skills but I'll usually throw in a couple hard laps or end-to-end rushes. After the new year I might swap the hour open skates for one hour of open hockey.

    I try to get in one long day of either hiking or snowshoeing. Because of weather, short daylight hours and a slight lack of motivation that has usually been limited to 4ish hours.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I used to do about 30 mins 3 days a week of cardio but I just didn't feel it was enough so now I do 1-2 hours 5-6 days a week.

    Over the winter, I am averaging 6-7 hours a week, roughly equally split between running and cycling.
  • RhiannonBaugh
    RhiannonBaugh Posts: 45 Member
    Probably should have mentioned in my main post I'm really not fussed if I lose weight or not (I'm just tracking everything, getting into organzing routines, etc) if i do i do if i don't i don't. I do that much cardio because I'm training to join the royal navy so I'm just training to get my fitness and endurance up. :) Was just being nosey and wanted to see what cardio everyone else did :D

    Oh and I've been told if you want to lose weight you shouldn't eat your exercise calories back.. (just because loads of people say you should) But anyways I've been told you shouldn't because if your eating back what you've burnt then whats the point exercising you might as well just eat what you've got to with no exercise and its exactly the same... Well it sounds logical to me anyways haha

    Thanks for all the replies :D
  • Eli716
    Eli716 Posts: 262 Member
    I only do 20 minutes every night. This will change when next year comes!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I used to do about 30 mins 3 days a week of cardio but I just didn't feel it was enough so now I do 1-2 hours 5-6 days a week. Sometimes is just a run outside, Sometimes it's at the gym and sometimes it's at home doing workout DVDs.

    So I was just being a bit nosey really and wondering how much cardio everyone else does a week and if they feel they are doing enough, too much or not enough? :D

    Thanks for any replies. :)

    I was doing a solid 30+ minutes 3-4x a week, and another day I was doing about 90 minutes. recently, my trainer suggested I limit my cardio to a 15 minute warm up and a 10 minute cool down...and strength in between. I've been doing that for several months, and the scale JUST started moving again after being stuck for 3 months.
  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    Too much..,ugh
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I usually do an hour of cardio 2 or 3 days a week and I also do strength training an hour or so 2 days most weeks.
  • Aitm20
    Aitm20 Posts: 92 Member
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I stopped using my car in April, except for really heavy things from the grocery store. Walking is my main form of exercise.
    Weekdays, I walk to work with my slow dog and we walk home the long way through the park: 90 minutes 4x a week.
    I walk to stores, the bank, to meet friends for coffee, to eat out: 2-3x a week, maybe an hour each time.
    On the weekend I hike 7-10 miles or several hours a day.
  • CamillaBeaumont
    CamillaBeaumont Posts: 56 Member
    Monday to Friday I run 5k daily, Saturday I run a slow 10k, and Sunday is my day off from cardio.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Walking~ 6 miles 5 to 6 days a week.

    Lifting~ 5 days week, alternating lower and upper body about 30 mins to 60 mins.

    Sundays are my rest day.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I'm a fan of running. Current mileage - 15-20 miles per week over three days. Will be upping that after the new year when I start training for a half marathon.
  • FindingMyPerfection
    10 min 3x weekly as a cool down after I lift.
  • MMulder68
    MMulder68 Posts: 139 Member
    I lift 3 to 4 times a week depending on my workouts for the week. At the end of each workout I do 10 to 15 minutes of HIIT! It is the best form of cardio IMHO. I am dropping weight steadily and slowly plus I can see my body changing with added muscle.