Lapse in motivation-please remind me what I'm doing here



  • LiveLoveLift67
    LiveLoveLift67 Posts: 895 Member
    What you are trying to do here is be healthy! What you are trying to do here is be in better shape! It is not about being a size 16. I dont know your height or weight . It is about feeling better inside and out every day. Being able to have the mobility that you may lack at a bigger size. It is about the endorphins that you release when you are motivated to take care of yourself.

    I dont think you should ever let yourself be content....that is a way to get right back to a size 22 again. Challenge yourself to be better even in some small way every day.

    Ask yourself if you are doing this to feel better or look better. yes that jiggly skin may never go away . But, let me tell you from experience that when i started i was a tight size 20. I still have jiggle in places ( belly especially) but i am now a fit and healthy size 6. Working out will help you tone those areas up somewhat so that the jiggle is less noticable.

    Dont give up or settle for where you are. Strive to be better and push yourself every day. Anyone can lose weight.... not every one can do it and be fit and healthy as well. There is a difference.