Just want to rant



  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Excuses excuses...I don't have time...its too expensive....blah blah blah.
    Something is off kilter, but your attitude is getting in your way of fixing it.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. What you do with that time, what you make a priority, is up to you.

    Weigh, measure and log everything. Eat to your caloric goal. If you can, exercise. If you can't, read this again.

    I have 2 busy children and work full time. My husband works mainly nights and backshifts. We make it work. Hire a sitter, find a gym with a child-minding area, use videos (DVDs or youtube) at home while the child is asleep.

    If this is what you want, nothing will get in your way.
  • How is weighing and looking up and logging everything I eat not complicated? I have a food scale and I used it. All the time. When I make recipes and weigh everything by the pound, how do I figure out how much a cup of that is worth? I found myself spending hours at work looking up and planning meals by the calories instead of actually working. And brand new or Craigslist doesn't matter. I have extra money. My son is in an accelerated program in a private, parochial school. He skipped kindergarten and went straight into first. He is strong willed and argumentative. But only with me. I know it's a problem that he doesn't listen, but nothing I have tried, included removal of privileges, taking away TV and computer time, spankings, whatever, has worked. So tell me how to make food weighing easy. And how to cook healthy that a child will also eat, because I can't afford to cook two meals at a time. I have no money even for used equipment and nowhere in my home to put it anyway. Unless I get rid of my bed or something. Which wouldn't help the lack of sleep.

    If you cannot understand how to log then you are beyond my assistance...

    Ditto--there are people out there who are worse off with less time, less money, unmanageable children, sick family members--you name it. They still manage to do it. So how were you managing your unruly child while you spent all this time posting? Seems like you could work out and manage him at the same time if you could post and manage him at the same time. Just sayin'
  • Katie0174
    Katie0174 Posts: 33 Member
    You sound extremely overwhelmed with everything going on in your life right now, perhaps that is why you have so many excuses about why you can't lose weight. If I were you I would focus on my son right now, it seems that once you work on your relationship with him you will be a lot less stressed out and in a better frame of mind to lose weight.

    If you really NEED to lose weight right now then all you need to do it log your calories, accurately. You don't need to exercise right now, especially if it's just an added stress to you. You could involve your son in preparing the meals so he'll be more interested in eating them? You need to start small and stop making excuses for everything.
  • 00NL
    00NL Posts: 171 Member
    you are actully very busy with life
    so just make a meal plan of calories
    have some variety
    and stick to it
    no need to workout right now
    get calories in check first
    i hope things get fine and easy for u
  • I said when I was eating 1200 a day and also said I wasn't doing my best lately. But I'm definitely not eating 4,000 calories a day. I also said constructive suggestions. Not everyone can be perfect, and we don't need the perfect people making us feel even more worthless.

    wow, how rude! I was going to give you some suggestions but i couldnt even get passed this comment. good luck to you. And PS, it sounds like all you have is EXCUSES!
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    And you really don't need space to exercise - men in prison do it all the time. even if all you do is jumping jacks, crunches, and pushups, you can get a fantastic workout, and it's free.

    This. Especially this. Search Pinterest for "small space workout" (or click here: http://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=small space workout)

    Edited to add: You could also do everything you're doing now but eat half of what you're eating. Make your dinner and cut your normal serving in half and put it in the fridge for tomorrow's lunch/dinner. If you're on the go and stop to get a cheeseburger, only eat HALF of the burger. Wrap the other half up and have later or just throw it away. I know kids are starving in 3rd world countries but it's not like you can ship them half your cheeseburger so, in the trash (and not to your butt) it goes!
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    When I make recipes and weigh everything by the pound, how do I figure out how much a cup of that is worth?

    There is a wonderful website I found quite useful for this problem.

  • We're all busy. There are those of us who don't have children but we still have a million things to do every day (not saying we're as busy as any one with kids). Losing weight is a commitment; it takes time and energy and it's never easy. . .no matter what anyone says. But if it's something you really want then you make the time. Does your son drink milk? You could use the gallon or 1/2 gallon of milk as a weight. Canned goods can be used as weights. Do jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups, jog in place, etc. These are space limited options. Like others have suggested make a couple of dishes over the weekend that can last you throughout the week so you don't have to cook every night. Again, as others have mentioned, you don't have to exercise to lose weight but you do have to monitor your intake.

    Also, when you post a comment on a community board you can't get defensive with the responses you get. You've opened yourself up for it.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    The name of this forum is "general diet and Weight Loss Help" I need to stress the word help here. It seems as though you do not want help hence, alot of folks have given you good advice and you have come back at them with "I can't because"... It seems to me that you came here not looking for advice or help, but for someone to say it's okay, and that you don't have to put any effort in what so ever and the weight will just magically fall off. I am sorry, but the chance of that happening here are slim to none. I do however wish you luck in your Journey. :flowerforyou:
  • lisakay0x
    lisakay0x Posts: 46 Member
    Not that you will take too kindly to this ... but, all I see here from you are excuses.

    And you're right, they only matter to you.

    No amount of advice any of us can offer will help you until you are ready to help yourself. No change is too difficult unless you make it so. No one is standing in your way but YOU.

    ^^ This.

    I'm getting the vibe you came here looking for permission to quit. PERMISSION DENIED.

  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    I don't think she's coming back.
  • kfritz7162
    kfritz7162 Posts: 10 Member

    I would really like to offer you some advice, but you are pretty defensive. You shouldn't feel bad that life got in the way, because it happens to everyone. When I started losing weight in January 2013, I had to make changes. I have a daughter, husband, house, full time job, puppy, cats, and am a college student. However, I still find time to eat right, log everything I eat, and exercise (not as regularly as I once was). I have managed to lost almost 80 pounds (79.6 lbs.) since 01.29.2013.

    My suggestion is to let your son ride his bike while you walk. It doesn't cost any money, and it forces you to walk faster to keep up with him. My neighborhood also doesn't have sidewalks, and my daughter rides her bike while I walk daily. Also, I plan and cook my meals on Sunday mornings, so that I don't cook all week. That frees me up to walk or do an exercise video after work.

    On weekends when I don't have to work, I get up earlier than the rest of my household and do my Jillian Michaels 30 day shred video. It gives me an opportunity to be alone, and have some "me-time".

    Best of luck to you!
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    is the pile on still going down?
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    is the pile on still going down?

    Jump In!!

  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member

    First off, take a deep breath and leave the anger, frustration, and disappointment where is belongs. In the past. In the past is your plan/method that has not gotten you the results you are trying to accomplish. It is not working. There is a breakdown somewhere. It happened to me 9 months ago, too. That was yesterday (or 9 months ago). That is done and in the past for you.

    Pick one thing to change about your healthy and fitness plan. I'm going to suggest, along with many others already, that you work on logging everything. MFP has a really great database, and their app for smart phones rocks. Don't worry about calories, macros, and other issues right now. Just work on logging accurately. Do that for two weeks. Just that. Only that. Get the accurate baseline going. Be brutally honest about everything that passes your lips.

    Understand that starting out many people found trouble logging. It takes a little bit of time for some of us to get it right. We aren't use to it. We aren't use to fitting it into our daily lives. However, everyone here having success did the same thing. We all stuck with it. It gets so much easier as you grow accustom to it.

    In two weeks, look at where you are at with logging. Are you more comfortable with it? How are your calories averaging out for the week? Are you ready to take the next step? If the answer is yes, what is your next step going to be? If the answer is no, take another week to log.

    Be patient. This is not a race. You are not competing with anyone. Remember, you have to breath.