


  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Damn....aaaaand now I I feel like a weakling, oh well, back to the gym :wink:

    Also, is it odd that I can bench more than I can squat?

    A little yes...not unheard of but pretty unusual. I would double check your form for squats.

    I'm sure it could use some work, I have trouble dropping my hips down low enough without feeling like I'm just going to sit down. It is catching up with the bench press quickly and will probably exceed soon, I used to bench quite a bit in college and it has always been one of my favorites so I probably just started with an advantage there...

    Also, having to use dumbbells for now since that's all the exercise room at my apartment has. I don't know if that might be affecting my form? It can be a bit tricky working the heavier dumbbells up on to my shoulders.
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    Here is another fitness test to check to see how you compare to the general poplulation, part of the ymca fitness test. At 80# x5, I would imagine you will score at least a good and maybe an Excellent on the test. (which is how many reps can you do at 35#)

    Thanks Mike! Today I will see how many 35's I can do.