What to do when the pizza place is right across the street?

I can literally take a walk outside of my apartment and the pizza place is right across the street from where I live. It takes me about 60 seconds to cross the street from my apartment door to the pizza place. What makes this scenario worse is that right next door is a Chinese take out place! So here I am minding my own business on the one day off I get during the week and as I am taking out the trash I realized I have worked so hard this week and I am just so tired and do not feel like cooking or making a mess in my kitchen and that pizza sure sounds about right.

I know I cannot have these foods since they are my weakness. But it was right there so I walk into the pizza place almost feeling like I had to drag myself out of there. I walked in and the smell was just ever so amazing and as I see them take one pizza after the other out of the oven it was like the pizza could talk and it was saying to me "you know you want me cause this is delicious and tasty so just order one now" but I knew I could not. So instead I looked up the menu and ordered a salad instead.

I was so proud of myself for not giving into my urge or temptation to order this pizza or to walk right next door and get Chinese food instead. However this happens often. Like if I am on the go or have a really busy day I feel like ordering out at one of these places is just easier and faster for me since I am always working or at school. How do I make it so that I don't want to go and eat at these places? Better yet when I walk in and order a salad but I really want that pizza how do I make it so my craving redirects itself to wanting a salad instead of a pizza? Seems so simple yet really such a difficult task for me.


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    What I do is get a vegetarian thin crust pizza and ask for no cheese or just a little cheese then it's not really a lot of calories. It's the fatty meats and tons of cheese plus thick crusts that make it more fattening. For Chinese go for seafood dishes or vegetarian and ask them to use less oil. No deep fried anything.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    what do you want more....pizza, or to achieve your physique goal? when I wasn't so good at making better choices, this is what i'd ask myself a lot. physique goal won every time. if you've planned out your food, and prepared it, it's quicker to walk inside and eat that than walk down the road for pizza :)

    (you can have both, but if you're likely to go in an order then eat an entire pizza its not likely to happen...perhaps learn how to make your own. make a batch of dough, freeze it in portions and make yourself a one serve pizza so you know exactly what you're eating, don't end up with leftovers, but still get to enjoy the pizza you enjoy!)
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    You need to move. it's the only way.
    Or go in and demand they change their location or you'll sue them for sabotage. Weight loss is serious business.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Learn to cook. The food you can make at home is better. I live within 50 steps of Mexican, Thai, Chinese, two bars with American, and a pizza joint. 100 steps and look out! Proximity has nothing to do determination.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    You need to move. it's the only way.
    Or go in and demand they change their location or you'll sue them for sabotage. Weight loss is serious business.

    Do this. Or the cooking one.

    I'd be eating a lot of pizza. Pizza fills all of the major food groups - your grains, your dairy, vegetables, and protein.... *drool*
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    You need to allow yourself to have those things sometimes. When you make foods forbidden it just makes you want them even more. Remember this is a lifestyle change, not just a diet, which means, this is how you will eat for life. Do you think you can realistically say you'll never eat pizza again? Honestly, pizza's not that bad in calories...what you need to really watch out for is that chinese restaurant!!! They are the devil!!! Lolol. No really, the calories in most of that stuff is ridiculous!!! Now having said that....you need to move. Get out of there! LMBO! JK. :D
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Just work it into your existing macros or do some extra work to earn it or don't eat it. You are making this way too complicated.

    If you've got lazy fat kid tendencies like me then just cook bigger meals that wil give you leftovers so you don't have to cook all the time.
  • johnnyr24
    johnnyr24 Posts: 90 Member
    What I do is get a vegetarian thin crust pizza and ask for no cheese or just a little cheese then it's not really a lot of calories. It's the fatty meats and tons of cheese plus thick crusts that make it more fattening. For Chinese go for seafood dishes or vegetarian and ask them to use less oil. No deep fried anything.

    I always tell them light on the sauce as well. I get heartburn easy and the sauce does not help plus I think the light sauce might be healthier in a way since I am eating less of it. But I will be sure to keep these suggestions in mind thank you :)
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Everything in moderation. I eat pizza, but instead of an entire large I now only eat a few slices, or a,whole medium when I have insane burns. As far as Chinese, measure out part of it and save the rest for the next day. I know once I put something in the refrigerator it's considered off limits for the rest of the day.
  • johnnyr24
    johnnyr24 Posts: 90 Member
    what do you want more....pizza, or to achieve your physique goal? when I wasn't so good at making better choices, this is what i'd ask myself a lot. physique goal won every time. if you've planned out your food, and prepared it, it's quicker to walk inside and eat that than walk down the road for pizza :)

    (you can have both, but if you're likely to go in an order then eat an entire pizza its not likely to happen...perhaps learn how to make your own. make a batch of dough, freeze it in portions and make yourself a one serve pizza so you know exactly what you're eating, don't end up with leftovers, but still get to enjoy the pizza you enjoy!)

    This actually sounds like a really good idea. I am trying to work out better time management. So I will see to it that I can try and make my own this actually is a lot healthier and I can't believe I never thought about this before. Thanks for the advice.
  • johnnyr24
    johnnyr24 Posts: 90 Member
    You need to move. it's the only way.
    Or go in and demand they change their location or you'll sue them for sabotage. Weight loss is serious business.

    My contract is up in February of next year. Once my contract is up I think moving is my best option. I only moved here because it was a quiet neighborhood and because they gave me a good deal on the rent and plus it was closer to the school I go to so commute time was less. But I agree maybe starting fresh in a place that is a bit further away might be of help for the best.
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    If you like to cook, prep meals ahead of time. That way instead of pizza you can just put something in the microwave or oven, and it's ready to go. I do this a lot, if I didn't, I'd probably give into temptation because I have half a dozen pizza places within a couple miles from my house.
  • johnnyr24
    johnnyr24 Posts: 90 Member
    Learn to cook. The food you can make at home is better. I live within 50 steps of Mexican, Thai, Chinese, two bars with American, and a pizza joint. 100 steps and look out! Proximity has nothing to do determination.

    I agree. I'm not vegan or anything but I have a vegan and vegetarian cookbook in my kitchen drawer. Problem is with my work and university schedule being so hectic I rarely have time for myself these days. Im thinking about cooking my meals in advance so that I have no excuse to order out. I just have to get into the habit of finding time to do so.
  • johnnyr24
    johnnyr24 Posts: 90 Member
    Just work it into your existing macros or do some extra work to earn it or don't eat it. You are making this way too complicated.

    If you've got lazy fat kid tendencies like me then just cook bigger meals that wil give you leftovers so you don't have to cook all the time.

    Sounds legit. I will be doing this. I will have to start prepping my meals ahead of time to save me some time but I know this might really work for me. Thanks for the suggestion.
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    Why not have a slice of pizza AND a salad? Filling and delicious and look at that you're eating veggies!

    The two actually go really well together btw.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    You get to save on delivery charges and you're complaining?
  • johnnyr24
    johnnyr24 Posts: 90 Member
    You need to move. it's the only way.
    Or go in and demand they change their location or you'll sue them for sabotage. Weight loss is serious business.

    Do this. Or the cooking one.

    I'd be eating a lot of pizza. Pizza fills all of the major food groups - your grains, your dairy, vegetables, and protein.... *drool*

    Pizzza is good but I am originally from New York so here in the northeast you know people love their greasy pizza especially out in the city. That is just the way that it goes. But I always ask them for light on the sauce and try to have them make it fresh and tell them to go light on any oils they use. But yes I see what you are saying here.
  • johnnyr24
    johnnyr24 Posts: 90 Member
    I'd just eat pizza and Chinese within my calorie limit. Problem solved. I don't see what the big deal is. 2 slices is around 600 cals. Big whoop! I eat pizza all the time.

    Problem is they don't sell pizza by the slice. All the other places which are farther away do but this place sells pizza as a whole in small medium or large so whenever I order a pizza it is easy for me to get tempted and lose that will power and go for the extra slice or two instead of just limiting myself to the 2 slices I should be eating. If they sold by the slice i would definitely go and get the 2 slices and not have a problem. I'm usually pretty good about ordering a salad but then I feel like I am just tourturing myself inside when I see other people eating pizza that I want so I cave in and go for the pizza when I know the salad would be the healthier option.
  • johnnyr24
    johnnyr24 Posts: 90 Member
    If you like to cook, prep meals ahead of time. That way instead of pizza you can just put something in the microwave or oven, and it's ready to go. I do this a lot, if I didn't, I'd probably give into temptation because I have half a dozen pizza places within a couple miles from my house.

    I'm working on that. I love cooking it's just time is not my best friend here. I am always on the go. From work to school I am just all over the place and some days I just do not have the time to do anything but work and go to school and if I get home so late I am so tired all I want to really do is sleep. But now that I am working on time management and trying to work with my timing better I think I might be able to work on prepping meals ahead of time.