How am I gaining weight?



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Also before I get on the treadmill, I do stretches and calves exercises.
    Stretches are good, but won't effect the numbers on the scale, they help prevent injuries and minimize stiffness. Its best to do stretches after a brief warm up of light cardio, it isn't good to stretch cold muscles.

    Since you didn't specify the difference between static and dynamic stretching:

    A brief warmup is all you should be doing before a cardio session, also known as dynamic stretching.

    Static stretching (which I'm assuming you mean) doesn't prevent injuries prior to exercise, static stretching prior to exercise can actually promote injury as it can weaken the muscles. Static stretching post workout is when it is mostly recommended, to prevent stiffness.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    I have read that losing weight isn't a consistant thing anyways..but you might be week I could get down to 225 or something and then go back up the week after. I know our bodies can fluctuate because sometimes I weigh less at night and weighed heavier in the morning or vice versa.

    I'm not going to lie, I love food..who doesn't? There might be some days every now and then when I kind of eat more than I should..especially when I go out to dinner..those meals are about half of my calorie goal..haha. But I don't see that making me gain weight when I eat out a couple times a month?

    Today is my I don't really plan on counting my calories. I just want to enjoy my day. But I'm still going to work out anyways because I'm trying to make it a habit.

    I don't try to under eat because I know that can make you gain weight too..I'm usually right at my goal or if not..slightly over.

    I know I don't log everything..I just find it time consuming or I either forget. But I do log it in my head and I've learned how much I can have.

    Happy Birthday to you! :flowerforyou:
  • therealnerwin
    Thanks! Well I pretty much got all the information I need to rethink my exercise and diet plans. Everyone made lots of great points.

    But since its my birthday, I'm going to stop thinking about diet and exercising and go doing something fun!

    If anyone knows a good website that has lots of good healthy recipes, share them :)
  • target_XX0
    target_XX0 Posts: 28 Member

    In school, I avoided physical education..even in high school. I hated it and to be honest..I'm not much of a fan of exercising still to day but I am trying to best I can.

    Im starting to think that maybe it just isn't for me.

    I started my diet when I reached 168kg... (As in "oh my god so many pounds you are two men in one")

    Thinking of doing sport made me sweat before even reaching for the gym bag.

    And I too thought I could guessball my calory intake.

    And so I lost two years where I made myself miserable in consistent failure...

    So now I weight my food. Everyday. Everything.
    And I follow my intakes, checking the carbs, that I have enough in protein, in vitamins.

    And each day when I tell myself that today I really could do without the gym I get up and grab my bag. Confuses my brain a bit at first but I learned to interpret the signal as "get up and move or die seating" 8)

    Can you walk ? Then start with that.
    Can you count ? Then get a food balance and add up your calories.
    Do you want to lose weight and get better ? Then walk some everyday, and check your intakes meticulously. And invest in a heart rate monitor that connects to your smartphone (if you have one) and get a better idea of how much calories you spend.

    And spend more than you consume.

    Here, secret of losing weight is now out and it is yours.
    Take it and run with it 8)
  • target_XX0
    target_XX0 Posts: 28 Member
    And happy birthday ! Get yourself that HRM as a gift, start countingnyour calories today also, and gift yourself a healthier life in 2014 8)
  • therealnerwin
    And happy birthday ! Get yourself that HRM as a gift, start countingnyour calories today also, and gift yourself a healthier life in 2014 8)

    I'm already healthy, according to my blood test results, i'm above average. Sure I'm on high blood pressure medication, but even if I lost weight..I may never be able to get off from it..possibly just lowering the dosage a bit.

    But I just want to lose my gut, I don't have much flabby fat..I work outside a lot in the I have quite a bit of muscles. I honestly just want to look better for my self and by doing that..I will have more confidence to do things.
  • jenns25
    jenns25 Posts: 6
    I use to weigh 150 pounds before and I tried everything to lose weight. I found a female fat burner especially for women only. It’s easier than I thought.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I've been doing cardio exercise for the past 2 weeks. I'm on the treadmill for 40 minutes 5 days a week and I tell you, the sweat is just dripping off me and I feel great after and everything seemed like it was going fine, I was losing weight and I got down to 227 early this week and as of yesterday I was back up to 229 and its been staying there.

    I don't try to overeat, I try to stay within my calorie goal and I've been doing pretty good watching what I eat. I do have a protein bar every morning before I work out, because I can't walk/jog on a empty stomach, I just don't have the energy too.

    Also before I get on the treadmill, I do stretches and calves exercises.

    I drink plenty of water as well, could it just be water weight? Maybe there is too much sodium in my diet?

    It was nice seeing the numbers go down on the scale, but when they are going back up..its really discouraging to me. It seems like every time I want to lose weight and get fit, it never works out..maybe I'm destine to be fat?

    I really wish I could do some strength exercises, but I just don't have any weight lifting equipment yet. I'm not trying to over do it like my cousin did and end up destroying his shoulder because he over worked himself. I just want to slowly lose weight and get down to a health weight.

    Am I doing something wrong? I know its only been 2 weeks..but I need a sign that I'm losing weight.

    Number 1,
    If the numbers on the scale are trending up, then you are eating more food than you need too.
    Plain and simple.

    Try doing some weight lifting instead of cardio so much. I do like 1 day of cardio a week now.....for maybe 40 min.
    Rest of the time it is weights.

    Get a good food scale, and weigh and measure everything......
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    1 - Get a food scale because what your doing is like going to the war with a weapon.

    2- You eat out a "couple" of times a month. It just doesn't sound good to me.

    3- Do high intensity cardio for 15 mins and focus more on weight lifting.