"Why do I feel like crap?"



  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I work with a bunch of fat miserable witches. They drink ten tons of soda every day. Every day somebody brings in brownies, cookies, cake, soda, and candy. They think tomato sauce on pizza counts as a vegetable. This is why they are miserable, fat and sick.

    It's depressing to see all my coworkers destroying their bodies. They all have to go to the doctors for their cholesterol and stupid things like that.

    Congratulations on your success, and your happiness with your lifestyle! :flowerforyou:

    While I can agree that making better food choices and moving more will lead to a healthier life, I find the extremely negative judgements of your coworkers depressing. Calling someone a "fat miserable witch" is hardly a happy and healthy mindset. Not one of us should be judging what others do to their bodies unless it is having a direct affect on you (example, your child, spouse, parent or other close family member). I see you have lost a lot of weight, and that is awesome, but I'm sure you would not have appreciated someone calling you the things you just called your coworkers back before you lost the weight.

    Edited for spelling :grumble:

    I am not calling them names or judging them for their weight or appearance. I made the negative remarks in response to THEIR nasty attitudes! I have no problem with overweight individuals who are happy with themselves, or overweight people trying to get healthy. I have a problem with severely overweight people yelling screaming ranting and raving all day, about how life sucks and this and that and they wish they could walk a flight of stairs while shoving a bag of cookies in their mouth!!! THAT's what I have a problem with!

    It's just a hunch, but I bet them feeling like crap has more to do with them being overweight/obese, and less to do with the fact that they eat donuts and cookies. Plenty of people eat "bad foods" and feel awesome.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I'm really glad you've found something that works for you. It sounds like you're doing great and feeling better than ever. I don't think I would have the same results. All or nothing approaches simply set me up for failure.

    What works for me is moderation. One night, I might eat a cheeseburger, fries and a couple beers and sit on the couch watching movies. Another night, I might have chicken and vegetable stir-fry and spend 90 minutes working out. I don't feel significantly different (better or worse) after having either of those nights.

    I try to maintain a healthy balance in life, and that includes plenty of healthy eating and exercise, mixed with a moderate amount of junk, booze and laziness.

    It's worked really well for me! I'm about to hit my two-year anniversary of maintaining my 66 pound weight loss. I recently had a wellness checkup and my bloodwork was 'impeccable' (according to my doctor). I think I look good. I feel great most days.

    Also, I totally count pizza sauce as a vegetable serving. I make my own dough and sauce (from scratch) and I know a serving of my homemade pizza has more than a half cup of my homemade sauce. Why wouldn't I count it?

    This is exactly me, and it took me years and years to figure it out. I honestly thought the only way to lose the weight and keep it off was to never touch a cookie again. Now THAT is what causes depression!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    That said: attitude is important as well. Perhaps yours could be your next goal? You seem quite angry and quite negative.

  • VixenInTraining
    I commend you for the changes you've made in your life. I'm just wondering if, since you've been able to lose 93 pounds, did you put on that weight by doing exactly what your co-workers are doing at the present? If so, then why be so harsh about their habits? Not everyone comes to the point of being able to change those habits at the same time and you're fortunate that you've been able to get there first. I feel a bit sad for others who are where I used to be...saying a prayer that they will find the inner strength to help themselves and I always am happy to answer their questions when asked. I've been there and know how many of them feel deep inside. Disdain for them is never a part of the equation.

    I put on that weight because of binge eating disorder brought on by severe depression. I ate large amounts of food in secret. But I knew what I was doing to myself, and I didn't yell and scream at people "Why am I getting so fat and why do I feel horrible all the time??!!!" I didn't make excuses as to why I was fat. And I didn't make the people around me feel bad for choices *I* had made. I took full ownership of my actions.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Why put your energy in looking at what others do and critisising? I can't imagine that is part of a healthy lifestyle either.

    Live and let live and just focus on what you need and want out of life instead of fussing over someone else's eating habits. My colleagues make fun of me every day because if the healthy choices I make. Instead of critising them or participating in the discussion, I just smile and answer that I happen to like it.

    Maybe save that energy for yourself. Might contribute to your healthy lifestyle.

    True...I just get really tired of hearing how they "feel like crap" all the time, they are constantly *****y and then they always make snotty remarks about how "why is SHE so happy all the time? Makes me sick!" (referring to me). I watch them shove junk in their mouths all day (I work in an office), they are always planning their next meal. At 9:30 am they are planning what to buy for lunch (as they stuff donuts in their mouths). It's like cows grazing all day. And no, I am not talking about people who eat in "moderation" with some treats here and there, or certain medical conditions such as PPD like the lady above mentioned. I mean people who constantly barrage their bodies with junk food and don't exercise with no mind to their health at ALL and then have the nerve to yell how they feel like crap and look at me with disdain when I tell them why I don't feel like crap. I tell them about my healthier lifestyle now and they roll their eyes and say "Well I can't do that! I ain't gonna become a health nut!" It's enough to drive anyone insane....

    Welcome to 70% of corporate office workers (along with the rest of the country while we're at it). You just have to be proud of yourself for doing what makes you happy and healthy. I get constant remarks about my lifestyle- jealousy is a b!tch, just remember that. It makes THEM miserable, not you. Be proud of what you're doing and let them continue to on the way they are.
  • VixenInTraining
    I work with a bunch of fat miserable witches. They drink ten tons of soda every day. Every day somebody brings in brownies, cookies, cake, soda, and candy. They think tomato sauce on pizza counts as a vegetable. This is why they are miserable, fat and sick.

    It's depressing to see all my coworkers destroying their bodies. They all have to go to the doctors for their cholesterol and stupid things like that.

    Congratulations on your success, and your happiness with your lifestyle! :flowerforyou:

    While I can agree that making better food choices and moving more will lead to a healthier life, I find the extremely negative judgements of your coworkers depressing. Calling someone a "fat miserable witch" is hardly a happy and healthy mindset. Not one of us should be judging what others do to their bodies unless it is having a direct affect on you (example, your child, spouse, parent or other close family member). I see you have lost a lot of weight, and that is awesome, but I'm sure you would not have appreciated someone calling you the things you just called your coworkers back before you lost the weight.

    Edited for spelling :grumble:

    I am not calling them names or judging them for their weight or appearance. I made the negative remarks in response to THEIR nasty attitudes! I have no problem with overweight individuals who are happy with themselves, or overweight people trying to get healthy. I have a problem with severely overweight people yelling screaming ranting and raving all day, about how life sucks and this and that and they wish they could walk a flight of stairs while shoving a bag of cookies in their mouth!!! THAT's what I have a problem with!

    It's just a hunch, but I bet them feeling like crap has more to do with them being overweight/obese, and less to do with the fact that they eat donuts and cookies. Plenty of people eat "bad foods" and feel awesome.

    And let me ask - how did they GET overweight in the first place? By eating an excessive amount of donuts and cookies which are calorie dense!!! Ding ding ding ! Like I said above, I wasnt referring to those who eat in moderation. I was referring to people who's whole diet consists of junk.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I work with a bunch of fat miserable witches. They drink ten tons of soda every day. Every day somebody brings in brownies, cookies, cake, soda, and candy. They think tomato sauce on pizza counts as a vegetable. This is why they are miserable, fat and sick.

    It's depressing to see all my coworkers destroying their bodies. They all have to go to the doctors for their cholesterol and stupid things like that.

    Congratulations on your success, and your happiness with your lifestyle! :flowerforyou:

    While I can agree that making better food choices and moving more will lead to a healthier life, I find the extremely negative judgements of your coworkers depressing. Calling someone a "fat miserable witch" is hardly a happy and healthy mindset. Not one of us should be judging what others do to their bodies unless it is having a direct affect on you (example, your child, spouse, parent or other close family member). I see you have lost a lot of weight, and that is awesome, but I'm sure you would not have appreciated someone calling you the things you just called your coworkers back before you lost the weight.

    Edited for spelling :grumble:

    I am not calling them names or judging them for their weight or appearance. I made the negative remarks in response to THEIR nasty attitudes! I have no problem with overweight individuals who are happy with themselves, or overweight people trying to get healthy. I have a problem with severely overweight people yelling screaming ranting and raving all day, about how life sucks and this and that and they wish they could walk a flight of stairs while shoving a bag of cookies in their mouth!!! THAT's what I have a problem with!

    It's just a hunch, but I bet them feeling like crap has more to do with them being overweight/obese, and less to do with the fact that they eat donuts and cookies. Plenty of people eat "bad foods" and feel awesome.

    I may be wrong, but I bet there is a connection between said donuts/cookies and their overweight/obese state.
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    I work with a bunch of fat miserable witches. They drink ten tons of soda every day. Every day somebody brings in brownies, cookies, cake, soda, and candy. They think tomato sauce on pizza counts as a vegetable. This is why they are miserable, fat and sick.

    It's depressing to see all my coworkers destroying their bodies. They all have to go to the doctors for their cholesterol and stupid things like that.

    Congratulations on your success, and your happiness with your lifestyle! :flowerforyou:

    While I can agree that making better food choices and moving more will lead to a healthier life, I find the extremely negative judgements of your coworkers depressing. Calling someone a "fat miserable witch" is hardly a happy and healthy mindset. Not one of us should be judging what others do to their bodies unless it is having a direct affect on you (example, your child, spouse, parent or other close family member). I see you have lost a lot of weight, and that is awesome, but I'm sure you would not have appreciated someone calling you the things you just called your coworkers back before you lost the weight.

    Edited for spelling :grumble:

    I am not calling them names or judging them for their weight or appearance. I made the negative remarks in response to THEIR nasty attitudes! I have no problem with overweight individuals who are happy with themselves, or overweight people trying to get healthy. I have a problem with severely overweight people yelling screaming ranting and raving all day, about how life sucks and this and that and they wish they could walk a flight of stairs while shoving a bag of cookies in their mouth!!! THAT's what I have a problem with!

    This ^^ Congratulations on your new and healthy lifestyle but your post does sound judgey. I understand how negativity is frustrating. Maybe these ladies are comfort eating? Maybe there are other things in their lives that aren't right (personal problems which contributes to the comfort eating)? They are judging you for your healthy lifestyle and being a 'health nut', you are judging them for their unhealthy lifestyles and being a bunch of miserable old witches.

    Doesn't sound like a very nice place to work!!
  • VixenInTraining
    I work with a bunch of fat miserable witches. They drink ten tons of soda every day. Every day somebody brings in brownies, cookies, cake, soda, and candy. They think tomato sauce on pizza counts as a vegetable. This is why they are miserable, fat and sick.

    It's depressing to see all my coworkers destroying their bodies. They all have to go to the doctors for their cholesterol and stupid things like that.

    Congratulations on your success, and your happiness with your lifestyle! :flowerforyou:

    While I can agree that making better food choices and moving more will lead to a healthier life, I find the extremely negative judgements of your coworkers depressing. Calling someone a "fat miserable witch" is hardly a happy and healthy mindset. Not one of us should be judging what others do to their bodies unless it is having a direct affect on you (example, your child, spouse, parent or other close family member). I see you have lost a lot of weight, and that is awesome, but I'm sure you would not have appreciated someone calling you the things you just called your coworkers back before you lost the weight.

    Edited for spelling :grumble:

    I am not calling them names or judging them for their weight or appearance. I made the negative remarks in response to THEIR nasty attitudes! I have no problem with overweight individuals who are happy with themselves, or overweight people trying to get healthy. I have a problem with severely overweight people yelling screaming ranting and raving all day, about how life sucks and this and that and they wish they could walk a flight of stairs while shoving a bag of cookies in their mouth!!! THAT's what I have a problem with!

    This ^^ Congratulations on your new and healthy lifestyle but your post does sound judgey. I understand how negativity is frustrating. Maybe these ladies are comfort eating? Maybe there are other things in their lives that aren't right (personal problems which contributes to the comfort eating)? They are judging you for your healthy lifestyle and being a 'health nut', you are judging them for their unhealthy lifestyles and being a bunch of miserable old witches.

    Doesn't sound like a very nice place to work!!

    Yup. I totally am judging them. Admitting it, owning it. Not apologizing for it. I feel they brought it on themselves *shrug* Hey, I'm human, I get angry. Never said I was perfect.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Cool thanks for the tip
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I understand that you have lost a bunch of weight, have changed numerous things in your life and are proud of that. It takes a lot of hard work to make major changes in ones life, but other people have to make that decision for themselves. Heck, I answered no to all of your questions, but I do not feel like crap. Will I be able to answer yes to your questions by the end of the day, yep, but I will also be consuming cookies, cake and candy. (I love holiday baking.) I find it hard to believe that you know every life detail of your co-workers and make the assumption that you know what is best for them.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Their choice to overeat, not exercie and complain.

    Your choice how you respond to them.

    Pride and wrath are as detrimental to one's health as gluttony and sloth.
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    I answered no to some of your questions and I don't feel like crap. I also add sugar to my homemade tomato sauce. I also would never call someone a "fat miserable witch". That is very judgemental and all you have done is give your opinion on why you think they feel like crap based on what you think makes you feel like crap. What are you trying to accomplish other than calling your co-workers names on an internet forum?
  • VixenInTraining
    Oh give me a break. I posted this to share my frustrations, hopefully give out some tough love and maybe a wake up call that someone out there may need right now. Now I am being painted as a bad guy. Whatever, I said what I had to say and I stand by it.

    Moral of the story - If you don't like something about your life then CHANGE it - don't COMPLAIN about it!!!!
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    I work with a bunch of fat miserable witches. They drink ten tons of soda every day. Every day somebody brings in brownies, cookies, cake, soda, and candy. They think tomato sauce on pizza counts as a vegetable. This is why they are miserable, fat and sick.

    It's depressing to see all my coworkers destroying their bodies. They all have to go to the doctors for their cholesterol and stupid things like that.

    Congratulations on your success, and your happiness with your lifestyle! :flowerforyou:

    While I can agree that making better food choices and moving more will lead to a healthier life, I find the extremely negative judgements of your coworkers depressing. Calling someone a "fat miserable witch" is hardly a happy and healthy mindset. Not one of us should be judging what others do to their bodies unless it is having a direct affect on you (example, your child, spouse, parent or other close family member). I see you have lost a lot of weight, and that is awesome, but I'm sure you would not have appreciated someone calling you the things you just called your coworkers back before you lost the weight.

    Edited for spelling :grumble:

    I am not calling them names or judging them for their weight or appearance. I made the negative remarks in response to THEIR nasty attitudes! I have no problem with overweight individuals who are happy with themselves, or overweight people trying to get healthy. I have a problem with severely overweight people yelling screaming ranting and raving all day, about how life sucks and this and that and they wish they could walk a flight of stairs while shoving a bag of cookies in their mouth!!! THAT's what I have a problem with!

    It's just a hunch, but I bet them feeling like crap has more to do with them being overweight/obese, and less to do with the fact that they eat donuts and cookies. Plenty of people eat "bad foods" and feel awesome.

    I may be wrong, but I bet there is a connection between said donuts/cookies and their overweight/obese state.

    They are overweight/obese because they eat to much food. Donuts and cookies did not make anyone fat. Eating to many calories overall did.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member

    I work with a bunch of fat miserable witches. They drink ten tons of soda every day. Every day somebody brings in brownies, cookies, cake, soda, and candy. They think tomato sauce on pizza counts as a vegetable. This is why they are miserable, fat and sick.

    Your not a very nice person!!! :angry:
  • JoanaMHill
    JoanaMHill Posts: 265 Member
    They think tomato sauce on pizza counts as a vegetable

    Too bad it's a fruit, huh?

  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Anyone remember when Tom Cruise said Brooke Shields could have cured her postpartum depression by taking vitamins?
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Oh give me a break. I posted this to share my frustrations, hopefully give out some tough love and maybe a wake up call that someone out there may need right now. Now I am being painted as a bad guy. Whatever, I said what I had to say and I stand by it.

    Moral of the story - If you don't like something about your life then CHANGE it - don't COMPLAIN about it!!!!
    Might want to take your own advice. Instead of b*tching on a forum about your co-workers raving at you about themselves, tell them to STFU or leave the room when they start. They'll still rant about themselves, but you won't have to listen to it.
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I agree with OP to a large extent. For years, I have strongly believed that diet and exercise can help with a lot of ailments. And there are a lot of studies that back this up - I am not going to link to any, but it doesn't take much searching to find them. From personal experience, I sleep better and feel better when I maintain a healthy nutritious diet and get physical activity. Of course, there are several ailments that will still exist even with good nutrition and exercise.