

  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    I was permanently dehydrated for years.
    A month could go by without me drinking a glass of water.
    Then I started doing it - forcing myself to drink it.
    After a few weeks, I couldn't live without it.
    My skin, hair, and energy levels are very much better for it.
    You'll live longer. Just do it.
  • DannehBoyy
    DannehBoyy Posts: 546 Member
    I know this sounds a bit blunt, but i was in the same position as you and i just made myself drink it. I felt like i was drowning and always thought it tasted fishy ! haha. But now after 2 months its all i drink. Has to be bottled for me though...the tap water round here is vile.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I never drink plain water unless I absolutely have to. I drink sugar free tea and coffee. The tea has 0's across the board with 5mg of sodium.
  • speedy740
    speedy740 Posts: 141 Member
    Hate to be blunt but suck it up and drink it. Your not gonna die. If u want results not everything is great.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I don't drink plain water and I get results. In my case, not drinking water doesn't hold me back.
  • DsAdvocate
    DsAdvocate Posts: 93 Member
    I thought I was the only one. I can't drink it. Well I can, then a couple minutes later it comes right back up. Anything more than a sip and I puke.

    I actually like water though! I just can't drink it :( I don't think it's mental because I quite like water. Doctor said it's just a quirk and wouldn't follow it any farther. So I drink everything but water. If I do drink water I need to put something in it, whether it's flavour/fruit/veggies. I also water down all juices quite heavily and do fine that way.
  • thebeautybeneath
    thebeautybeneath Posts: 62 Member
    I love water but my partner absolutely hates it. Instead she drinks crystal light, or those liquid drops in her water to give it a kick. Green tea is also a way to substitute. All of those are fairly cheap and can be found at a grocer, or Wal-Mart.
  • thegabbleduck
    thegabbleduck Posts: 52 Member
    I moved somewhere new and starting having trouble drinking the tap water, I basically stopped drinking any water for about a year

    I finally managed to get back into by using a brita filter, and forcing myself to drink a glass of water before I ate any meal, now its just habit, when ever I want to eat something, I have a glass of water first. Not only does it help with the water, but it also helps you realise if you are really hungry or just thirsty :)
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    Going from Dr. Pepper to Diet Dr. Pepper to deciding to change my eating habits, I have a really serious issue with non-flavored drinks. I'm used to drinking something with flavor, so water was a really huge hurdle for me.

    I gulp the water down during my workout because I'm sweating like a lunatic. But during the day, I just repurposed my last Diet Dr. Pepper 2 liter and make a bottle of Crystal Light. I drink that every day. It's tasty and satisfies my hydration needs.

    Raspberry Ice and Peach Mango Green Tea are my faves.
  • MrsLannister
    MrsLannister Posts: 347 Member
    I primarily drink water, but I hate it. I've tried putting lemon in it, but it makes it worse. I don't want to use any kind of chemical additive, like Crystal Light. I might try getting some herbal teas or something.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    If your used to drinking fizzy and sugary drinks then switching to water is a bit of a shock to the taste buds. You do get used to it, I remember when I only drank pop and drinking water just seemed awful but now its become a habit and I drink about 4 pints a day.


    Yup, stick with it. Diet drinks and flavored waters are not as good for your body or weight loss. You'll get used to it, but it takes a while.
  • mistress8956
    mistress8956 Posts: 265 Member
    Ok so I'll be the idiot who asks this question:) does it still count as water if your adding stuff to it? I have always thought/ been told it doesn't. Personly I think drinking water is gross :( my only fluid intack now that I've cut out juices n high cal drinks is 1 8oz bottle of lemon water while im at work so I don't get dehydrated ( I work in a hot kitchen) but besides that I don't drink.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Ok so I'll be the idiot who asks this question:) does it still count as water if your adding stuff to it? I have always thought/ been told it doesn't. Personly I think drinking water is gross :( my only fluid intack now that I've cut out juices n high cal drinks is 1 8oz bottle of lemon water while im at work so I don't get dehydrated ( I work in a hot kitchen) but besides that I don't drink.

    Juice counts. Milk counts. Soda counts. Tea counts. Coffee counts. The liquid content in your food counts. There's nothing magical about water, relative to other non-alcoholic, unsalted liquids for hydration, and nothing particularly magical about eight glasses a day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Oh please...


    1st world problems indeed....
  • tatiianag13
    tatiianag13 Posts: 76 Member
    Fluid is important. Water isn't. Drink something else. Or eat things with liquids (soup, fruit). If it has things in it that you are tracking, then just track it.

    If its important to you, you can learn to like water. Just like many of us learned to like vegetables. Or to drink coffee without sugar. If you just keep at it, your tastes will change. But if its not important to you, drink something else!
  • cecesmiles
    I hate it too but you know what, I keep an app on my phone (water your body) which will keep reminding you throughout the day until you hit your set goal of water to be drank. And also, flavor it a bit. And don't think too much when you are drinking it. I like to think of all its benefits while I drink it and it actually becomes easier :)

  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    I love water?!
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    lite beer is FULL of water!
  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    lite beer is FULL of water!

    I think PBR has water in it......
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    I love water, but I also love carbonation. Try Perrier. It's carbonated water - no artificial sweeteners.